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Posts posted by Fly-n-hi

  1. It looks great! I've got one in the stash myself. The only thing that jumps out at me area the stabiltors. The do look like they are oversized. But otherwise I think it looks pretty "accurate."

  2. Looks good! I've got a Revell C-17 that I'm just about to finish myself.

    Obviously the decals were an issue but you said you fixed them. One thing I did notice that you seem to have forgotten are the nav lights that go into the wingtips.

  3. Ok, since there is a doubt as to whether or not the parts I soaked were resin or styrene parts I decided to experiment on some parts that I know for sure are styrene plastic. I soaked these (spare) parts for a few seconds and YES they began to melt. So the parts that I soaked before must have been resin or something else.

    So don't use Acetone unless its on resin.

  4. :huh:/>/>/> I find that hard to believe, as styrene is rapidly dissolved by acetone, though some resin parts are not. Also, if the styrene has been coated the coating may provide protection for the styrene.

    Believe or don't believe it. I've done it.

    Edit: I went back to the model that has the part that I soaked. It was a clear part that I assumed was styrene but maybe it was resin...I don't know for sure. So be careful with the acetone if you use it since I'm not sure now.

  5. Maybe, in the future, GWH (or any manufacturer for that matter) could do something like Hasegawa does with their F/A-18 kits. Hasegawa has these recessed guide lines in the inside of the parts that you scribe along (or score along) if you want to cut out the part...specifically the folding wingtips. Then they include the hinge parts if you decide to pose them folded up. It seems like manufacturers could provide these lines inside the fuselage parts where the avionics/weapons/E&E/speed brake are.

    Then they could provide the doors and speed brake as extra parts because the parts you scribe out would most likely be a little damaged from being removed. Or they could provide a separate boxing that includes these parts for an extra cost...which seems like a good idea to me.

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