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Everything posted by hawkwrench

  1. Just like the title says. I REALLY need this fret for a scratchbuilding project. This is the only (and correct) style of seat belt hardware used on the UH-60 pilot's seats. NO ONE has it for sale anymore. Will pay for it. Tim
  2. As the title says. I'm in desperate need of finding this photoetch fret for a scratchbuilding project. This is the only (and correct) style of buckles for the UH-60 pilot seat I'm making. Will pay for it Tim
  3. Can't never go wrong buying a -10, but If I remember right, the -10's were the operating manual. You should look for the aircraft information manual. That would have more info important to a modeler. Tim
  4. Can't go wrong with Hobbyzone USA paint modules. Tim
  5. A little more done on the MH-60 tonight. The top doghouse was a tight fit that needed clamps to get it down fully onto the fuselage. Comments welcome! Happy Thanksgiving guys! Tim
  6. Got a little bench time in today before work. All the seams look cleaned up and added the nose radar mount onto the fuselage. That's all for now Tim
  7. Sorry, been busy lately and frankly, forgot about the pics. I can see them. Thanks for posting! Tim
  8. Personally, I'd love to have a page setup for that!!! Tim
  9. Congrats Oliver, can't wait to get my issue to read it! You deserve it after all your hard work on it. Tim
  10. Glad you got your mo back. I love watching this come together. You sure you don't wanna do the wings?????? Tim
  11. I've noticed in various threads that occasionally you come across a long blue line and right beside that, it says "unread replies " Why is that there and how can you read the replies if you want to??? Tim
  12. Just catching up with the build. Wow! Looking really nice Oliver. Ease up on the styrene though, I can't find any in stock!!! Tim
  13. This one along with about 7 other Hawks and 4 Little Birds built by other modelers are going be placed inside a museum next year. The next one I build will be for a Somalia MH-60L crew chief, and he hasn't mentioned wanting to see the engines, so probably not gonna show it on his build. Tim
  14. Tonight I finished up the upper transition area of the MH-60L. I read where flying leathernecks offered a 1/32ALQ-144 so I bought it and put it on. (Should have bought the 1/35 one) The wiring was 2 short pieces of 020 lead wire. I drilled a 1mm hole and pushed the wires thru and glued them underneath. I'm pretty happy with the way it looks! Here's what I'm after: And here's what I've got: Comments welcome Tim
  15. Hopefully they get around to doing a set for the Kitty hawk MH-60L and HH-60G kits. Tim
  16. Some work detailing up the tailwheel. I painted it using my custom Night Stalker black. I painted the tire and the electrical cable tamiya rubber black. I used a chrome molotow 1mm marker for the oleo strut and wow, I love it. I then hit it with testors dullcote followed up by a highlighting using a white chalk pastel. Tim
  17. Thanks Tank. It was a pain getting those decals to settle down around the PC rods. The silver track labels were a little bit less hard, but a pain regardless. Just gotta add the de-ice wiring and some weathering next. Tim
  18. After much fussing and lost hair, I'm calling the head DONE!!! That's all for tonight Tim
  19. Let's not forget the "wow these are driving me insane" factor either! Tim
  20. The hub of the MH/HH-60's are color coded red, blue, yellow and black, so when I found some decal stripes that matched the colors perfect, I thought it would give the hub and head a "WOW" factor. If you go this route, you better have tons of patience. All the decals went on great, except for the PC rod and silver tracking label at the top of the rod. THEY WERE AN ABSOLUTE PAIN IN THE BUTT!!!!!!!!! Just some paint touch ups and final gloss and flat coat and I'll be glad to call this done! Tim
  21. Ha, I'm 53 and screaming along!!! (NOT) Just having some fun with ya Gino! Tim
  22. Aged? Weak spots??? How dare you use such abusive language about our beloved hawks you cannon-cocker!!! Lol Tim
  23. I did it at a 2/1 ratio. 2 parts MM helo drab acrylic 1 part MM interior black acrylic. Tim
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