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About Rogier77

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 06/09/1977

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  • Interests
    Sovjet build jets

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  1. I am sorry but she is trashed by my ex.
  2. Oké a small update of my KC-135 project. First of all some a bit of information about this subject. A bit of fortuitous. The picture in front is almost the size of a 1/32 scale KC-135. So yes it will be bigggggggggggg. I have bought a Kc-135 in the 1/72 scale. First for the measurements and second for the panel lines. And final a pack of decals with i will bring to a repro center to enlarge them to the correct scale. I will buy a walkaround book of a Kc-135 for some details. I am still searching for a maintenance manuel. And also good pictures from the cockpits MFD in working. I
  3. First of all, my ex have killed my Connie. So now i am thinking of doing someting els. Yes i know the size of a KC-135 will be over the 1.20 meter long. My workbence is big enough. I am planning to build the body and the wings separately. The model will be of a flying plane so i dont have to build a landinggear.
  4. Hello i am researching the possibilities to build a KC-135 Stratotanker in the 32 scale. Yes i know it will be a very huge scale plane. 51' inch or 1.20 meter. But a Super Connie is huge to even as a B-17 or B-29 in the 32 scale. I bought in E-bay a Kc-135 in the 72 scale with the 'new' CFM-56 engine's. I am still searching for a blue-print of the Kc-135 even as for a maintance-book for the extra detail. Is there anyone who cane help me with this? with regards Rogiér van den Berg
  5. WOW, What a amazing build this is. Its brilliant. Thanks for sharing, and good luck with your next build. GR Rogiér
  6. Wow nice tube you put in the Tomcat. How did you make the screens so bright green? Gr Rogier
  7. If i see your build i am thinking of starting up my old project. I used a Aires cockpit for a Tam. kit in a Trump. kit. It fits very good, no problems at all. My experince with Wolfpack is not always very good. The details of Aires are also better. Good luck with your project, i will joining you very soon. Gr Rogier
  8. There is no such ring. So now i have a wrong engine? The small pipes are the only pipes on the engine. Thanks. Rogier
  9. This is great. The model planes are going to be bigger and bigger. Good luck with the build. I will follow this one. I love to see modellers taking the hobby to the next level. Gr Rogiér
  10. Amazing build, rebuild so far. Good luck with the rest. Gr Rogiér
  11. There is almost no sanding because the al the parts are on very tin resin castings. So it is very easy to cut out the parts. You only do a little sanding on the fine tuning of the parts. The most dificult part is to fit al the ribs on the body. If you don't do it correctly you can not close the two body parts and you must start all over again. gr Rogiér
  12. I have completed both the engine's. So now it is time to start work on the inside of the model. Many ribs and bulkheads to clean up first befor installation. Bulkheads Ribs And also here lots of details A overview of the instruction manual. And the place to put the ribs and the bulkheads
  13. Oké first thank you all the guys for looking and the nice words. I only can say that i learned a lot on the internet and forum's like the ARC. The technique to make rusty exhaust pipes is simple. Fist i spray a base colour of a light brown. After this i drybrush a darker brown. Then a layer of semi-close varnish. After that i use a make-up set from Tamiya. First the rust color is put on. That give's a nice dirty brown colour. Then a second layer of semi-close varnish and then a final layer of burn-red from the Tamiya make-up set. Like i say, it is simple. Gr. Rogiér van den Berg
  14. thanks guys for all the reactions. Yes it is time to post a small update. So far iam still working on the engine's. This kit is all about detail, so the engine's are almost a model on it self. After the fit of the cilinders on the bloc it is time to put on some of the small details you must make by your self. The pushers of the cilinders, and the whiring of the engine are made of leadwire. The exaustpipe's i spraypainted them brown and dit some drybrushing with a darker brown. After that i use a make-up set from Tamiya to put on the rust looks. First the pushers on the cilinderbloc. After
  15. Looks very nice. Good paint job and weathering. I love worn out Russian jets. Gr Rogier
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