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Posts posted by Skyraider Maniac
My point isn't that Rustbeltia has an even sobbier story than the South. Not at all. It's that everybody has it rough in a changing economy without substantial industrial planning. Take a number and get in line, brother.
I don't disagree with you there. My point has nothing to deal with the politics of one region verses another; or of "who has it worse." it's has nothing to deal with the cotton crop agriculture lifestyle or anything of the sort. It merely has to do with this: roadrunner brought up a point that there are folks down south that still harbor disdain for yankees, I'm merely trying to explain why. His calling them ignorant is a big part of why southerners dislike the folks from the north; the preconception of the yankee that "Johnny reb" is an ignorant hick. My experiences mentioned are simply that - experiences. I'm not attacking financial institutions for the sake of an argument. I'm not talking about them at all. I am talking about my dealings with Yankee bankers who moved to Charlotte cause it's a big banking town. No problem there, except they're very prejudiced when it comes to dealing with local (I.e southern) landscapers. I'm not dealing with an institution, I'm talking about individuals and their thought processes.
And it's not just at work, it's at the mall, on the radio, different restaurants, ect... Where this attitude is being exhibited. It has nothing to do with politics, financial hardship or industry; but everything to do with the person and the attitude.
The mindset of the Yankee towards the southerner has always had this bias even before the war of southern independence. The reasons change with the times, but the root of the matter stays the same. Until these social issues can be done away with, there will always be animosity harbored by the south towards the north.
And mind you, as I stated in my first post, I'm not grouping all yanks in the same category. There are those who don't act like jerks and mind their own business.
As for those who say that these "radical ignoramouses" ought to let go - that's the equivalent to saying " alright you southern dumb***es; quit being stupid and move on already" - all the while the dealings and mindset of the antagonist hasn't changed. It won't work, so quit trying.
Am I the only guy in this thread that just doesn't care? Don't get me wrong, I'm respectful of the soldiers of both sides, am awed by the sheer amount of bloodshed and enjoy reading up on the history of the war. I had a distant relative that died at Lookout Mountain (fighting for the north). However, I find it laughable that some people are still emotional over this subject. It's over. It's been over long before you or your parents or your grandparents were born. If you get this heated over the subject, are you still p*ssed off at the Brits for a couple of other wars? Gotta move on at some point people....
As for that post about the "Yankees" (I didn't think anyone used that word anymore, except to discuss a much-disliked baseball team), if you substituted that word with the name of a much-persecuted religion, it would come pretty darned close to some of the radical fringe rants you occasionally come across on the net.
The Yankee is the source of all evil. He owns the banks, he steals our land, he is not like us good citizens, etc, etc.
Truly weird (and slightly disturbing) stuff.....
You really don't get it? Wow, I thought that plain English was good enough for some folks? Did I say anything about them owning the banks? Did I say they steal the land? What I said above is plain enough, the gripe is encroachment and disrespect to southern society.
To you it may be weird, but disturbing? Please.
At least present a real point of view instead of merely playing it off as "radical fringe". Your comments are no different from any other typical yank - but wait - if the treatment of the southerner had changed for the better, would there still be resentment? Its possible, but not to the extent that there is now. Its a good idea to figure out why folks are still disgruntled before passing it off as mere foolishness.
Comrade! We await your leadership in the coming revolution! Tell me, should we first confiscate the property of the Yankee bankers, or the Yankee insurance companies, or perhaps the Yankee industrialists?! Workers of the World Unite under the hammer of the Southern Worker, the Sickle of the Southern Farmer, and the Red Banner of the South!
Oh, and I'd also plan on warring on British capitalists, too. After all, it was they who betrayed the Southern states in the Civil War. You counted on them, in their dependence on King Cotton, to break the perfidious Yankee blockade, and instead, like typical double-dealing capitalists, they simply got cotton elsewhere--a market "correction." (Quite sorry, old chap. Nothing personal. Just business, you know.)
With all due respect, I think people have an inflated view of how "united" the United States were in the past. Shays Rebellion? Whiskey Rebellion? In the 1790s, there were fistfights in Congress over issues like the Alien and Sedition Acts, the Quasi-War with France, and the future of the U.S. economy. In the contested election of 1800, states called out their militia, fearing trouble. Party politics subsided very briefly, in Monroe's administration, and then were back stronger with Jackson. The anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic rhetoric was very strong prior to the Civil War, when Irish and German immigrants flooded into our cities. We had regular riots in our cities, and bitter division over the invasion of Mexico. The last issue can be connected to the slavery debate, but all the others were strong, angry divisions of their own. During the 19th Century, regular army soldiers didn't get much respect from civilian society. Today, our differences seem rather tame in retrospect.
your responses are always great - like alvis, you should do a book :D
As for the Brits, we ought to throw the French in with them since they both were supposedly supporting the southern cause? Just a thought.....
