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About VA-115EFR

  • Rank
    Step away from the computer!
  • Birthday 10/27/1973

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  • Location
    Sheboygan, Wisconsin

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  1. It would be great to see some hoovers flying again. I always loved to hear their engines spool up. Is there a timeline to when South Korea is getting these?
  2. Stunning piece of work!!! We shared a hangar with the Gauntlets, but I left too early to see the CAG bird painted up like this. Do you have in-progress pics to share? I would love to see them. Absolutely incredible scratch building Starfighter!!!
  3. For the USN and the USMC, I would think the timeless cats and traps the Hornets endure on carriers would put hella stress on the airframes, which would shorten the lifespan compared to the RAAF and RCAF aircraft.
  4. Crazy thing is, my Son and I watched Apollo 13 Saturday night, and then I woke up to read of his passing. I would have liked to have met him. I heard he was an extremely down-to-earth guy. I loved his work! He will be missed! "How about...a nice...greeeeeeeasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray?" Never get tired of that movie!
  5. That is some superb weathering techniques you have there! Well done!!!
  6. I don't hunt, but love to see pics of what the guys I work with shot. So if you guys nail one, POST EM HERE!
  7. Elmo, I ALWAYS look forward to your updates, because I AM ALWAYS BLOWN AWAY by your work!!! Just phenomenal work!!!
  8. James Jones (welcome back!) sure shone today, hopefully showing the Packers fans that the Pack will do just fine without Jordy. Meanwhile THE BEARS STILL SUCK!!! :lol:
  9. VERY VERY beautiful job! Always loved the Dragons CAG aircraft.
  10. Like to do the Mod 1. Something different. Great stuff guys! Thank you all for the help. Jason
  11. Looking at building an A-6B from VA-52 Knightriders in 1/32 scale. My question is what are the cockpit and external differences of the B model from the A model? I know some, but not all B model intruders had antenna "blisters" on the radome, and others had different antennas located on the airframe, but can't seem to find much on the web Thank you, Jason
  12. Exactly. We used to be able to walk from berthing to shower wearing only a towel as that one guy did. Was a whole different story when I transferred to the Lincoln in 1995...
  13. My old home!!! I too have been looking for this video. You have made my day! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!
  14. The Millionmonkey website is an awesome tool for A-6 information! I had no idea how many Intruders were built in it's history!!!
  15. She is a BEAUTIFUL model!!! I sure like em Dirty!!! Weathering is superb. The greatest features of the Trumpy Intruder, the visible engine bay, along with the detailed "Bird cage" and Radar system. I too am currently building the Alpha version, and by far is my favorite model yet. Had I known they were coming out with the Echo, I would've waited. Oh well, just have to save up for that one. You've done a spectacular job on this bird. The details you put into it is sweet!!! :worship:/>
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