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Posts posted by bdt13

  1. Progress:

    The engine, seat, and Lt. j.g. "Blobbo." I had to re-work him to cut off the fur cuffs from the boots. I thought it was a bit much for flying in the South Pacific. My skills are not up to getting the oxygen mask off of his face.



    I hope the color experten approve of my choice for bronze green. I used some of my 25 year old Gunze Aqueous Euro I green! I read somewhere that this is an OK match, and for this build, close enough is close enough. Don't worry about the big ejector pin mark in the seat, it will be covered by the pilot.


    The blur from my camera's poor macro performance may keep you from seeing it, but there is a substantial difference from side to side in the coaming length. Note that there is no instrument panel or other interior detail. This is 1965 kit engineering at its finest! I imagine this is the kind of kit a kid picked up at Woolworth's or Lampston's for less than a dollar, and he didn't much care about huge rivets or no instrument panels. You can see some of the sanding marks, I am trying to reduce, but not eliminate, the rivet patterns. I think they give the model character. :rofl:

    Given the current pace, and the fact that I got the pre-production A-10 I was working on done and off of the bench, I should make the deadline!

  2. Kevan-

    Thanks again for sharing your photos of this show. Interesting to see the 914th AW (Niagara) photographed so far from home. Do you know if they were on their way home from Afghanistan? The USAF web site has featured several photos of them there recently, and I understand a composite unit of J model Hercs has taken their place.

    I used to live not too far from their home base and enjoyed attending their airshows, and just seeing racking up the flight hours in training flights around Western New York.

  3. Ken-

    Wow! Love the Super Bug shot with the red strobes - it looks almost demonic, or like a flying ambulance! The shot of the same plane with the vapor and the afterburners is my favorite of the bunch. Cool to see them both together.

  4. Steven-

    "Respect the barrel" - yeah, that's Ohio for you. When I lived in Cleveland it seems they stored them on the highways when there was nothing going on at all! :bandhead2: I would have liked to used them for 30 mm target practice with a GAU-8!

  5. 1/144 Dragon F/A-18E, VFA-31 CAG Bird






    The weird asymmetric pylon configuration was seen on this bird at an airshow at Oceana a few years back. I think using it helped capture the Super Bug's often strange combination of pylons, stores, etc. I did cant them outwards, as the good folks at Dragon forgot to do this. I also added the red decal strip along the black spine.

    Thanks for looking!

  6. Thanks for your kind and prompt feedback. I kind of figured the kit decals were some training unit, but I thought some escort carriers might have used a funny pattern like that.

    This is almost a "just for fun" build, I'm not going to sweat many of the AMS details I sometimes do. I have filed out the belly windows and plan to fill them with clear window maker. I'll need to scratch the radio antenna, as the kit one broke off and was not there by the time I got the box 46 years later.

  7. Picked up this kit from someone I know who does the 'picker' circuit of estate sales, flea markets, etc. Looks like a simple build. I've been sanding down the rivets a bit, they seem over done.


    Decals by Starfighter, cost the same as I paid for the kit. Probably doing a Guadalcanal bird.


    Parts count isn't hateful. The copyright date is 1965, so I don't imagine the yellowed decals are any good. Anyone have any idea what unit the kit decals are, or what the paint colors would have been? Purely an academic question.

    The closeness of the end of the group build should give me some motivation to get this done in a jiffy.

  8. OK, she's finally done now. :D




    As I noted earlier, the unusual pylon configuration was the real deal, seen at an airshow in Oceana. I canted them out ~4 degrees, the kit has them straight, which is incorrect. My preference is to arm my models, but this is such an interesting look I decided to build this one clean.

    I also added the red edging to the skunk stripe (?) on the back using red decal. In the future I'll paint the RAM material on the back of the rudders, the kit decal doesn't quite do it for me. I'm also aware that the pizza box in front of the windshield should be gray, I just didn't feel like going back and doing it over once I missed it. My apologies to the purists out there.

    I'll take some nicer pix to put on the completed build thread.

  9. Thanks, the link works for me now.

    I have to say I was impressed with the flying displays today, but the static park left me cold. No fighters/tac aircraft to speak of, mainly trainers and heavies. Not sure what happened, but many of the promised a/c didn't show.

  10. Chris-

    I plan to be there tomorrow. Very much looking forward to it.

    Your link only takes me to the blogspot.com front page. How do I see your pictures?

  11. New (at least to me) Herc nose art:



    C-130H 78-0811 911AW PA ANG Pittsburgh, PA

    Seen 8/21/11, Latrobe, PA at the Westmoreland County Airshow. This show is back for the first time in 11 years!

    Wanted to put this in the general Nose Art section, but I can't seem to find it. Anybody help a brother out?

  12. Billy-

    Thanks so much for sharing these! It makes me feel the joy of my first airshow when I was 11 - 1981's Cleveland National Airshow.

    The plane you are in the gun blister of is a PBY Catalina all right. I have toured the very same one, probably about the same time or earlier than you did. No photos to share of that one, though!

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