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Everything posted by admiralcag

  1. Have you take a clear shot of the rear? I am trying to figure out the color. Thanks! Vern
  2. Also, there are three different versions 🙄. I am going to put a magnet in the docking collar in hopes of sticking it to my refit. I considered putting it in the hangar deck of one of my 1/350 carriers, but it would be there forever. Vern
  3. Side Quest! Why now? I started off with epoxying a neodymium magnet into the bottom of the Falcon. All the parts are primed. I talked with a friend who builds a lot of Bandai kits and he said using Mr Surfacer would work well. Bandai's plastic does not work with enamels. I will also get to try Vallejo Air on this project. Vern
  4. I finally got going on painting this beast. I am making so many rookie mistakes on this one. While priming the hangar/reactor assembly, I stuck my thumb in fresh primer. I am also making mistakes on the order that I put down color coats to ease masking. More on that in a bit. I really wish Polar Lights would go back to regular painting guides. I am struggling to pick out the right shades from the illustrations on the box. Also, the box doesn't show everything. I am going to have to ask Polar Lights for replacement parts. The photo etch, which I really wanted to use, is
  5. Side Quest - 1/350th scale Millennium Falcon. Why? Because it looks pretty simple and it will be funny. Vern
  6. So, life really killed me on this one. Work ramped up to an insane level. There are still gaps and a pretty nasty paint run that needs to be sanded out. I also tried to design paint masks for the engine skirts and the interstage between the S-II and the S-IV. My measurements were off, so I need to try again. I did get the F-1's primed and painted last weekend. I am planning on batting them with aluminum foil. Primed with Mr Surfacer Black 1500. Alclad Steel. Vern
  7. I will have to try that. Thanks! Vern
  8. Would that be a good way to resurrect some Acryl Blue? Vern
  9. I have been enjoying my build. Fun kit. Vern
  10. It's a great time to talk to people. Check out Iron Modeler. Cruise the parties. Lots of incredible models in the show. The guests are very accessible. Vern
  11. More work done. I finished coating the interiors with flat white. This one, in addition to the white to reflect, I have sprayed Tamiya Fine Gray primer as a base for Alclad gunmetal. The interior of the torpedo tubes, the light blocking parts, and the impulse grilles will get that. I hope the Tamiya will bite the brass. I wanted to make sure the reactor vent (?) could be masked off from the outside when I painted the whole assembly, so I started with the buff and NATO black there first. It may have been a mistake, but live and learn.
  12. Finally got a bunch of photos for posting! I have declared victory on the bulb windows! Masking off the mating areas so I can paint the interior flat white. I thought I had taken some after photos. I will get those later. Engine lights. This is one of the things I had been grinding my gears over. Do I coat the outside with flat white then flat black? I did a test and found it transmitted light well already, so I put it in as-is. I did epoxy the LED in, so I may have to work really hard if it ever fails. I sc
  13. I want to see accessory packs. Extra modules in 1/48 and 1/72, spine boosters, pod boosters, moon buggies... Vern
  14. My seam work. Blarg. And, the CSM in place. A broader view. Right next to my Lego Saturn V. That was fun to build. It does look better with primer. The first coat of white. Vern
  15. No worries. When I built mine, it seemed impervious to all but the hottest glues. This is what I was talking about! This seam has stalled out my build. Vern
  16. Another weekend with hopes of lots of work... Oh, well. I did get the seams ion the LM garage knocked down and the CSM glued on to the stack. I also figure if I can get one thing done a day, I will have it done by the con. Going to prime it today. It doesn't help that my oldest son builds gaming miniatures, and has been raised to build them like a model builder. Anyway, he beat me to the paint booth last night. No pictures for now. Flickr is having server problems. Vern
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