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Everything posted by admiralcag

  1. That kit is... challenging... Good luck! Vern
  2. For the most part, yes. I did have problem test fitting the rear hull. I did some research on it and found chamfering the pins would help. It did. Now working on making sure the windows on the bulb pe line up with the openings. Tedious work. Vern
  3. Working on the LES and the CSM yesterday. The tower glued together. Puttied up. The kit CM glued on to the Indycals SM. Everything set together. I need to step on the gas on this. I want to have it done for Starfest at the end of the month. And, Vince has picked his shuttle build back up. Hope he shares his progress at ARC! Vern
  4. That last photo is neat! Nicely done! Vern
  5. Looking at the model, I see what AMT used for designing the kit. Not too late to get in there and shape them. Every time I see Vince, I give him crap about abandoning his shuttle build. It's what we do as a club... Vern
  6. Yes, there is. An acquaintance got Bill George to autograph a Star Wars kit. I wonder what I can get Rick Sternbach to sign when I see him in a couple of weeks... All the parts are glued on to the lower hull. I tried to test fit it with the upper hull, but it fought hard. After a little bit of research, I found the pins needed to be chamfered. Problem solved. One of the things I did was add sheet plastic to a couple of parts because the LEDs in the light kit were undersized. Apparently, that problem has been fixed. I had to undo a littl
  7. May not be a silk purse, but it will get some heads to explode. Vern
  8. I pulled out my Airfix kit, which I bought retail just to become a donor kit 🙄, and checked the molding. I'm not sure exactly what it is still, but it has the shape there of a ullage motor. I added a length of .080" half round, shaped it, and that's the story I'm sticking to. Sanded putty and filled seams on the LM garage. I would've worked the putty on the LM garage, but I found I need to restock my Qtips in my tool box. Vern
  9. More work. Starting with the hangar deck light box. Hangar deck parts complete. I am wanting to paint before I install the clear parts. The top of the rear hull just barely fits in the paint booth!
  10. Excuse the noob question. I've heard Bandai uses tricky plastic. What did you use to prime? Vern
  11. Thanks, Pete! The club's name is the Colorado Modeling Militia Enjoying Sci-Fi (CoMMiES). We have some incredibly talented builders as members and, thanks to the Internet, we are national and international. Vince Hoffman is a member. My work is pretty pedestrian when compared to theirs. The interstage has the thrust structure molded on to it, so it is impossible to get upside down. I believe Habu2 when he says its an incomplete fairing. Remember, late '60s AMT non-car subject... Vern
  12. Annealing removes the springiness of the brass. The vinegar etches the brass to help it take paint. Yesterday's work - I sanded down the window parts around the bulb in an attempt to make the etch sit more flush. Glued in place. I still need to open them up more. More subassemblies,
  13. My first entry here... It was a Secret Santa gift from a friend and graffitied by Colin Cantwell. I have been waiting on the light kit to start. It only took 3 months to arrive O_o. I started by annealing the photoetch. I figured since I was doing this, I would get the etch for my refit knocked out as well. Next, I soaked the etch overnight in white vinegar. While waiting on that, I started gluing subassemblies. Next steps - I need to paint the interior white and decide if I want to sand down the windo
  14. Not intending to copy Phantom, but I am doing my 1/350th scale K'tinga as well. Vern
  15. I have been slack in taking and posting pictures. I did this work two weeks ago at a CoMMiES Build & Bull. My support rods are epoxied in. First stage glued together. The second stage. Does anyone know what this bump is supposed to be? It looks like it should match up to something, but it does not. And the third stage. She is officially too big for my paint booth now. I have gotten replacement service modules from Shapeways that I need to photograph. Also, I have puttied the seams.
  16. I sent a strongly worded email to Monsters in Motion regarding the light kit I have paid for 2 months ago, but am still waiting on it shipping. Looking forward to starting mine! Vern
  17. If my light kit ever arrives, I can toss in my K'Tinga. Vern
  18. I was trying to find where I read about the ullage rocket configuration. I searched and searched. When I pulled up Mike Idacavage's build to reference where I was on this one, he had done the research. I was working on the aluminum tube yesterday. I started with pilot holes. I probably should have gone straight to the skirt part, but I opened these up to 1/8". I used my reamer to open them up the rest of the way, testing the tube as I went. I then taped the thrust bulkhead to the skirt and marked the locations. Repeated the process.
  19. No pictures today. Airbrush fixed with new nozzle and needle. I sealed the Alclad with Future. Time for camouflage gray. Vern
  20. I was talking about the Monogram kit. Built it ~20 years ago and my memory is not what it used to be. Vern
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