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About weegie602

  • Rank
    Sessional EMT, Vol Firefighter and Transporter of Minions
  • Birthday 11/27/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Good Ol' Glasgow,Scotland
  • Interests
    remembering the good times with my late-wife Cath (biltongbabe), reading (mostly aviation history), walking, love good scottish beer!!!!! (NOT lager) although I also like German Beer!!!!!!!!!! and am a part-time member of Her Majesty's Royal Auxiliary Air Force in a famous and historical unit namely 612 Squadron.I was a Retained FireFighter for South Queensferry (Lothian & Borders Fire Brigade)I also have a step-son whom I love dearly but who no longer stays with us and a foster son who has recently came out of the Army and is now a civvy again lol and enjoying being back in civilisation.

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  1. Hey Plan to build Bo-105 Air Ambulance and EC-145 Air Ambulance so far
  2. have for sale the following ( so far ) Heller E-3 AWACS with extra RAF decal sheet from airfix rendition £35 plus postage AMT EC-135 and Tiger Markings decal sheet £35 plus postage contact me for postage costs if outside of UK cheers Stevie
  3. hopefully this will spur me on to complete a Bo-105 air ambulance and a EC-145 air ambulance :)
  4. wonder if they will release it in BA or EasyJet colours?
  5. count me in with this GB too, still to decide what to start though as I have just recently started models of the early Police and Air ambulance for Glasgow.
  6. quite happily join in with this, have started a model of the early Glasgow Police Helo and Air Ambulance.
  7. Terry, was sorry to hear of your loss mate. The Urn looks nice and am sure your Dad and Mum would love it. Once again my comndolences mate. Hope you and your family are doing ok as ok can be. stevie
  8. Hi peeps, Getting back into the world of model making and have been given this kit. Has anyone else built it yet and if so what are their impressions?. Any advice gratefully accepted :) stevie
  9. Hi Chuck, I don't have sciatica but my late wife ( cath aka biltongbabe ) was diagnosed this year as having it and had suffered it for 20 weeks before she died suddenly and totally unexpectedly ( un-connected to her sciatica ). I can totally sympathise with you as she was in absolute agony for those 20 weeks with very little relief from her pain control but it was starting to wear off at the end ( sadly she never got to see it go away ). Physio did help her a bit but due to demand wasn't always available on a regular basis and the cost of private physio was prohibitive :( . Anyway, just wante
  10. am in the process of starting a 1/72 chooky as a MERT wagon but wonder if anyone else other than TAW did the dustbins? cheers stevie
  11. Am sorry to hear of your loss Armando. I too lost my dad 8 years ago this week so know what your feeling and going through. One small consolation is that if he was battling illness, at least he is at peace now and pain-free. just keep him in your heart and in your memories stevie
  12. I got an email yesterdy from the PR guy at TAW saying that TAW is going to be continuing to trade despite madgwick getting jailed. stevie
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