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Posts posted by Fly-n-hi

  1. Both Atlas and Polar have a union. They belong to the Teamsters.

    Thanks. I wasn't sure. I don't know much about the Teamsters but I wouldn't bet that they are a very strong pilot's union. But this debate isn't about unions. Its a discussion over whether or not the pilots will or should be fired.

    But my point still stands. Other major airlines have had planes land at wrong airports and the pilots didn't lose their jobs over it. Don't get me wrong, though, they were punished for it and rightfully so. But they weren't terminated.

  2. He could lose his job, in an airline like British Airways a dumb mistake that takes off a good portion of the wing of a multi- million dollar plane will likely lead to an end of a career(s).

    Yes, the Captain is in charge of the safe movement and operation of his aircraft but that doesn't relieve the rest of the crew of responsibility. This error is the result of a series of mistakes, not just one.

    I teach Human Factors in Aviation, according to the latest info I received for the training I provide the pilots of the Boeing 747 Dreamliner, who landed at the wrong airport several weeks ago, are out of work.

    I think you meant the 747 Dreamlifter. Did they lose their jobs? Maybe. Those pilots who fly the Dreamlifter are either Polar Airlines or Atlas Airlines pilots contracted out by Boeing...I can't recall at the moment. I don't know much about them but airlines like that usually have no unions or very weak unions. I regularly hear horror stories from pilots who used to work for those kind of cargo outfits. Stories like guys getting fired because they called in sick or because they refused to fly an aircraft that had some shady maintenance performed. So comparing BA pilots (with a strong union) to Polar or Atlas pilots is like comparing apples to oranges.

    And for the record I'm not bashing on Atlas or Polar. There are alot of great pilots flying for them. But the difference is hostile managements vs non hostile managements...or better union protection. And I'm not trying to make this some kind of pro union speech, either. I'm just telling it like it is.

    I fly for a major airline so I'm speaking from an insiders point of view. Sure, it is technically possible this BA pilot could lose his job. He won't. And nor should he...unless something like Alcohol or recklessness was a contributing factor. If it was they bye bye and good riddance.

    And as for this being a crew thing? Sure. This situation does beg the question of why 3 or 4 pilots (don't forget the 1 or 2 IROs sitting in the jumpseats) never saw what was about to happen. But its ultimately going to fall on the captain as it should. I'm sure BA has their planes insured and I'm sure this isn't the first incident they've had.

    I can cite you dozens of example of pilots clipping wings on the ground taxiing, banging into ground equipment near the gate or striking the tail on TO and landing with no jobs lost. Heck, we have a guy who banged a tail on Take-off and hit the top of the tail going under a bridge! He didn't lose his job. This sort of thing happens alot more than you think, unfortunately. This is no different. And even if BA management did go after his job they'd have to fight the pilot's union. Good luck with that.

    This will sound crazy to those outside of the industry but sometimes an incident like this is a good thing. Here's why. This will open up the eyes of many other pilots who might be falling into a state of complacency. They might see that it really is important to study the taxi charts or to speak up if they see something that doesn't look right. Experience is learning from your own mistakes and wisdom is learning from someone else's mistakes.

  3. Guess the pilot will be looking for a new job come January ;)/>/>

    No, he won't. He'll get a letter in his file and some re-training. It was a dumb mistake but the guy doesn't need to lose his job for it.

    The guy in the right seat has the responsibility of the right wing unless some thing has changed recently. If the left seat was in control all he can ask is if its ok on the right...

    Not really. The safe operation of the aircraft falls squarely on the captain. He didn't need the FO to tell him he wasn't going to clear that building. I haven't seen the taxi chart of that airport but I'll bet my next paycheck that it was labeled on the chart that aircraft with a wingspan greater than x are prohibited on that taxiway. Sounds like it was just a dumb mistake.

    Plus, I imagine that you can't see the wingtip from the cockpit on a 747. I don't know for sure, though. And it doesn't matter. If you have to check for building clearance on a taxiway that should be your first clue that something is wrong.

  4. For future reference, or for anyone reading this who may want to build this kit, what I did worked out really well. I glued a couple of the support pieces to the bottom fuselage and then loosely attached the upper fuselage to guarantee that they would all line up when the glue was dry. After the first couple were done I did it again with a few more and then again until they were all done. In the end all the support parts were perfectly attached to the lower fuselage part. I did it in steps just to make sure the glue wasn't drying before I could get the upper fuselage part on.

  5. How many of the the holes are damaged? What you could do is this: Cut off the little knobbies on the lower support parts that are problematic. Hopefully its just one or two of them.

    You only need to file down the lower parts that aren't fitting into their respective holes on the upper part. Does this make sense?

  6. Mr. Color paints are definitely worth it. They go on very smooth and are very durable. since it is solvent based you need to use an appropriate thinner. Their own Mr. Leveling thinner works great! I use Mr. Color about 90% of the time.

