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Posts posted by Najk

  1. No dedicated T-45 kits as of yet.... But I think there is enough demand that one could be on the market in the not-to-distant future...

    Doesn't Italeri do a T-45? At least they did once IIRC..

  2. Nice going with the canopy and windscreen, looks really good! :)

    Couldn't you just add some Tamiya Smoke and Clear Yellow in the Future, and then dip the clear parts?

    This would save some time, and hopefully be just as good..? :thumbsup:

  3. 1/48th Canadian, Chinese, French, Italian, Swedish aircraft wishlist:

    - Saab J-32 Lansen


    Actually there is a 48th scale Lansen coming up within the next few months from a newly born Swedish manufacteror.

    Will be injection molded... :thumbsup:

  4. Stay away from the Vallejo Air Gloss clear!!!!

    I tried that stuff, and it ruined the model completely! It went on with the worst orange peel effect you've ever seen, nearly like a real orange.

    I ended up with having to strip the paint of the kit and start all over again. Vallejo Air's paints are great, but never ever go near the gloss clear...

  5. It's a really nice try, the faded paint job looks great. But.

    Those decals looks like they've been overpainted with black, they don't look weathered or sun faded. A very thinned layer of white would have been better, I think. The number "10" on the left side of the nose is also misaligned, you've put it on at an angle.

    The large white numbers on top of the wings also look blackened, not really realistic.

    Here's an example pic for you!

    And another one..

  6. Thanks a bunch for all the answers on this one! :blink:

    Realizing now, after Ray's amazing explanation, that the best way to go is probably kit-bashing the Esci/Italeri with a Hasegawa, with addition of either an Italeri replacement nose, or the Fireball resin set. I thought at first it was kind of a "quickie", but it's all but that! :P

    Oh well, isn't this what modelling is all about!? I'll for sure head down that road, now I just gotta get (gotta find'em first...) the kits, the resin set, and those Fireball decals as well.... :tease:

    Pics will come, in due time, you can count on it....! :woot.gif:

  7. Hey guys!

    I'm thinking about getting me an UH-1D for a Vietnam group build we're putting on at my local IPMS chapter, but after searching through eBay I see there are several manufacterors. Which one is the best?

    So far I've come up with:

    * Hasegawa

    * AMT

    * Italeri

    * Revell

    I'm also thinking about ordering Fireball Modelworks' decals for Huey Slicks in Vietnam, has anyone got any experience of these you can share?

    Thanks a lot!

  8. Hey guys!

    I'm on the hunt for some CH-46 decals for my HobbyBoss kit.

    To be specific I'm after white lettering, MARINES, and for squadron

    markings. Has anyone got some to spare, or know where I can get

    hold of them? PM me!! :thumbsup:

    I know there are some in the HobbyBoss CH-46D kit (not the one I

    have...), those are perfect, if someone has them to spare.. :worship:

    Thanks a lot!

  9. Hey guys! I'm on the hunt for some US Marines titles and lettering, for use on a

    HobbyBoss CH-46 in 72nd scale. If anyone's got the Marines decals over from their

    HobbyBoss CH-46D, and are willing to part from them, I'd be more than happy!

    Trade or payment is your choise, as long as it's reasonable...


  10. Come on guys, don't we all know both how to give good feedback, and how to take feedback? Most of the times I think you can "sense" when the tone is wrong. Then it's up to us to tell that person "this isn't the right way of saying it", or "be a little more humble in your tone", or things like that. This forum is by us, FOR us! We should WANT critique, at least I do. That's how I'm getting better as a builder. But taking critique the right way is almost as important! Don't think the worst of people all the time. If you sense a bad tone, PM the guy and ask him/her if it was ment that way. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't meant as bad as it sounded, it just came out that way when he/she forgot to put a smiley next to the comment...

    But, as people have stated already, things like "you've got the colors wrong!" isn't critique, that's just a way of trying to trash a persons build. Be polite, and do give critique, but in a nice manner. Shouldn't be all that hard! Or am I wrong..? Please do tell me, if you think I am. I can take it.. ;)

    Most of the time I think we are just too worried about not stepping on anyones toes here, so we actually just "tag along" and praise the build, no matter how much room there is for improvement. I know I've done so a few times in the past, I'm not perfect, and I know it. :D I'm just a guy trying to build plastic models, and I do have a lot of fun while doing it! Forums like these help me improve, but without people telling me what to improve, I'd still be building kits like I was when I was 10, with tube glue all over the place and paint on the canopy's clear parts. Nowadays I don't, thanks to you guys. We all have lots and lots to learn from each other, so go ahead and teach!

    Happy New Year to you all! :)

  11. Thanks Niklas! Yes, this kit is far from perfect, maybe not even "good". But please build it anyway, can't get enough of them! :D


    Well, mine'll be in 72nd scale, when I get around to building them (several, correct.. ;) ), but of course I will build some. :)

    Just have to gather some inspiration to take that kind of project on.... :)

  12. Really nice going there, Johan! Nice to see a good representation of the Gripen,

    not just an ordinare OOTB build. I've used to work on them at the now disbanded

    F4 wing, so I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to doing one myself, now that I can

    spot all that's wrong with the kit.. :D

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