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About jeffryfontaine

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    Step away from the computer!

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  1. That same type of stores carrier was also available in the ESCI 1/48th scale Jaguar GR.1 kits.
  2. @Andrew -- This discussion on SNEB rocket products and containers from What-If-Modelers may also be useful
  3. The research hole deepens once again. From what I was reading in the link to the Wikipedia page the pod can have a frangible fairing on the nose (that the rockets shoot through) or a series of openings (one for each rocket). Adding to that is that there is one version that is disposable and the other version that is retained for re-use. Then there is the size of the rocket projectiles to add to the problem. Not sure if Libya was using the 68mm SNEB or one of the smaller diameter rockets since both types share a common container.
  4. @Andrew -- This link to Wikipedia may assist you in your search: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SNEB [quote]The SNEB rocket (Societe Nouvelle des Etablissements Edgar Brandt French: New Society of Edgar Brandt Establishments) is an unguided air-to-surface 68 mm (2.7 in) rocket projectile manufactured by the French company TDA Armements, designed for launch by attack aircraft and helicopters. It is also known as the SNEB rocket pod, and sometimes as the Matra rocket, due to it commonly being carried in pod-like launchers built by Matra.[/quote]
  5. @Don. What about the six small bombs that are included in the old 1/48th scale Monogram (Revell) TBD-1 Devastator kit? The details are a bit shy of what we currently expect but with a little clean up they do look like a 100-pound bomb in shape/size. Not sure about the length being the same as the M47 bomb but certainly worth a shot. Also the Accurate Miniatures has some some small 100-pound bomb shapes that might work but the things looked a bit off to me last time I had a look at the things. Contact me if you want to try using either of these as I have a surplus
  6. The F-86H in SEA camouflage is the most interesting for me. Too meek to take up the challenge of converting any of the Sabre kits to represent an F-86H so good on you to consider doing so.
  7. I know, this seems like beating the proverbial dead horse but I have to ask. Why beyond the 1/72nd scale F-86H and the OOP/OOB Collectaire 1/48th F-86H there is no normal injection moulded 1/48th scale F-86H for the rest of us to enjoy?
  8. Sad to see that price-gouging is alive and well for what was at one time an affordable accessory for models. Links: e[vil]Bay search results for 1/48 BLU-10 Napalm > https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=KMC+48-5073+BLU-10+Napalm&_sacat=220&_odkw=KMC+48-5073+BLU-10+(250+lbs)+Napalm&_osacat=220 e[vil]Bay search for 1/48 BLU-10 > https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=1%2F48+BLU-10+Napalm&_sacat=220&_odkw=KMC+48-5073+BLU-10+Napalm&_osacat=220
  9. Don. The fire bomb stores you are looking for were also available in resin from KMC many moons ago and later on under the Squadron "True Details" brand name as the BLU-10 Napalm Bomb. Links: ScaleMates > KMC BLU-10 250-LB Napalm Canister Vietnam > https://www.scalemates.com/kits/kmc-48-5073-blu-10-250-lbs-napalm-canisters-vietnam--1067985 This package included four BLU-10 in the package. ScaleMates > Squadron - True Details BLU-10 250-LB Napalm Bomb > https://www.scalemates.com/kits/true-details-48527-blu-10-250-lb-napalm-
  10. Sorry about sending you on a snipe hunt. I should have taken time to check the details further. :/
  11. There are four of those missile shapes included in the [url=https://www.scalemates.com/kits/dml-5511-ho-229b-nachtjager--1191213]DML/Dragon (5511) 1/48th scale Horten Ho 229B Nachtjager[/url]
  12. Always happy to be of assistance. I am surprised that no one has provided us with a better SUU-13 now that 3D printing is available.
  13. DesignationSystems.net has some information on the SUU-13 munitions dispenser at this link: http://www.designation-systems.net/usmilav/asetds/u-s.html#_SUU13 The list of sub-munitions includes the CBU-30 and has a link to that weapon within the listing. The early Minicraft/Academy 1/48th scale UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter kits used to include two SUU-13 munitions dispenser shapes..
  14. The General Discussion Archived Topics just got hit with another SPAM BOT a couple of hours ago. All have been reported as SPAM.
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