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About KursadA

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    Caracal Models

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  1. Available for preorder now: CMP48003 - 1/48 Legion Pod for F-16
  2. it is designed to fit the Tamiya kit pegs.
  3. I will definitely do a non-CDU instrument panel - the late model ejection seat will also be available as a standalone product. Both CMP48503 and CMP48504 are now available for preorder. The last batch sold out quickly, and I can only do a new batch once every couple of months: https://caracalmodels.com/cmp48503.html https://caracalmodels.com/cmp48504.html
  4. Available for preorder now. I have only 60 in this batch - and we probably can do a new batch only once every couple of months or so. CMP48001 - 1/48 AN/AVQ-26 Pave Tack Pod & Cradle
  5. I enabled preorders for all new decal releases of this month. I will enable preorders for the new 3D-printed detail parts later today or tomorrow. These have a separate shopping cart anyway, so you can go ahead and place your decal preorders. If you order any 3D printed parts later, I will combine your orders during shipping.
  6. Ready for preorder: CD48234 - 1/48 F-111F
  7. Ready for preorder now: CD48235 - 1/48 F-89 Scorpion
  8. For the time being I will keep it as is - the whole site needs to be redesigned as a proper e-commerce site anyway.
  9. A couple photos of the WARHUD part - it is the same set as 503 with the BLOS tail, but with a block 40/42 front panel and now HUD glass:
  10. CMP48503 will be a 1/48 scale Legion pod. Preorders being enabled in the next 2-3 days, shipping on Feb 20th.
  11. I will enable preorders today and start shipping on the 20th.
  12. Enabled preorders for: CD72161: 1/72 F-4N Phantom II CD72162: 1/72 A-4M Skyhawk
  13. I will be honest: I have not done any 1/144 scale decals for fighter-sized subjects because I am skeptical that I can sell a sufficient quantity and a reasonably price point for these. I am sure these are great kits. I am not completely ruling it out: maybe one of these days I will release a trial sheet, but the first one will most likely be an F-15 or F-16 sheet of some sort. Maybe another decal maker with a different approach may tackle this one.
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