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About Madrussian

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/12/1955

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    the back of beyond
  1. dancing in the darkness of the surreal wilderness, made so by that rather odd mushroom that turned everything topsy turvey. Mildly entertaining, surrounded by swaying . . . LAURELS
  2. The sun on ones brow, and bare toes in happy grasses.... DELIGHTFUL
  3. Perhaps fine sand blasting media might be what you're looking for. if memory serves, it's really quite fine, and gets into everything.
  4. wouldn't the remains HAVE to be severed, to be SERVED?
  5. Put some AGE in there and it would be ready for preflight and its' next mission, bang on
  6. SCOURING of the Shire may flush out Highwaymen, Brigands, and possibly Wyvern, which would most likely make one SHOUT
  7. play all you wish, and make it as recreational as possible, but don't do anything that SMARTS
  8. Rumpole of the Bailey, I believe that it was, but if you stray too far from the path, you might get tripped up by the BRAMBLES
  9. or some kind of super laundry detergent, perhaps I missed a consonant shift?
  10. two mutually exclusive terms, in other words, jumbo shrimp, millitary intelligence, I'm sure that you get the idea
  11. Kind of silly when you think about it, can't imagine how much time you would spend just scraping assorted encrusted marine flora and fauna off of the hulls
  12. Besides, to remain historically accurate, they would have to raise and fix the carriers that are at the bottom of the sea
  13. B-29 reenactment group might decide to reenact Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
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