An old-school Southern anti-capitalist take, with class warfare, appeals to a moral economy, and mustache-twisting, scheming, grasping Yankee bankers.
In all seriousness - they were indeed Yankee bankers; Charlotte was (if not still is) the number 2 banking center in the whole USofA... So as a landscaper, a large number of my former clients just so happened to be these Yankee banking types.. Who never liked to pay on time... (which I found ironic being that they worked with money.... I don't like working for doctors either, on that note - they seem to be equally stingy).
Listen, when I said ignorant people I didn't say southern people, you did. I'm just saying the few that I ran into weren't very kind, you blew this all out of proportion and as you say "Northern Brethren" sure there are a lot of Northern people like that, I look at it this way, you treat me with respect and I will do the same no matter what color you are or what part of the world you are from and to quote your remark "your attitude towards the ignorant Southerner" is bull,like I said treat me with respect and you will get the same. That's my end of storyNo - you didn't outrightly in plain English say "southerner" - but to whom else are you referring to? By saying these folks are ignorant, you group all who still hold disdain towards Yankees as ignorant. I don't appreciate it. And I'm not just choosing you to pick on - I've heard mess like that a lot over the years. So if it's going to be mentioned openly - I'm going to respond openly. And while these southerners' unkind behavior is, depending on severity, uncalled for - can you ultimately blame them when they're treated with such hostility by the visiting or transplanted northerner within their own borders? You do admit there are those Yankees that share disdain towards southerners and their culture; so why must a southerner be counted as ignorant for having hostile affections towards such a people? Especially after having to endure such treatment for many years at the hands of these "brothers"? Now, i say that to answer this; you expect respect, and you'll give it - no issue there; but for some southerners it's a hard thing considering what I've mentioned above. So ultimately, think about it from their perspective as well. And while you may not be a harsh person, there's been plenty from there who have been.
As for "Gettysburg" - that's rather irrevelent to me - I take more issue with Sherman's campaign through Georgia.... :D
I am born and raised in Pa, and moved to Florida from 07-09 after 38yrs in Northeast, Pa, I ran across some people that still hated Northerners (AKA Snowbirds) especially the ones from Pa, because of Gettysburg, I was stunned. I thought they were joking but they were pretty serious. These people have to get over it already, we are all Americans that's just my experience with some of these ignorant people.
With all due respect..... Your attitude towards the "ignorant southerner" is precisely the reason there's folks out there who still have a complete dislike for Yankees. Your arrogant and offensive assumption is pretty ignorant and prejudiced itself. The "we're all americans" crap doesn't quite cut it where I come from; not to mean we're not patriotic; but the attitudes shown towards us by our "Northern Brethren" do not often reflect this particular trait, as they often expect of us...
Now before I get ahead of myself - I'm not throwing all Yankee's into the same pot; I have some pretty good friends who are of yankee origin, that are some pretty good and decent folks. Biggest thing in their favor: they are neither presumptuous and bigoted; and much much more, they do not FORCE their yankee way of life on us.
Hostility primarily stems from the lack of respect paid by yankees. Normal yankee thought patterns seem to conclude that the southern peoples are a bunch of ignorant, ill-educated (or altogether lack thereof), redneck, illiterate bunch of hillbillies; a group of moonshiners that don't know their butt from first base; and not to mention they think of us as being stupid - that our southern dialect is "retarded". Now, before some of ya'll go get your panties in a wad, demanding "proof"; my proof is personal experience.
Having lived in the Commonwealth of Virginia and in the great state of NC - I've gotten my fair share of these "experiences". Biggest problem encountered is when these yankee know-it-alls transplant down here (like in the DC and Charlotte areas) and bring these ideas and presumptions with them; treating southerners the way they [yankees] think they [southerners] really are. Having done landscaping for some time in a past life in the Charlotte area for these rich Yankee bankers, I can say I've thoroughly had enough. It gets even worse when they move down into rural parts of a state, bringing their lifestyles with them, trying to overthrow the slow and easy southern way of life. To make matters worse, they come down, retire, buy up a lot of real estate - then sell it so high that none of the original local populous can afford such a living; thereby causing a population shift. It's like a slow "invasion" - only with really bad results (I've seen housing go from a meager $100,000 on some properties to well over $400,000 for the same lot - in a rural area). So no need to assume we're still holding on to past grudges - there's enough stuff ongoing currently to keep us irritated.
