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About Aussie_superbug

  • Rank
    "Speak softy and carry a big stick; You will go far" - TR
  • Birthday 12/13/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia
  • Interests
    Modeling aircraft of the Australian Defence Force in 1/144 - 1/72 scale. Also dabble in the odd occasional car and boat build as well

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  1. Heya Ray, Yeah cannot disagree with it being fiddly to mess around with, I've had a couple of days break from it, but now back at it.... got some time on my hands at the moment. Glynn, wish you all the best with your build
  2. Hi pollie. Yeah that i did worked out pretty quickly! I was just throwing the question out to see if anyone has built it as yet? I definitely agree with you that they look great.
  3. Sorry for reviving an old thread. Has anyone actually built the 1/72 kit with the Aries pit as yet? here's what I have started today. cheers Brendon
  4. Today the southern NSW and northern Victoria fires joined up creating about a 600,000 hectare fire. As an Aussie, I cannot express a bigger enough thanks to the Canadian, US and Kiwi firefighter teams coming over helping us out. I work at one of the Avalon where both Coulson C-130's and Conair RJ85 tankers are based, this photo was taken on early Monday morning, the smoke haze was a combination of the fires in both states.
  5. Good evening All. Most Probably a long shot here, I received a Hasegawa Neppy for Christmas, and have intention to build it with Bombay open. I know that Eduard prduced a PE set for it has been discontinued for quite a while ( at least 17 yrs) I was wondering if anyone had purchased this set? If so would anyone be able to scan a copy of the PE set as I would like to create the bombay in plastic card. Cheers & TIA. Brendon
  6. Merry Christmas to all. Hope you all get some plastic from the Big Fella.
  7. Sorry to hear. My condolence to his family. Brendon
  8. I was gonna say polar opposites in temperatures as well.
  9. Australian Hornets already have NVIS external lighting, So why does it need replacing? What is the difference in the landing gear? I am to assume that it be heavier brakes due to the fact that they will be operating in a subzero temp environment rather than an Aussie winter.
  10. Yep the F-22 refueling trials were conducted in August & Sept 2018 successfully.
  11. First 2 F-35's to be based permanently in Australia. Changing of the Guard image: Australian Department of Defence.
  12. Mark.. Australia went down that path and besides the OT&E issue with the boom falling off that one time, We've have had no operational issues at all. Hey at least we have a new tankers. But this is not the thread to hijack. Lets get back to the F-35 Brendon
  13. You're definitely right there,, And the US would have a new tanker in service now, If Airbus had gotten the contract for it
  14. I am still not a fan of the new style skippy.
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