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Everything posted by Inquisitor

  1. Just when I bought a couple more of Hasegawa kits. The Hasegawa one is still a good kit with A and B versions in the same box in 1/72 scale. Got a few incorrect panels and limited riveting compared to the FM CADs. Lacks the niceties of modern kits like full intake trunks and better detailing in the cockpit and other areas. Can't see if FM has a full intake trunk from the CAD images, but I hope so. OTOH for a bit more than the price of a single FM kit I can buy 2 Hasegawa white box, hmmm...
  2. What he said. The Su-27 in model form isn't a tailsitter because of its shape and position of the main gear in relation to the center of gravity even from a model stand point. The other thing is, the nose gear of the vanilla Su-27 doesn't lend to a pin reinforcement, there are weak points elsewhere that will break first and can't be simply reinforced by a pin.
  3. scalemates got the weight of the UB box at 2.69 lb. while hlj list it at almost 3 lb. Far from the 1.1 lb you're expecting. The vanilla flanker shouldn't be far from the same weight.
  4. It's not like model companies have hundreds of molding machines churning out their whole catalog 24/7. They have to think what makes money for them and plan what to re-release and put on their machines. If they're molding new sci-fi and construction machines frequently then that might what's selling and making money for them. There's also the other reboxing deals and contracts in place mentioned. Like the Eduard scooters LE. There's the Hobby 2000 reboxings from which they've molded a certain number of sought after old kits like the short nose phantoms and F-111. We don't know how
  5. I was in talks with Sophia Lynm a few weeks ago to get clear parts replacement for their Su-34. She needed to check stock and get a reply. I was afraid I wouldn't get the parts after today's announcement and sent another email today to ask for an update. From her reply she said the company won't be releasing new kits in the near future. But they'll keep selling their stock for a "long" while.
  6. Here's the exception to your rule. "OHN F. KENNEDY" in the trumpyboss A-6 decals. "JOHN F. KENNEDY" in the decal placement instructions. The decal designer probably saw a photo from a single angle with the folded wing covering the J. And assumed that it said OHN. That single thing would explain what you say, lack of quality information. But then the instructions has the whole profile with the correct JOHN F. KENNEDY. What would you think? Could be the decal designer didn't give a @!#$ or request for better reference photos than the instruction design department? One would
  7. Free market competition is fine. It's the way they tend to ride someone else's coat with their announcements or reminding the public they are also working on the same subject. Like the obnoxious kid attending someone else's birthday party and reminding everyone there every few minutes that his birthday is next week.
  8. Trying to steal someone else's thunder like they've done many times before? This is the second time with Meng. Back then it was their F-102 or was it F-106 they did a presentation in a hotel hall with the kit in physical form and suddenly on Trumpyboss social media they announce the same kit with only CAD pictures Takom Maus tank, Trumpeter announces one with full interior but only CAD images. I can't remember if they had the same timing back in the day when Kinetic made the 'surprise' announcement they took over AA's Su-33 and Trumpeter announced they were working on a 1/32 and
  9. Seems some reviewers got their early samples. Here's a test fit review at the modelling news site: https://www.themodellingnews.com/2021/01/test-kit-dry-fit-review-48th-scale.html
  10. There are no dedicated Resin Exhaust for that kit. But from all the accuracy discussions in other flanker threads and from the various russian resin AM manufacturers the correct diameter in 1/48 should be almost exactly 1 inch. The AMUR Reaver exhaust catalog number RC4823, AMigo Models catalog number 48023-1 and Res-kit RSU48-0012 should fit if kit's is 'correctly' sized.
