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About B52HVet

  • Rank
    Pissing into the wind...Since 1978
  • Birthday 03/25/1978

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    Los Osos, CA, USA

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  1. After a long absence from the boards here, I'm back with a question. Has anybody built the MiniHobby 1/48 Su-30 "Russian Test Pilots" kit? I've just traded for one, and am wondering what I've gotten myself into...no reviews on the normal sites, and the only thing close I've seen are reviews of the Su-30MKM. Any input would be appreciated.
  2. Hello all, After a year plus away from the hobby & the site, I'm back & thinning the herd a bit. Nearly all would be considered as trade-able, and I will entertain (reasonable) offers, so let me know what you're interested in. Due to shipping costs, I'm only selling/shipping to the U.S. & Canada Thanks, Jay 1/72 Aircraft JUST ADDED - HobbyCraft F-89A/B, Kit#HC1370, Condition: MSIB -$15 Hasegawa F-14D "Super Tomcat" with "Super Tomcat" Decals & Photo Etch, Kit #SP-400, Condition: MSIB -$35 Hasegawa A-10A "Thunderbolt", Kit #K017-1200, Condition: Opened bag, but 100% com
  3. Well, after some mixed results last time around, I've put together a new list of kits to trade with anyone that's willing (US & Canada Only, Sorry). I don't have anything specific that I'm after, but I do enjoy B-52 stuff, trying to complete my collection of US Jet Bombers (Still need a B-57, 58, and B-2). All I ask is that if you're gonna offer a trade, make sure it makes sense...I have a pretty good idea of what things cost, and I know everybody's looking for a deal, but let's try to be realistic, ok? Ok. Here we go! Ah, yeah...I can be reached more easily at B52HVet(AT)Gmaildotcom (
  4. Hello again all, After watching a few episodes of "Area 88" this morning, I've decided to try and track down either the decal set that Hasegawa printed, or any of the various make kits that had markings from the series. So, if you've got anything I might be interested in, let me know! I have a decent stock to trade from, or would consider buying outright. Updated: I'm also trying to find TwoBobs set #48-050 QF-4G Team Target Drones, if anyone has one, I'd either purchase or trade for it. Thanks! Jay
  5. If I'm not mistaken, there's an IPMS sponsored type convention in Plymouth, Minnesota on Saturday. I'll have to dig up my sheet with the exact details, but thought I'd see if there was anyone else thinking of attending, always nice to put a face to a name online, as well as meet some new people who enjoy the hobby. Anyhow, if anyone's looking for info on it, PM me and I'll try to get ya the details. Jay
  6. Just last week I finally picked up the 48th scale Testors kit...while the decals included are well done, a new set would be nice. I've been considering building a "B model" for a little variation, not sure if the trainers are on the board for this upcoming set, but if so, I'll definitely pick one up!
  7. The Cutting Edge sheets are getting more & more rare, and the few I've seen online recently have ranged into the ridiculous for price. I'll go through some of my references and see if I can dig up some nose art pics for you.
  8. Hello again folks, After quite a bit of time away from all things good and plastic, I've finally managed to get back in to putting a few kits together, and posting here again. Much to my surprise, last month I was invited by the good people at Exide Battery to fly from Minnesota (home sweet home right now) down to Bristol Motor Speedway for the NASCAR Nationwide & Sprint Cup Series races...It's a nice gesture on their part, I donated my lumbar vertebrae to the Air Force, they donated a trip, hotel, and race tickets to me Anyhow, I went a little trigger happy with the camera, and becau
  9. Mike, Not sure if it's my choice(s) of browser or what (I tried Firefox & Chrome) and was told on every download link I clicked that the "File link you requested was not valid". Anyhow, the printable/downloadable tarmac, carrier deck, and helo pads would be a huge help...any way you could email/post a workaround for the broken links? Thanks! Jay
  10. I know White Ensign makes some really nice stuff, but I'm not real picky on brand for this project. Ideally, the more detailed the better, but since I rarely build ships (and 700th scale even less often) I wouldn't really need an entire set of helos, etc... Ideally just ones or twos for the items listed, just to fill out the helo & well deck for my neighbor. Thanks, Jay
  11. Hello all, I'm currently building a 1/700th scale USS Pensacola (Landing Ship-Dock, Anchorage class) for a neighbor & friend who served on board during Vietnam. I've been looking online for a while now, and have yet to find any usable or remotely accurate pics or description of the "Well Deck". I'm building JAG Models' resin USS Anchorage class kit, and it is VERY nice, I'd just really like to make sure that I get this one right (as best I can...ships aren't normally my "thing"). So, if anyone has suggestions, hints, tips, pics, or anything that might be relevant to my build, please
  12. Hello all, I'm currently working on the JAG Models kit of the LSD-38 (USS Pensacola, Anchorage class) for my neighbor who served on board during Vietnam. I'm hoping that somebody out there has a few spares they might part with. Here's what I'm looking for, not really concerned about make, etc...just need a few things to dress up the well deck & helo pad. CH-46 UH-1 UH-34 Sikorsky S-55/58 Cargo trucks (Deuce & a half, etc) "Whale boats" or landing vehicles or anything else that might "fit" for an early Vietnam era Landing Ship. I've got a TON of 72nd & 48th FA-18 Decals I
  13. I've looked in the "Usual" places, and the only kit I've seen so far has been made by JAG...looked like a decent kit, but I am a little hesitant to encourage my friend to drop $70 on a company I've never had firsthand experience with. Thanks for the pic!
  14. Hello folks, I'm wondering if anyone out there knows of a styrene or resin (Other than the JAG Models) kit of the LSD Anchorage class ships used in Vietnam. Any scale, not really picky, a friend of mine that served on the USS Pensacola (LSD-38) is looking for a kit, and I offered to build him one if he decided to buy it. As usual, many thanks for info! B52HVet
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