    I've painted one model using Citadel paint and it turned out very good. It also went on very smooth and it is very durable. Plus it is water based and can be thinned with water or alcohol. It can also be cleaned up with Windex which is nice. Those Warhammer 40k guys use Citadel and they are always handling their models so that is a bit of a testimony as to how durable they are.

    You can get Mr. Color paints from Srpue Brothers, LuckyModel.com and Hobbywave.com just to name a few. Not sure where to get Citadel, though. If you have a Games Workshop store near you they would definitely sell it since its their brand.

  7. What i stated is that every influential nation in the world makes mistakes. Yet you don't see me saying things like

    The people of the US have been a beacon of hope, freedom, industry, charity, ingenuity, faith, and many other things for 200+ years.

    With all due respect, Sir, the reason you don't say this is because you can't say this.

    I was never implying that Americans are better or morally superior. What I am saying is that you need to differentiate the difference between a people and their government. The American people have been an undeniable blessing to the world. Period. Why? I'm not sure. I would guess that it has to do with America's Judeo/Christian foundation. But clearly that foundation has been compromised and something terrible is happening in the US as we are all witnessing now.

    When you say that America is causing chaos around the world you essentially blame all Americans for it. That's ridiculous. If you want to say that America's government is causing chaos then you would be very correct...but also a hypocrite. It makes you a hypocrite because the governments of Europe collectively have have been carving up, imperializing, enslaving and dominating the word since 300 BC. As far as government atrocity goes the US government is in the minor leagues compared to European governments...especially considering that hundreds of millions of people have died or suffered at the hands of European governments in the last 2500 years.

    Unfortunately the US government has decided to embrace European style government and ignore the Constitution, not just in foreign policy but domestically as well, and the results speak for themselves.

  8. I'm just going to reply one last time and than i'm going to drop this because it is too stupid to waste any more time on it.

    You seem to be thinking that the US protects all the world and therefor we should be gratefull. The fact is, you created a world of chaos and are now trying to fight that chaos and act like a hero. So don't even think i owe you any respect for that.

    I do however respect all the soldiers who fought in WW2. This includes the US, but also all other nations especially those who fought it from the start. So would i have respect for your father who fought in WW2. Yes. Should i therefor have respect for you. No. You didn't fight there, so why would i be grateful to you? You wouldn't want me blaiming you when a relitave of yours kills a person, now would you. If not, than you don't get any of the praise and glory if they do something right. You seem to think that because people from your country have done a great act in the past that i am somehow for ever in debt with all americans? Like i pointed out before, should i be greatful to a random drugdealer on the streets just because he's an american? If your answer to that question is 'yes', than i advise you to seek counseling. Also you seem to think that because of WW2 i can never call a american citizin a liar. (BTW, i'm not saying he's a liar. He, in my opinion, embellished the story).

    Now as for the topic at hand, again, i don't claim that an F-22 can't stalk a F4. I just claim that it sounds like the story was embellished by adding details that don't sound realistic to me.

    Now that's it for me. Back to modelling.

    Make no mistake about it friend...the Europeans have been creating a world of chaos for the last 2500 years. Your governments were screwing up the world long before the US even existed.

    And don't ever confuse The United States with Washington DC. The people of the US have been a beacon of hope, freedom, industry, charity, ingenuity, faith, and many other things for 200+ years. The people of the US are just as fed up with Washington DC as anyone else. The main fault in the people of the US is that for some unexplainable reason they have allowed their government to turn into a European style rat fest.

  9. Qnd it's not going anywhere, they're just changing the name. I can't think of a worse combination of two airlines. Maybe Alitalia and Interflug...

    Well there are alot of investors and people in the financial world, who know alot more about it that you do, who disagree. Just sayin.

    All that's gonna happen is you bitchers and whiners complaining about US Airways/American are going to switch to some other airlines and their bitchers and whiners are going to switch to US Airways/American. That's what always happens.

  10. December 9th is the day that USAir becomes nothing but a bad memory. Of course all of the miserable employees and dirty aircraft will still be around but it's still a step in the right direction.

    USAir? It's been US Airways for the last 15 years. If you're going to insult the people that work there at least get the name right.
  11. even though the panels maintain a fairly polished look, there are still variations in the panel color. if i used a different alchlad color, even a polished one, over the chrome base, i would loose some of the shine. thanks to a post i found all in spanish by diego quijano (i used google to translate it), i masked off different panels and used very very light mists of semi gloss and matt varnish and this is what i got.

    Very nice!

    How did you mask the high shine Alclad II? I ask because I masked some high shine areas on a recent build and the Tamiya masking tape lifted the Polished Aluminum paint just ever so slightly...just enough to leave a "shadow" where the tape was.

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