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Posts posted by Peacemaker

  1. I absolutely love Ak real colours, the colours are spot on. I find I prefer the 10ml jars vs the 17ml droppers, they say they didnt change the formulation but the 10ml jars spray on like silk. I use the Mr Hobby thinners (levelling and rapid.) I use primer as part of the construction process but as other have mentioned being a lacquer they will chemically etch into plastic without it.

  2. I have 2 iwatas: HP-CP and HP-BP and 2 ebay airbrushes which are about 1/5th of the price of the iwatas.


    I use one for .5 and the other for metallics (so i dont get metallic particles in the next colour.)


    I use the ebay ones easily 90% of the time and very rarely use the Iwatas anymore. They were about $40 AUD and spray just as good as the Iwatas.




  3. I think the hype of future has died off 20 years down the track. AK's Gauzy is perfect for canopy dipping( they do a version for dipping with a wide mouth container), you just need to control any bubbles and dust falling while drying. I will normally polish, but if im lazy I will use Gauzy. Gauzy can also be purchased as a a clear coat. I also like vallejo poly clears. But ultimately my favourite is GX112/113 (i prefer the uv cut) like joel. 


  4. Absolutely stunning! I threw mine in the bin years ago. Glad you had the time, patience and skills to turn this into masterpiece. Unbelieveable that in 2024 there hasnt been an injection kit of the lifting body series.


  5. It was not a negative sentiment directed at you or your products. Its a genuine shame we don't have a 48th scale A-5A, apart from the very OOP cutting edge conversion kit. I would purchase an A-5A sheet regardless, i'm sure something will be along eventually.

  6. How about some subtle Nasa F-104's?


    My favourite, N820NA with the "italic"? NASA logo like the X-15/Sr-71/XB-70. G Model




    N812NA G model



    56-0749 A model



    71303 (later N819NA) B model. Note the logo on the Tip Tank Fins.




  7. Hi All,


    Any experience into using ALPS decals from Draw Decal? They offer a sheet that I am interested in, but I have never used Alps printed decals before. What is their quality like?




  8. Hi All,


    I need to sand the canopy framing off a Classic Airframes T.11 Vampire to fit Flightpath Photo etc framing which looks much much more accurate than the kit framing.


    How do I do it evenly? Should I paint the canopy first say in a water based paint and sand down the framing till i start removing the "glass" and then remove paint and polish?


    Also the instructions recommend gluing the framing with white glue. I thought I would coat the canopy in future and use CA? I cant see White Glue holding.


    Any tips?




  9. Anyone have this kit?


    Not many photos out on the web, couldn't find any build threads. Any photos of the kits air intakes, and or any build threads around that I didn't find?


    I understand this kit fills a niche void, but would you recommend it?

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