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About Shorty84

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 12/01/1984

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    Vienna, Austria

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  1. No idea which masks you have but don't they contain paint recommendations? Anyway, FOXBOT masks provide what you're looking for, complete with FS equivalents: https://www.super-hobby.co.uk/products/Sukhoi-Su-24M-Ukranian-Air-Forces-digital-camouflage.html Mr. Paint has the correct shades available (they are labeled 'Su-25 digital camo' but the same shades are used for the Su-24/MiG-29/L-39 with digital camo as well): https://mrpaint.sk/Ukrajina?limit=75 Cheers Markus
  2. There is no indication but they show the distinctive differences in the profiles. Simply spoken, if the intakes are longer (end at the forward edge of the sliding entry door on the left), the engine housing aft of the main rotor cutout transistions smoother into the fuselage (and features no rectangular grid and APU exhaust on the left side) and the tail rotor is on the right side, it is an earlier variant, a Mi-8T. @Flankerman made a good comparison here: http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/181255-mi-8t-vs-mi-8mtmi-17-differences/&do=findComment&comment=2890500
  3. Ah, I see. Wasn't aware of all the goodies supplied for each boxing, good value for sure. I think the basic version suits me well as I didn't want to build any of the supplied marking options. That way the special editions remained available to modelers really wanting to build these specific variants. And yes, the quantity of kits at the vendor stands was huge. Took me a while to weed through them 😁 Nice that they relocated them into the roomier hall this year but as you said, the air conditioning left a lot to be desired. Found everything I was looking for at good
  4. Hi Gabor, indeed it was available from at least two vendors. I bought mine for 62€ and picked up the Trumpeter kit too for 59€. Together with the Zvezda kit I bought earlier this year I'm settled to cure my Hip-Feaver 😁 Btw, do you know for how much Annetra sold their limited editions? After I bought my kit I honestly didn't check (had no interest in the special edition decals). And many thanks for the exhaustive comparison of the three kits showing their pros and cons. Helped me to decide...to buy them all 🤣 Cheers Markus
  5. You can download the instructions at Scalemates (look under Instructions -> Download; they have instructions for many kits available now): https://www.scalemates.com/kits/hph-models-ks-18102r-power-unit-p-51d-packard--308854 Cheers Markus
  6. The dispensers are called UV-5-08. Seems they are only available in 1/72 and 1/48 from an outfit called A² -squared: https://www.scalemates.com/de/search.php?fkSECTION[]=Kits&q=Mikoyan+MiG-29+Fulcrum+UV-5-08* So for 1/32 you will have to scratch build them. They don't look too complicated shape wise so maybe that's an option for you. Cheers Markus
  7. Cool, I will look forward to a future release then. Thanks, much appreciated 👍 Cheers Markus
  8. Hi Kursad, would you consider to add an option for an 357th FS A-10C? I really like the yellow markings on the gray jet and want to build one badly but no decal manufacturer has ever done these markings Cheers Markus
  9. Best of luck but I fear you will wait forever if you try to get them from GWH directly. I've read a few threads regarding their spare service and bottom line is...there is none. They used to take spare parts request through their Facebook page but since 2015 this page is deserted. So the best advise regarding GWH kits is to check the kit content immediately and if necessary, try to get replacements through the shop you purchased the kit from or the distributor. Otherwise, return the kit. Please, this is not to bash GWH, I have a few kits from them and they are generally gorge
  10. Well, I think we should be a bit more lenient with him. In one of his now deleted posts he talked quite open about his personal situation where I got the impression that he is not exactly on the sunny side of life currently (ill kid, financial hardship (had to sell a large part of his stash), suffers from an older injury) and modelling is one of his few bright spots in life. So I guess that's the reason why he has so strong emotions about anything hobby related. Unfortunately he comes across quite rude sometimes because of it although I'm sure he does not mean it. I just hope his p
  11. Some of my latest aquisitions. I have developed a taste for classic kits lately as some subjects are simply not available as a modern tool and they are often still a good base for a nice build. Cheers Markus
  12. Hi Dave, that is the point I tried to bring across. While I'm sure you and other guys who served have such information they are hardly available on the net (unlike aircraft scale plans). I simply assume (maybe wrongly) that most modellers who read such reviews are not necessarily participating in forums like this and therefore do not have access to such knowledgable people. And maybe it is different in the US but in my little corner of Europe most people in modelling forums and clubs are just enthusiasts and not (ex-)service members. Therefore most of them never had (or have) the chan
  13. From time to time one reads about inaccuracies of Eduard weapons on forums but for most of the time they get "waved through" in reviews. I guess the reason is that there are almost no dedicated scale plans for weapons like it is the case with aircrafts or tanks (if you are lucky, weapons are part of aircraft scale plans). Therefore it is not as easy to detect errors with them except you really take your time hunting down references. If reviewers would take the same amount of scrutiny like on aircraft/tank kits or at least would check the basic dimensions I guess we would see a lot
  14. Hello Dai, your T-Bird came out great, glad you got replacement markings. Would have been a pity if you would have to switch to other markings as Royal Lybian aircraft are seldom seen built 👍 Cheers Markus
  15. Unforunately my T-33 is on hold since more than 2 year and at the moment I simply don't have much time for modelling (sometimes it feels like I'm the only one with this "problem"). Regarding the flaps, you could spray them aluminum without much effort. The flap interior on the upper wing could be left as is. If you look at the linked colour photo one can see that it seems to be zinc cromate green while the flap itself is aluminum. Cheers Markus
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