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About cueva533

  • Rank
    Canopy Polisher
  • Birthday 05/10/1951

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    Tucson, AZ
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  1. Fantastic paint job. The detailing is awesome.
  2. No slats, used "Dog tooth". https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=20400.0
  3. Don't forget the speed brake.
  4. Well, if I was to make an educated guess, I would say that they are debrey from the gear being cycled up after take off.
  5. https://www.ebay.com/itm/PLANET-MODEL-RESIN-KIT-1-72-SIAI-MARCHETTI-S-211-NUOVO-IN-SCATOLA/360475946926?hash=item53ee0a6fae:g:0FEAAMXQvTlRg9p2
  6. This is the only picture I've seen of a G91 with sidewinders.
  7. For instance, as reported, one of the two single-seat F/A-18E Super Hornets used in the flying sequences of “Top Gun: Maverick”, bureau number 165667, a Boeing F/A-18E-53-MC Lot 22 Super Hornet from the Low-Rate Initial Production run 2 (LRIP 2) was among the first aircraft being converted to the Blue Angels configuration. From: https://theaviationist.com/2020/05/05/here-are-the-first-shots-of-the-new-f-a-18e-super-hornet-of-the-blue-angels/
  8. Actually the tail is not painted black. #4 Thunderbird is the slot man who flies right behind #1. That tail is covered with soot from #1 engine exhaust. The engines were not as clean as todays engines.
  9. https://www.google.com/search?q=f-86d+sabre&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwip5rD9hd_SAhUM72MKHQXcBdEQ_AUICCgB&biw=1344&bih=677&dpr=1.25#imgdii=wgQ51dCG2_LxpM:&imgrc=OJgpYjhQKUQB7M:
  10. My prayers are with you two. I join my fellow modellers. Lee
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