So, you could say we don't appreciate the "invasion" - that in and of itself is a sore spot; secondly, we really don't appreciate having our way of life changed by outsiders; and finally, we REALLY don't appreciate the disrepect shown and openly demonstrated by these "transplants". This is a really big reason as to why Charlotte is considered an "island" in the state of NC (too many yankees), and why much of the state (especially the eastern side) will have nothing to do with them.
Now, when yankees move down and mind their own business, and don't demonstrate the above stated "offenses"; I could care less what they do or where they go. They're being a peaceful member of souther society and aren't a problem.
As for me - I am a Southerner; not a 'hillbilly' or 'redneck' - there's too many idiots that call themselves that, and aren't necessarily southern. To me, a Southern Gentleman is the epitome of what a Southerner really is, end of story.
Deo Vindice
I haven't been to a SJ airshow since 93! I've missed them as they've always been fun! Can't wait to see your pics
I was there in 98 when they had the Ukrainian Su-27 demonstration team there; that was pretty cool - they were doing all sorts of neat acrobatics over the base - they had a transport too, but I can remember what it was....
Good times
Bump - tomcat package and Oscar are back again
Bump with updates
The X-14 is such a cutie.
Looks like a locust, a jeep and a warthog mixed all together...
Jeep?? More like Volkswagen Bug....
Located at Holloman AFB, 49th FW.
This one's always had my vote.
I don't think that's a fair assessment... I think it's rather cool lookin' myself
X32 is a beauty compare to this...http://images3.jetphotos.net/img/1/1/4/8/2..._1175544841.jpg
Ugliest plane ever... Yak 36!
WOW! Thats like...a plane based on a Guppy! or some sort of retarded lookin' fish.
Bump - just a reminder that ya'll can make offers
Good ole' Bluegrass! I like the old school music better myself... legends like Bill Monroe, Ralph Stanley, The Stanley Brothers, Flatt & Scruggs, the Country Gentlemen, The Dillards (the Darling family on Andy Griffith), and others.
Here's some of my favorites...
"The Legend of the Rebel Soldier"
Oh gosh, I love the Dillards!
I tear up when I hear legend of the Rebel Soldier - darn good song! :wacko:
Norman Blake's Greycoat Soldiers is pretty good too.
Being raised not far from Earl Scruggs home place, I'm rather fond of it myself.
Number one bluegrass album of all time, in my humble opinion, would be the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Will the Circle Be Unbroken. All the greats are on that album: Mother Maybelle Carter, Earl Scruggs, Jimmy Martin, Doc Watson, Vassar Clements to name a few - its been a one of a kind album as far as records are concerned- cause not only do you have the music, but you have tracks of all those bluegrass greats talking (which is just as fun as the music in my opinion, cause it gives you glimpses of their character and humor).
Now, another good cd is the David Grisman rounder compact disc (seriously, that's the title). Excellent album :wacko: David is one heck of a mandolin player.
Anything Sam Bush is pretty good too - another Mandolin Artist who is rather creative on the strings.
Tony Rice and Peter Rowan are excellent also. Norman Blake is by far my favorite guitarist - excellent finger picking. Anything he does is great, I particularly like the two albums that he and Tony rice did together.
The Seldom Scene is a great band!
Johnson Mountain Boys and the Kentucky Colonels are both excellent bands from back in the day - with the Kentucky Colonels being particularly entertaining.
The Bluegrass Album Band is another excellent choice - their album "sweet sunny south" has been a long time favorite.
Another reason to add to the list of reasons why I want to travel around the USA by car.
Exactly - this is why I only travel by car - cheapest mode of transportation with plenty of flexibility. I've had family get annoyed when I've driven rather than fly..... Then again, it was a 26hour trip one way, non-stop. But it was still far cheaper than flying!
Greetings all:
In the midst of preparing for next hunting season, I realized I needed a new scope and some other goodies for this next season - so to start, I'm digging through the stash to see what funds I can provide before I delve into the paycheck. I'm not looking for any trades at this time as this is going to go to some much needed hunting equipment.
All sales will be kept to US/Canada. Paypal is preferred, but will accept money orders if necessary. Also, shipping discounts/combined shipping will be applied when buying multiple kits. If something seems high, feel free to make an offer - worst thing that can happen is I'll say no.
The remaining kits are all 1/48 without exception; All sold kits and packages have now been removed. Any questions, please ask. you can PM me here on the forum.
