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Posts posted by Najk

  1. Hey guys!

    Did some work on my Tamiya P-47D yesterday (1/72 scale, that is), and managed to screw up the "checkerboard" decals on the engine cowling.

    Does anyone out there have these to spare? The kit I'm talking about is Tamiya #60770 P-47D "Bubbletop" in 1/72 scale. Decals #16-17-18 on marking A on the instructions.

    I'll pay a reasonable fee for them, if needed, and shipping of course.

    Yes, those checkerboards can be painted instead, but those decals are good enough for me on this model... ;)/>


  2. Hey guys!

    Did some work on my Tamiya P-47D yesterday (1/72 scale, that is), and managed to screw up the "checkerboard" decals on the engine cowling.

    Does anyone out there have these to spare? The kit I'm talking about is Tamiya #60770 P-47D "Bubbletop" in 1/72 scale. Decals #16-17-18 on marking A on the instructions.

    I'll pay a reasonable fee for them, if needed, and shipping of course.

    Yes, those checkerboards can be painted instead, but those decals are good enough for me on this model... ;)/>


  3. Since the grey colours are Swedish made, there are no exact FS numbers for them.

    Regarding what FS number is the closest, scotthldr is not quite correct according to my sources. Closest for the Viggen fighter are FS 36329 or 36473 for the top, and FS 36440 or 26493 for the bottom. Be aware though, that the Draken had a darker topside colour. Add approximately 10% of black to the grey, to get the correct shade.

    There is quite a good colour reference chart HERE for Swedish colours since WW2.


  4. Thanks Jari, excellent pics! Just what I was looking for! Didn't find them on google though, spent half last evening trying to find those kind of pics...

  5. Hey guys!

    I'm currently modelling a TA-7C Corsair II and am a little confused about the exhaust. A friend of mine says it's supposed to be a "cover plate" at the end, around the exhaust pipe.

    I made a quick scetch in photoshop, so you all can understand what I'm trying to say here.. ;-)

    The "plate" I'm talking about is the red thingy in the bottom pic. Is it supposed to be there on a USN (NSAWC) TA-7C, or on some specific airframes, or not at all?

    As you can see it's not there at least on a Greek TA-7...

    Thanks dudes!


  6. Yes, I've seen and purchased several of them, and I won't be purchasing any more. They're just not up to the standards that have become the norm. Even short run producers are doing *much* better detail than what Airfix is doing these days.

    Well, I wouldn't either, if they are that bad. Wouldn't buy more than the first one. But I've noticed that on the Hawk I mentioned as well, the panel lines aren't really up to Hasegawa/Tamiya/Eduard standards.

    Sadly, I must say, since they have every opportunity to really shift from the "old" Airfix to a new one, with overall better kits.

    But then, as Bobski says, it's really good bang for the bucks, compared to the more expensive Fujimi...

  7. I have to also disagree strongly there. The Fujimi kits are little jewels. I know (as I've said before) that I'm a blaspheming heretic for saying so, but all of the new Airfix stuff is very clunky and chunky IMHO. The panel lines, while not quite Matchbox-esque, are close. Far, far too wide and deep, especially for 1/72. The kits look more like sophisticated toys than serious scale models. I just can't drink the Airfix Koolaid I'm afraid.

    Jennings, have you actually seen/built the newer Airfix kits, or do you base your opinions on pictures?

    I myself have not seen the new Airfix kit, but I do have the Fujimi ones, and I must say it is a truly outstanding kit. I can't comment on it compared to the Airfix one though, since I've only seen pics of it.

    One thing I DON'T like about at least the new Airfix Hawk (Red Arrows boxing) are the decals. A little out of register, bad density and very fragile. So I fear a little of the decals in the new A-4 kit as well.

  8. Hi Niklas! many thanks for your words. I,m very happy with how the bird is turning. And I find very interesting too the fact that you knew the 37441 "in person"! Could I ask, without been indiscet, wich was your job on F17? I find very interesting the way that the SWAF was operated on those days.



    Hey Juan!

    Sure, no problem! We actually had that particular aircraft at the F4 wing, when F17 recieved their Gripen fighters. I was an aircraft mechanic in the SwAF.

    If you need more pictures, just let me know!

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