  11. Not my opinion. That's an in-joke. If you want the story search the original GWH F-15 B/D thread.
  12. It doesn't include pilot figures, so it's unbuildable!
  13. Finally good decals to replace Sh!tty Hawk's goofed decals.
  14. You also forgot to add the price of the Quinta Cockpit to the total, so that's another €18-20 for €130. Sh!tty Hawk solution. Same as the wrong windshield in the Su-27 forcing you to buy the Su-27UB or Su-30MK kit for the right windshield. Buy an Su-35 kit for €60 instead of the €35 weapons set. You get the weapons and a Su-35 kit for €25 😉
  15. What RKic said. Trumpeter has better surface detail (panel lines and rivets). The hump cross section I read somewhere it was kinda off. They didn't include the bigger centerline fuel tank used on the SMT. They also failed at math with some of the weapon sprues and they only include a single Kh-31 and only 2 R-73 missiles. Zvezda is more accurate and has a better selection and matching number of weapons.
  16. Was gonna make a post with pictures and colored lines to conciliate both dudes arguments. But stopped because I realized Nino is deep into a crusade like Galfa was with the F-15 kit. No amount of evidence or arguments gonna convince him that you can't get the perfect scale kit unless you make your kit out of tin foil for the perfect thickness of parts. Anyways that 508mm and 754mm for 'D'? both sides are correct if taken the measurements where they're supposed to be. 508mm for the diameter of the semicurcular aft end of the canopy as clarified by Haneto for 3+ times vs 754mm for the width
  17. Dude, where did I mention I'm stressed or if I'd buy or not the kit? Or did I ever say angrily foaming at my mouth "IT'S UNBUILDABLE!!!!!"? I'm merely helping pointing out that error. It's up to each individual's judgement what they take from that information.
  18. I see what Nino was referring to and yes the kink was placed in the wrong spot like the Su-35. On one hand he should have explained better without going down throwing insults and questioning people's intelligence or going on angry rants like the other threads. Here's an edited photo explaining the problem better. Basically GWH placed the kink on what should be still flat surface. Yes the kink in the su-35 and now su-27ub plastic is hidden by that wheel well door fence thingy but still wrong place. The real thing the kink should be along the wingroot strenghtening plate, w
  19. The more you talk the more you sound like someone living in a 1st World Country talking about 1st World problems, ignoring the rest of the world and how some people in other non privileged countries have to deal with these problems. Where I live there aren't any official channels for most of the brands. Only ones are Tamiya, Italeri and Zvezda and then they go through another distributor Tamiya USA in the former or the main company but that's twice a year on shipping containers for the later. So you can see how long it takes for them to get any response to defective products even from off
  20. And that's why people are posting their opinion. Or reposting some photos and pointing out the comments on the chinese sites about these mistakes as I did previously on the thread so people are informed of the issues with the kit. SO they can make their judgement if the kit is worth their time and/or money. Sure, go buy your KH kit blindly expecting it to have no issues and turns out you can't build the vanilla Su-27 option because they didn't include the correct clear part which isn't an easy fix, unless you consider buying another kit an easy fix.. Sure, stay silent and don't point out their
  21. Just like their sh!tty design, a sh!tty solution. If I'm not mistaken by the sprues, you need the MK to have both windshields, you'd use the extra center irst windshield on your Su-27 and the right mounted IRST windshield with your MK. You couldn't use the UB since you'd still need the center mounted IRST windshield for you UB, duh! I can't fathom the oversight of placing the center mounted IRST windshield only on the twin-seater canopy sprue...
  22. http://www.mr-hobby.com/en/itemDetail.php?iId=2885 Mr Color 393 for Eggplant color If you live in Japan as your profile says, you might have better luck getting that Gunze Mr. color locally than Akan or MRP as people suggest.
  23. Thought it was posted here, but it was in the other KH Su-27 Thread: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6768839715
  24. From the Baidu thread with the sprue shots, they are already pointing out a few problems with the kit. First the F sprue has parts for both types of IRST, center and right side mounted ones, but the only windshield part included is for the right side one which can't be used for the center mount IRST since it has a cut out on it. They don't include another windshield. Second and it's a Mr. Song level of stupid mistake. The left intake part where there should be a curve for the intake ramp/wheel well depression it's straight. It's not unbuildable per se, you only need to d
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