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About komoras

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  1. Hello guys, Here is my Angel Interceptor from Airfix. Rescribed panel lines, painted with Vallejo paints. Scratchbuild stand from a CD case.
  2. very nicely done! ^_^/> :worship:/> which colors did you use?
  3. Hello, here is my take on Zvezda's MiG-3 :)/>/>/> here and there are a few mistakes, it's almost out of the box, I added a self-made vacu-form canopy (destroyed the original during the build), tamiya tape for seat-belts, syringe needle for the pitot and 2 machine guns, stretched sprue for antenna wires and I also engraved new panel lines and added a few rivets had some problems with the color (as you can see) the plane is painted with Revell, Model Master and Vallejo + Floor polish for gloss pre-decal varnish
  4. Sorry for my English in advance, but I hope you will understand what I want to ask I have this kit from Heller but the tailboom structural parts are too thick, I need the diameter dimensions (1/1 or 1/48), so I can scratch them to look something like this: http://www.scale-rotors.com/galerie/1-utility-helicopters/1046-aerospatiale-sa-315b-lama--heller.html does anybody know those dimensions or where I can find them? thank you :cheers:/>
  5. really nice scratch build with the cockpit and the landindg gear :thumbsup:/> btw how is your OV-10D going?
  6. Thank you all, glad you like it I recommend the Zvezda kit, it's totally briliant @kreso this is only a Demo colour sheme of the newly introduced camo and new insignia of the Serbian Air Force in late 2006 other operational MiG-21 have a total gray layout although, it would be nice to have some modernised versions of it in low-vis camo cheers from Belgrade
  7. more pics: here is the picture of the actual aircraft:
  8. This is Zvezda + Lift Here decals MiG-21 BIS No. 17163, 101st Fighter Squadron, 204th Air Brigade, Batajnica Air Base, Serbia this color sheme was introduced in november 2006. but with the wash gone a little bit wrong, well...it's more like what it is looking today hope you like it
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