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Posts posted by dsmith

  1. Thanks guys,

    I will try that. I am about finished painting the interior, and then I get to do all of the exterior stuff. As for Royale Resin items, Stephen is correct. The only things I have made so far are wheels and exhausts. That will probably be it for this one. I haven't made an official announcement of new releases yet, but I will in the next day or so.




    -Doug :)

  2. Hi all,

    Does anyone happen to know what color the rotor assembly and gear box should be painted? The instructions say gun metal, but looking at pictures, it looks more like gray. Also, what color should I paint the blades? I have seen some with a zinc chromate color, and also what looks to be black.


    Thanks for your help.


    -Doug :)/>

  3. I don't know about gear made for the HB kit, but if you are looking at using metal gear made for the Hasegawa kit, it will not fit without modification to the Monogram kit. The main gear for the Hasegawa kit is longer, as the gear bays are deeper. You will need to cut out part of the fuselage, and rebuild the bay. Also, the SAC gear requires plastic parts from the respective kits. If using this set for the Monogram kit I would go with G-Factor, as you do not need any additional parts.


    -Doug :)

  4. I am working on the UH 5 kit right now, and for a new tool kit I am very disappointed with it. The fit of a lot of the parts is not very good, especially with the nose parts. I think the thing that I was most unhappy with, has been the inconsistent panel line detail, and some of the parts are very crudely molded. I am about to the point where I can finally paint the interior, but I wish I had just started my Gallery kit instead. As for the decals, do you guys have a list of what is wrong with them, as I was going to use the kit decals.


    -Doug :)

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