Package Deals:
Hasegawa F-14B 'VF-103 Jolly Rogers' Limited Edition:
- Aires F-14B Tomcat Cockpit Set
- Black Box F-14 Bombcat update/conversion set
- TwoBobs 48-096 Jolly Rogers Final Tomcat Cruise
-------------------------------------------------------------------- $80 PENDING
Monogram HE-111 Package:
- Eduard He-111 Bomb Bay 48-426
- Eduard HE-111 Interior Set 49-245
- Eduard He-111 Exterior Set 48-427
- True Details Wheel Set 48060
- True Details Fast Frames Canopy Masks
- Unknown Resin Flap set
------------------------------------------------------------------- $100 takes it
Individual Kits:
Dragon Ju 88 P-1 w/75mm PaK40 (BIG GUN :D) - $35
Hasegawa Fw 190 A-3 (kit JT90) - $25
Italeri TBF/TBM 1 Avenger (kit 2644) w/ giant 6 scheme decal sheet - $30.00
Monogram ProModeler Messerschmitt Me 410B-1 - $30
Revell Messerschmitt Me 410B-2/U4 - $30
Tamiya HE 219 A-7 - $30 - SEALED IN BOX
Tamiya F4U-1A - $25 - SEALED IN BOX
KMC Beaufighter MK VI update set -$20
FTD Prowler Pootenany FTD 48039 - $10 shipped
TwoBobs Rockin' Rhinos PT. 2 48-103 - $5 shipped
Good possibility more will come - a few decals to follow later when I can find them.
Take care! :D
Your problem is that U live in the NORTH east. Move south young man and never look back.
That's what I was saying! Just not as blunt
I was trying to be nice, LOL.
But excellent point
Methinks you'd be better off farther south - Charleston is nice
I've STILL yet to find a problem with any of the IE's I've ever had. I'm running ver 8 on my two machines, and have never had an issue yet. I'll very likely run ver 9 when it's ready. I don't get the fuss.
Never had a problem with it either - dunno about switching to nine just yet, as I'm completely satisfied with 8.
as for firefox - I used it for about a year and never liked it; started giving me problems towards the end so I switched back to IE.
I hope all is well - I've dealt with him in the past and he's always came through
Actually, it’s mostly that they are annoying, unfunny, and contribute nothing to this board. They are made up aliases just for the purpose of dropping into threads with some useless comment, while the vast majority of the posters here come to discuss models and other things in a mostly serious manner. I don’t have a problem with a little light humor now and then, but people pretending to be someone else, especially train wrecks like Charlie Sheen, don’t belong on the normal forums IMHO. How long before Lindsay Lohan shows up as a member (within a few hours, I’d wager). You can make a point that randomcatfacts is OK, but are any of Charlie Sheen’s or Michael Bay’s comments funny or useful? I guess I don’t see it. I understand that not everyone contributes to the same level, but it seems to me that if you join the forum and expect people to read your stuff, you should have something useful to offer up to the discussion instead of a made up persona.
I don't find it annoying myself - actually I find them pretty funny. As for locking up threads themselves, the vast majority of times they're just trying to lighten things up - like the Boeing vs. EADS thread that got locked - Mr Bay and that dude from Indiana Jones just made funny comments before that thread got locked (and not because of stuff they said - but others in serious conversation).....
And Mr Bay for one has contributed interesting articles from time to time in test post club house, unlike some of these other characters; I particularly liked the link to that Russian SUV with the whale...... Ill leave it at that... But by far I've enjoyed his. Can't say I like random cat facts - I find those annoying (quite possibly cause this is probably the one animal I can't stand, and yet am forced to live with against my will....and clean its stupid litter)..... The moai is pretty funny too. :P
so I gotta say, can't necessarily agree with you - I think they contribute in a rather funny manner that takes some of the seriousness out of topics which should be more enjoyable, and a lot less heated. And if you think about it - they usually are saying something in character with their personality......
Nothing wrong with royal mail - its US customs - I ordered some nasal snuff from some folks in London at the end of December, and it didn't show till the first week of Feb. From what I hear, the service varies in delivery time no thanks to whenever customs decides to get it on its way. so from what I've heard, what used to take about a week or two now takes between 4 and 6.....
American Civil War Sesquicentenial
in General Discussion
Thanks for your insight of Yankee know-how in the realm of southern culture. Your lack of understanding of the subject, and the assumption of holding onto old things is a clear picture of your apparent ignorance.
Your lack of understanding of what it is to be a southern gentleman, and the importance of it only shows your true ignorance on the subject. Your arrogance is not surprising, but it is sad.
Is that what they taught you in public school? That everything the loyal southerner holds dear all goes back to a war that was anything but civil? You blame past tidings, I cite current issues; but all in all it's labeled as holding on to a nonexistent, dream-world past. Obviously you learned nothing of your time down in Dixie.
I have nothing more to say to you on the issue.