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About buddycat

  • Rank
    Canopy Polisher

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  1. Someone has to have obne. give me a shout. i have alot of time updating my kit but need a canopy. i broke mine. i will buy or trade for a whole kit or trashed built one. thanks in advance. BC Email ( whsch@optimum.net )
  2. hi. i need the extra burner NOZZLES (CLOSED ) that come in some 48th scale kits. hobby boss kits have extra sets . i need them for something other them a hornet. if u have a set , i will buy or trade you for them. please email me at whsch@optimum.net. Thanks in advance CB
  3. someone has to have one. i need a canopy to finish mine. if u have a new one, open one , shelf of doom one, etc, etc, i need the canopy. i broke mine sawing the doors off. brittle plastic. let me know. someone has to have one. thanks for the help. email me at ( whsch@optimum.net ). thanks again. bb
  4. hi. i need one of these for a vignette im doing with his bf 109f . if you have one i will buy or trade for it. email me at whsch@optimum.net. thanks in advance. bb
  5. hi. after alot of work in was sawing my canopy to open the entry and broke the glass. im looking for a kitech kit oR a par built/trashed started monogram kit. i will buy or trade something for it. i did alot of detail work to bring the kit up to standards and would like to finish it. email me at whsch@optimum.net. thanks in advance for any and all help. BB
  6. Hi Selling a meal deal New issue Academy 35th scale AH1Z Viper kit. Comes with Legend Rotor fold set, Def Complete FOD cover set, PE Belt set ,and Complete Flying Leathernecks decal sheet with many options and optics prism eye, plus werners wings aux fuel tank. $60.00 for it all. u pay actual shipping. email me at ( whsch@optimum.net ). Everything is new. the decal sheet has many options!
  7. hi if any of you guys have leftover decals from your classic airframes gannet build i am looking for a set. email me at whsch@optimum.net thanks in advance BC
  8. HI, ADD SAYS IT ALL. KITECH OR AOSHIMA. ITS TO BUILD NOT COLLECT. STARTED KIT OK TOO. PLZ NO WAY OUT PRICES. THANKS FOR ANY HELP. BB email at whsch@optimum.net. THANK SAGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. 1 large new lotm of woodland scenics shapeable tree armatures and a large bag (3 or more pounds )of green foliage. add hobbytac, make trees in seconds. paintable. if i have an extra hobbytac ill throw it in. very easy to make and look great when done. $25.00 you pay shippingh Em,ail me at whsch@optimum.net
  10. hey steve, i have both superscale sets, complete, new in bag never used including top gun, skyhawks and f-5's. 15 plus shippin mfor both. let me know. Big Bill. whsch@optimum.net
  11. jeff gerrity at rare plane detective has one for 25 bucks. tellem all big bill sent you. good luck. let me know how u make out. i just put a zulu viper package together for my next build
  12. contact deb boyce directly aytmrc and see if she can get it for youi. shes great to work with. have the kit number ready. also try jim at mustang hobbies. hes in nj and has over 100,000 kits. yes 100 thousand kits. mustanghobbies.com
  13. HI, HAVE 2 LOTS OF BOOKS. #1 LOT Squadron us battleships in action vol 1 and 2 , us heavy cruisers 1 , MI-24 HIND IN ACTION SPECIAL WITH EXTRA PAGES , verlinden lock on MI-24 HIND junkers ju-88 in action , consolidatedv b-36 visual history 120 pages (great pics ! ), $25.00 you pay shipping LOT #2 BLACK PLANES SQUADRON F-117 IN ACTION GULF WAR EDITION , OSPREY AIR COMBAT LOCKHEED SR-71 BY CRICKMORE , 200 pages lotsa pics, reading and history , aerograph 3 LOCKHEED U2 , COVERS all variants great pics and reading. 125 pages $20.00 you pay shipping ALL BOOKS IN VER
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