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Posts posted by Najk

  1. You bet, I don´t remember building this much in years :D

    Having 6 months of parental leave coming up soon....will probably take a good chunkout of my stash next year :D

    Hah, it's the opposite of me then..! My boy is turning 1 year and a half in little over a month, so all time awake is full of action!

    Luckily he sleeps 1-2 hours each day, so there's my modelling time, when everything else like washing clothes, ironing them, cleaning the house, etc is done.. :P

    But hey! They do make you happy, so it's sooo worth it! :D

  2. Thanks Niklas for your help, but now I'm even more confused. After the DI mod, can this version carry the Skyflash or this ability was removed in favor of the AMRAAM?

    My intention now is to use 4 AIM 9 and 2 Skyflash if this were correct...


    If I recall correctly, the SkyFlash ability was removed in favor of the AMRAAM. So if you want a completely accurate bird, you should put on AMRAAMs instead of the SkyFlashs.

  3. Thanks Jane. So it can carry four AMRAAM but no four Skyflash? I've seen over the web a 3D recreation of this aircraft with 2 Sidewinder, 2 AMRAAM and 2 Skyflash, is this configuration correct?


    No Juan, no mix possible. Before the D-mod, the Fighter Viggen could carry either six AIM-9's, or four AIM-9's and two SkyFlash. After the mod, it still could carry six AIM-9's, or four AIM-9's and two AIM-120's, or two AIM-9's and four AIM-120's. It's also possible to put on two AIM-9's, three AIM-120's and one U95 jamming pod. Link to U95 jamming pod

    HTH! :)

  4. Looks great Juan, really amazing job!

    One small pointer though; On the JA 37, the inner and outer wing "ailerons" are actually connected to each other on the fighter, so they move as one, so to speak, see pic below.


    Also, the Viggen version you are building is a DI-modified airframe, which is capable of carrying up to four AMRAAMs instead of the SkyFlash, on the fuselage and inner wing pylons. :)

  5. Juan, just found out from a friend of mine, who's been working on the Viggen. The AJ-family (AJ, SF, SH and SK) didn't have anything of interest behind that hatch. Just the JA had.

    Only the Fighter Viggen had that tape recorder, since that system wasn't installed on the other versions. I'm still waiting for some more info from him about that hatch, to see if it's still

    likely to have it open in day-to-day operations.

    Will give you a link to some pics of the "Akktu Stakki"-Viggen as soon as I've uploaded some somewhere.. :P

  6. Hi Niklas! many thanks for your praise words. I´m learning a lot and really enjoying with this build, although sometimes is boring when you have to do the sane thing four times, but I hope the end result would worth the effort.

    About your offering on the pics of the open hatch they would be really welcome, as well as those of that Akktu Stakki bird. I have not been able to find a lot of pics of this bird and they would be very usefull for the paint job. Many thanks in advance.



    Well Juan, since I have about 100 pics of that particular AJSF 37 (Akktu Stakki), what exactly do you need..? ;-)

    I haven't found any good pics of that hatch, but I'm digging into it a bit more, so just have some patience.

    This is what I found so far though.. Remember that this is a JA 37, it probably looks a little different on the AJ 37...


    Keep up the good work!

  7. Greetings Juan, and congrats to some fantastic craftmanship in your detailing of these Viggens!

    I'll look through my Viggen photos, to see if I perhaps have some detail pics for you of that open hatch. No promises though.. ;)

    If you need some more pics of the Wolf-Viggen (recce), please let me know, because I have A LOT more than the photo you linked to.. :)

  8. I must say Kristian, the more I look at it, the more impressed I get!

    The colors truly are spot on! Good thing you toned down the paw as well, since I recall it being dark grey, not black. Not the first thing TwoBobs messed up.... :lol:

  9. Hey guys!

    I'm currently doing a Norwegian F-16BM (two-seater) in "Arctic Tiger" scheme, the one painted up for Nato Tiger Meet 2007 (LINK).

    Decals are from Model Alliance, and looks really good!

    My question is regarding the colors of the Norwegian F-16 though. In the painting/decalling guide included with the decals, it states FS36375 for the overall color, but everywhere else it states FS36270 for Norwegian Vipers.

    Could anyone point me in the right direction here..? I don't think this particular jet was repainted in a different grey than its Norwegian sisters, am I wrong assuming this..?

    Any and all help appreaciated!


  10. Considering the time frame of the photo, the pod on the right pylon would be an ALQ-101(V)-8. This pod was the predecessor to the ALQ-119. The pod on the left pylon could either be an ALQ-87 or an ALQ-71. Looking at the antenna arrangement of what appears to be its two "cans", I would go with an ALQ-71(V)-2 or (V)-3.



    Thanks Larry, that helps a lot! Do you know if those pods are available in 72nd scale? Any media will do, resin or white metal or plain plastic.. :pray:

    I think I have a Hasegawa weapons set, were the ALQ-87 and ALQ-119 are available, will these do instead of the ones you mentioned?

    EDIT: Just found out that Hasegawa Weapons Set IV has the ALQ-87, ALQ-101 and ALQ-119. Just need the ALQ-71 then... :woot.gif:

  11. Great pics Ikar, some interesting loadouts there. Not the normal "wavy" demarcation line on the drop tanks. Looks like an ALQ-184 or something similar on the right wing inner pylon..? But what's that on the left inner?

  12. Hey guys!

    I've been surfing the web to find some good pictures of a Vietnam-era RF-4C in South-East Asia camo. Found a few, not all that good though. So now I ask for your help! Has anyone got some decent pics, from which I can tell the markings? Any and all pics appreaciated!

    Also, are there any decal sheets out there for the above? Haven't found any myself, so so far it looks like I'll be picking parts from different sheets.

    Anything else I should know for such a build? I plan on using Aires burner cans, Quickboost seats, True Details bulged wheels and some Airwaves PE canopy details. What should I use for the cockpit? Eduard PE perhaps?


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