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Posts posted by Fly-n-hi

  1. The term comes from Airbus. If i remember correctly it stemmed from legal action from Boeing. Here is the entry from wikipedia:

    In 2009 Airbus launched a new blended winglet design which the company called a "sharklet", designed to enhance the payload-range performance of the A320 Family

    Here is an article about the legal battle:



    Well, this is actually believable. I've flown Boeing and Airbus and I know that there are identical functions that both airplanes can perform but Airbus has to label it something else because Boeing claims that their labels are proprietary. But, again, as an Airbus pilot I can still confirm that we've never heard of "Sharklets."
  2. I fly A320s for a living and I've never heard the term "sharklets." We call them "blended winglets." And no...we don't have them. I'm sure if they're coming we be getting em, though. "Sharklets" is probably a term that a plane spotter coined. But maybe it will stick...who knows?

    And as far as the hardware is concerned it will probably be the exact same winglet on the IAE equipped planes as is on the CFM equipped planes. The testing just confirms what effect the winglets will have on the engines mostly. For example will the thrust for TO need to be adjusted since the wing has slightly different lift characteristics? Or how will fuel flow be affected at cruise? The landing data most likely will have to be adjusted as well.

  3. Yeah - and what airline is that L-1011 going to be or are you too chicken to tell?

    This is coming from the same guy who didn't bother to tell us what liveries he's putting on his MD-80 or 777-300ER? HA! Sure, I'll tell...Its going to wear Delta Airlines colors...or is it?

    This is my New Year Resolution for 2013

    Not buying anything for one year, kits or aftermarket.

    I hope I can make it.

    Wish me luck!

    Good luck. This is sort of where I'm at as well. Except my resolution is to only get one kit...the GWH MiG-29. That looks too good to pass up. I'll buy it for my wife for her B-day and when she opens it and says "Huh?" I'll say "Fine, if you don't want it I'll take it."

    That's actually a good plan for me, too...especially since I'm getting married this summer! Looking at my inventory list, I have more than enough kits ready for building...In fact, I might even have to thin the stash a bit!!

    That means you've got about 6 months to get what you want. Then its game over. Maybe not. To be honest, my wife is pretty cool with my modeling habit.
  4. Since I've built or own Revell/Monogram, Hasegawa and Hobbyboss F-14s I'd go with the Hobbyboss.

    Sure, this intake is slightly misshapen. But in reality, when its sitting on your shelf, you won't even notice. And if you put it next to a Hasegawa kit I'll bet you can't tell the difference. The Hasegawa cockpit is unbelievably bad, in my opinion, and you'll end up getting a $30 resin pit to replace it. The HB pit is alot better and is manageable OOB.

    It also depends on what configuration you're planning on. If you want the plane dirty (i.e. all the flaps down, stabs in drooped positions) then you have to get the Hasegawa or the HB kit. If you're going to pose her clean with the wings swept back then go with the Revell kit. With the $$$ you save on the Revell kit you can buy some AM stuff and bring her up to specs.

    Just my $.02

  5. Yeah, and speaking of commitment, where is your list for 2013?

    You already know I'll build something. But I can't really say what I'm gonna build until I start building it. Right now I can only specify what models I'll finish in 2013...not which ones I'll start.

    I'll definitely finish:

    1. 1/48 Monogram F-20 WHIF
    2. 1/48 Hasegawa F-2A
    3. 1/200 Hasegawa L-1011

    Edit: I will start and finish that 1/72 Hasegawa F-16B for the AZ ANG group build, of course.

    After that, though, who knows? But I'll definitely start 2 or 3 more. Maybe I'll build some of those WWII planes that I've got.

  6. I would like to know if there is anyone who would like to post what model aircraft they intend on putting together for the year 2013. It will be interesting to return to this thread in December of 2013 to review who met their goals.

    I will start:

    1) Hasegawa 1/72 F-16A

    2) Minicraft 1/144 MD-80

    3) Hasegawa 1/200 A300

    There, I fixed it for ya. Or should that be 1/144?
  7. I was thinking it would be nice to see all the 2012 completed builds in one thread instead of 25 different "Year in Review" threads. This way you can easily find pics that piqued your interest instead of searching through all the "review" threads. I'll start if you guys wanna participate...and if not...well that's cool, too.

    Here's a 1/200 Hasegawa TWA 727-200:



    1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18E Royal Maces:



    1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18F "Expert 101":



    1/48 Tamiya F-16C:



    Looking forward to seeing your 2012 builds! :cheers:

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