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About Hoosfoos

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 05/22/1970

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    Vancouver, BC

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  1. Same goes for their announced Mirage F1 family. No sign.
  2. Could someone give me an unbiased update on the status of this kit? I've kind of lost the plot in this thread.
  3. Go with the Kinetic. I've built both, and although both are nicely detailed, the modular design of the Kittyhawk kit is annoying, especially the dorsal hump behind the cockpit (which is awkwardly split into 2 pieces) Also, the the detachable aft section on the Kittyhawk kit does not fit very well either. Having said that I don't like how the Kinetic kit doesn't have a separate nosecone, but everything else is superior. I am actually waiting for a third manufacturer to come out with a superior kit than both.....come on AMK?
  4. When was the last time Hasegawa produced a new tool in 1/48? They used to be at the forefront, now being surpassed by the likes of GWH, AMK, Kinetic, ZM, and Hobby Boss/Trumpeter (in quality and/or production of kits). And Academy, when they came out with their new-tool F-4 in 2012, the possibilities for new variants were endless. Things have been very quiet on this front also. Thoughts?
  5. It's still alive. Hope they follow through with it.
  6. Hobbyeasy rocks! Service is always excellent, and often much cheaper shipping than Luckymodel. Any aftermarket decals available for this aircraft? I like the splinter camo schemes that I've seen online.
  7. https://www.airfix.com/uk-en/shop/new-for-2018/hawker-hunter-f6-1-48.html
  8. http://www.ipmsdeutschland.de/FirstLook/Hersteller_News/Revell_News_2018.html
  9. One of my most anticipated releases ever! Still waiting for someone to release a state-of-the-art series of the Mirage F1 and Hawker Hunter...
  10. Looks like he's compiling the scans from http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/ if I'm not mistaken...
  11. Hi again everyone, What do you guys use as the most effective panel line wash for aircraft? What can I do to prevent the existing paint from absorbing the wash (and staining the colour)? Thanks in advance.
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