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Skyraider Maniac

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Posts posted by Skyraider Maniac

  1. What about interest in a Navy 1/48 EP-3E AIRES II? or at least a 1/48 P-3C with it's various updates ? All i've found in those is 1/72 - and those are old and lack good detail (though hasegawa has some decent 1/72s). :whistle:

  2. I bought my on line here in Australia. I think there would be a number of hobby sites selling it for a reasonable price in the US. Just do a google search. The glue is excellent! All you need is a few dots on your canopy leave it for an hour and you have a very strong bond. If you make a mess all you do is clean it up with water.


    Thanks Tony! I'll do that. I appreciate the info!


  3. Chuk,

    VERY AWESOME and amazing! Great work; I'm looking forward to seeing whats to come! :thumbsup: Quick question, where can I find that straight line cutter? I looked on the mission models website to see what the price would be for one, but they didn't have it; any ideas?

    Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:


  4. Dear ARCers,

    As the agent of Kinetic, we are looking forward for customer feedback on other aircraft series. Any feedback are welcome (paritcular in 1/48 scale).

    I second the T-38 series in 1/48 - how about the current AT-38B? with Holloman AFB/49th FW markings? I can shoot some pics if you want. Also second the E-2 series in 1/48.

    My personal list of stuff I'd like to see:

    1/48 B-47 Stratojet

    1/48 AC-119

    1/32 A-1J and/or A-1E Skyraider

    1/48 KC-97

    1/48 B-32 Dominator or PB4Y-2

    1/48 PB2Y Coronado

    1/48 EP-3A !!!!!!!!!

    1/48 Focke-wulf FW 200

    1/48 Junkers Ju 390

    1/48 BAC/EE Lightning

    1/48 AH-56 Cheyenne

    thats a few, i'll leave it at that for now.


    Civillians have been able to get their hands on several OV-1 Mohawks (saw one at EAA Oshkosh about 7 years ago for $495,000, and another one recently for roughly the same). Granted, the army retired the last ones (D models I think) back in 1995, but they've been around since the 1959 and Viet Nam, plus the civillian populous has been able to get their hands on them. I'd say the Army has done a pretty good about selling them off :monkeydance:


  6. The whole model looks really good - I like the details you've been adding, awesome job! :woot.gif:

    quick idea (you might've already thought of it), since you've gone through the trouble of cutting open the paratrooper door - you might want to add the non-slip surface thats in the bottom of the doorway. Might be able to accomplish it with a some small pieces of sandpaper. Hope it helps - just thought I'd mention it.

    Really nice model! keep up the good work!

    Nice progress David! I couldn't find any clear photos of the rear cockpit bulkhead, I was pretty sure something was wrong with it. After seeing your thread I'm going to go ahead and modify it.

    Do the paratrooper doors keep their profile when they're opened? If not, where does all that extra "thickness" at the base go?


    The Doors are raised vertically inside the cargo bay when opened, so if my memory serves me right, they do - I paid attention a little bit on the way out the door - though typically I was more focused on making sure I was jumping out far enough than wondering about the door profile :coolio:


  7. Just so y'all know - there is an F-117 on display at the aircraft park on Holloman AFB - it's right across from an F-15A which was the previous aircraft to fly with the 49th FW before the F-117. It was placed there recently.

  8. Decals

    1/48 Cutting Edge B-1B Painted Bobes Part 3 $15

    1/48 Two Bobs F-4E Sea Heroes 48-074 $15

    1/350 Ships

    Tamiya Battleship New Jersey with GMM Photo Etch $90

    Mini Hobby USS Arizona with GMM Photo Etch $100

    Would it be possible to purchase just the Photo etch for the New Jersey? (I already have the model) And would it be possible to get a picture of the B-1B Decals?



  9. You apply it before the decals (it can be brushed or airbrushed on with no thinning required) and it will really help avoid silvering of the decals. (from small air pockets between the decals and the "rough" dull surface if a gloss coat is not used) Future has exceptional self-leveling properties so buffing is not required, but it can be done if you really want to. As far as the "process" goes, quite a few of us will paint the model, gloss coat it, apply the decals, hit it with another coat of gloss to seal the decals, use some form of a wash to weather the model and then finish it off with a dull coat. It seems like a lot of work but it really makes for good results. And here's a great primer on the use of Future:


    In fact, this whole area of Swanny's site with probably be invaluable to you:


    Thats really useful, thanks - it sure helps, both the information and both websites. GRACIAS! ;)


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