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Posts posted by bdt13

  1. I'm finding this tread alternatively infuriating and hilarious (thanks for the gouge on the team in the mountains mixing colors for us all🤣). I hate to say this as someone who gets AMS himself, but everyone just relax! Build the best model you can, but at the end of the day, its just a model.

  2. 10 hours ago, Dave Williams said:


    The entire point of me using acrylic paints is to avoid using smelly lacquer thinner.

    I have similar reservations, as my modeling space is "landlocked" and I cannot run a fume hood. I spray only acrylic, but my final airbrush cleaning after the air is off and I have disassembled the brush is to wipe everything down with some lacquer thinner. I keep the gloves and respirator on for that part. Not too much odor/fumes from that as the volumes are much smaller and I do not atomize the lacquer by spraying. 

  3. Yes, there seems to have been some confusion here, sorry. I was aware that the link I posted was to the F3H-G/H. I was using it only as a comparison to the original post photograph, in which I was mentioning that the second cockpit canopy could not be seen, or at least was not clear. Because I did not see it I was really questioning if this was an early F4H.


    I have since watched the linked video and see that it is indeed the F4H-1/F-4A mentioned. It is a testament to how low-profile the original second cockpit canopy was that it can so easily be overlooked from some perspectives. Did not mean to stir anything up!

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