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Everything posted by flybywire

  1. I applied the same or almost the same volume (from the rattle can)of clear coat on the hasegawa decals before and on this Cartograf decal (first time) this time, only this Cartograf decal reacted negatively. Maybe I'll try to give it some more time to dry and also apply thinner coats over several passes next time around - especially with Cartograf decals.
  2. I'll also try those brands. Thanks!
  3. So my setting solution might also be one of the culprits.... Cartograf spelling noted. :)
  4. So my setting solution might also be one of the culprits.... Cartograf spelling noted. :)
  5. Many thanks for all your opinions/suggestions/recommendations!! I'll try each one of them on my spare/remaining cartograph decals and see what will happen next. Thanks again!! :)
  6. I always apply the same volume or thickness of the final coat, so I was really suspecting the cartograph decal itself and alone reacted badly with the Mr. hobby clear. Mr. hobby clears come in spray cans so I couldn't control the psis and couldn't be thinned with Mr. color thinner. I wasn't really that bad. Initially it looked very wrinkled but after the final gloss and then flat coat, it kind of obscured the wrinkled appearance to only about 10% when looked from afar. It's only on close-up views that you could still see those fine wrinkles and unevenness.
  7. Yes I usually spray mr. hobby clear the following day after applying the decals.
  8. I'll try to find Testors and try it also. Mr. hobby clear comes in spray cans; so I apply it like any other spray can-paints. I really don't know how to explain how I applied it.
  9. I use lacquer paints that's why it doesn't react negatively with mr. hobby clear gloss. I'll also try the Microscale clear.
  10. Yes I know that Mr. Hobby gloss and flats are lacquers but I never had any problem with hasegawa decals with exactly the same process applied. I was thinking that may it was the texture or the material or the thinness of the Cartograph that reacted negatively or harshly with the mr. hobby clear gloss. I tried future before but never really learned how to use it coz it tends to run. I'll try to use acrylic finishes like you suggested. I'll post a picture in the next couple of days.
  11. Hi! I just like to ask your opinions and/or suggestions regarding gloss coating after decaling. This is my first time to use Cartograph-printed decal. After applying a gloss coat using Mr. Hobby Super Clear Gloss, it was followed by Mr. Mark Setter then Mr. Mark Softer. The decals were stretched out fine and flat; but after applying another coat of Mr. Hobby Super Clear Gloss as the protective coat, every decal became crumpled and wrinkled. It didn't crack but I believe it was on the brink of cracking. Do you think the final gloss coat is at fault hear? Was it too strong for Cartograph decals?
  12. Thank you guys for all your contributions! :)
  13. Hi! Could anybody please confirm if the X-47B weapon bay doors also have red edges just like that of the gear bay doors. Thanks in advance!
  14. flybywire


    Hi CF104! The pictures were just fantastic!! Great angle, especially the first one,to show what exactly was going on beneath that exhaust cover! I also have almost the same picture like that of your second picture but from a slightly different angle. I just couldn't determine the real color; don't know if it's just darkened by the shadow or what until you show me that first picture. I'll definitely go with your recommended color! Many thanks CF104 for your help!! :)
  15. flybywire


    It's working now. :)
  16. flybywire


    Hi! Does anybody know the color of the inside surface (when open) and its compartment of part A14 from the Platz 1/72 kit #AC-7? I've seen picture like this - https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=x-47b&rlz=1C1RNKB_enPH485PH490&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=TFtmU7L4B5WC8gWZioLgCg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=643#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=40-dZ2bpXDpF-M%253A%3BcqwGio3ltJxMXM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fmedia.cleveland.com%252Fnationworld_impact%252Fphoto%252Fx47b-navy-drone-landing-on-carrier-071013jpg-b6482bab81564a29.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.clevelan
  17. Thank you guys for your help! :)
  18. flybywire


    Hi! If you're going to paint the gray portions of the GBU-31 - http://liam2010.deviantart.com/art/GBU-31-JDAM-GPS-358203459, are both in FS36375 or are they white? Thanks in advance!
  19. Thank you spike7451 for your response and also I appreciate that you take the effort to provide me with the picture of the MACE fairings that you're talking about so that I would understand it better!! :)
  20. If I'm going to build this one - http://www.globalaviationresource.com/reports/2011/gulfwar20th1/images/1.jpg, will this upcoming RoG Tornado kit #03987-0389 the right kit to use?
  21. I guess it's a consensus - black: NATO-black/Testor interior black for that matter. Thanks everyone for your help!! :)
  22. Never mind, I still love my life...
  23. Hi!Does anybody know of the correct color of the instrument panel coaming for the F-19 Stealth fighter? Is it gloss gull gray per instruction or should it be flat black? Just double checking. Any picture would also be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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