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Posts posted by Najk

  1. The camo looks great, Janne! Really awesome build, can't wait to see it IRL.. :)

    How about taking a break from the Sufa, and just smash something easy together

    really fast in the meantime? Maybe a Star Wars kit? :)

    Happy New Year!

  2. This is the loadout I used on my 1/72 scale A-7D, after asking around here.



    Fuel tanks on the inner pylons, 4 x Mk82 on MERs on middle pylons, and 1 x Mk82 with fuse extender on outer pylons.


  3. Hey guys,

    This is what I managed to put together during 2009. First out is an Airbus A321-200 in Air France livery.

    Kit is Hasegawa, and scale is 1/200. Finished late January.



    Next out was a Hasegawa F-18C Hornet in Kuwaiti AF markings. Scale this time is 1/72, decals from Orion.

    Was finished the day after the Airbus. :cop:



    My third finished kit was the Revell F-16AM Falcon, also in 72nd scale. This one was finished early July.



    Productivity faded somewhat during the spring and summer, due to me buying a house, and renovating

    it a lot, both on the inside and outside. :) Nevertheless, I still managed to finish a fourth kit in early

    September, this time a Swedish AF J 35J Draken. Kit was Hasegawa, scale still 1/72.



    My plan was to finish a fifth kit in 2009 as well, but the time just ran out. All that I had left on this P-51D

    was a semi-gloss coat of clear, and to glue on all the fiddly bits like landing gear and drop tanks. Got this

    done yesterday (January 3rd), so you can tell it was close.. :cheers: Marked up as a Swedish AF bird of 4th wing

    in Östersund, with some special exercise markings on the rear fuselage and wingtips. 1/72 scale as well.



    A final Happy New 2010 to you all! May it be productive! :)

  4. When I spray Alclad, I usually wait 30 minuter to an hour before I mask.

    I use Tamiya tape for masking, and always "untack" those a little on my

    workbench, before putting the tape on the Alclad surface.


    This Mustang was sprayed with Alclad, mostly yesterday, masked and all.. :thumbsup:



  5. When I first saw the finished model, I thought "wow, this looks really overdone, not really real..", but when I

    saw the photos of the real thing, I just had to change my mind.. Really well done, Ronald, it looks just like on

    the photos, stunning paintjob, dude!! :thumbsup:

  6. Hey guys!

    I recently bought an Italeri UH-1F in 72nd scale, but the instructions were missing.

    Does anyone know where I can get hold of a copy? Doesn't really matter if it's on

    paper or in digital form, I just need it to build the helo. Perhaps someone can scan

    it for me?

    Oh yeah, kit number is 1229... :)

    Thanks a bunch!

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