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Skyraider Maniac

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Posts posted by Skyraider Maniac

  1. Like everyone else, I am looking for the rare, out-of-production EA-6B Correction Set (CEC48053).

    If you have one in your stash you could part with, I will pay a fair price for it. Any form of payment you prefer, including PayPal.

    I was looking into that too for a while, then someone told me about the Wolfpack Designs ICAP III Exterior update set. That set is supposed to be out Sometime in August from what they told me, so wait a bit and that should be available. It will be better than the Cutting Edge set since CE was only ICAP II.

    The Website is www.wolfpack-d.com; Check it out.

    Hope that helps.



  2. title says it all - Decals are for sale, and possibly trade. They're still sealed and in excellent condition. Cost is $10; US and Canada only. Payment will be Paypal preferred, but will also take money orders. Sorry, no international shipping. Shipping should be between $1 to $2, so send me your zip for exact shipping costs. Any questions, please feel free to PM me.

    Have a great weekend!


  3. All these guys have been awesome to work with, and I highly recommend them!



    David Walker


    Jack Bogart






    Great members, I'll trade/sell/buy with them anytime! :)


  4. I have two models currently up for sale, both are in 1/48 scale. contact me for shipping quotes; sorry, CONUS only (Unless APO) - no international shipping. I prefer to ship UPS, but will ship USPS (USPS will be the only option for APO addresses) upon request. As far as payment goes: Paypal only. If there are any questions, or if you wish to make an offer, please let me know - Thanks! B)


    Academy 1/48 F-111E Strategic Bomber with weapons. Kit is still sealed in plastic - never been opened. $33.00 (List Price: $45.00)

    Monogram 1/48 PBY-5A Catalina. Kit box is open, parts are still sealed in bags. $20.00 (list price: $45.00) SOLD

  5. Greetings to All,

    I'm looking to trade for some 1/48 Corsairs. I'm in Ohio at zip 43070 and want to keep any trade within the U.S.. I'm looking only for the manufacturers/kits I have listed. If interested please contact me via e-mail at m4a3e2@ctcn.net

    Here's my "wants list"


    F4U-4B #???

    F4U-5N #11617


    AU-1 #???


    F4U-1/2 #61046

    F4U-1D #61085 moto tug isn't necessary

    Here's what I have to offer


    Bf 109E-3 #61050 Complete box open/sprues factory sealed.

    A1H Skyraider #61058 (Navy) Complete box open/sprues factory sealed.

    A1J Skyraider #61073 (Air Force) Complete box open/sprues factort sealed.

    A1J Skyraider #61073 (Air Force) Box factory sealed.

    P-47 Razorback #61086 Box factory sealed.

    P-47 Bubbletop #61090 Box factory sealed.

    Please understand that I won't trade the Skyraiders or P-47's 1 for 1, but if interested, let's talk and see what we can work out.

    Thanks for taking time to have a look.


    I have a Tamiya F4U-1D with Moto tug and I'm interested in an A-1J

  6. have you trie outting in what you want in the google search as I found a site that is up yur street as it were..it has photos of F-80's IP etc etc

    I did, but I didn't find much - I found a site with just cockpit pictures that had the F-80, but it was mainly of the instrument panel; i'm looking for not just the the instrument panel - but particularly the area around the seat, and behind the seat and the seat itself. The Monogram directions are very general - I'm looking for specifics. Most of the F-80 pics I was able to come across pretty much dealt with exterior or instrument panels. So part of my search is taken care of, but there's still a lot I want to see in regard to that.

    Thanks for the recommendation though. If you don't mind, could you pass on that site URL you mentioned?


  7. Hey All,

    Working on a Monogram F-80 - trying to get the cockpit situated so I can glue the two halves together. As it turns out, theres a lot of other stuff molded into it besides the dials and buttons, so I'm trying to see if there's any good pictures or information on the F-80 cockpit itself before I start making colors up - so input would be appreciated! :pray:



    BTW: This is for an F-80 Belonging to the 8th FBS, 49th FBG back during Korea.

  8. I bet their speaking about the wings......

    You need to do a search if you don't already know.

    Allot of guys miss the part in the directions (Hasegawa) that have you assemble the upper wing to the fuselage before you attach the lower wings to the upper. But in the Revell kit (GR7 same plastic) they have you glue the upper and lower wings together first then attach the wing assemble to the fuselage, causing allot of trouble, so I hope those wings aren't assembled yet, or your in for allot of fun as expressed buy the other members post's.


    I'll have to remember that when I start mine, thanks :lol:

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