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Everything posted by streetstream

  1. Waaw, those look really great. Is the gold stripe a decal or painted on? Whate brand of white are you using? It looks very good.
  2. I got a Revell 1/32 Tornado IDS and the Trumpeter 1/144 tu 95 bear H (the ugliest version of the most beautiful bomber in my opinion). While i was picking out these kits, i saw a 1/72 Trumpeter il-28 beagle for sale at just 6,25 euro's. So i bought that one for myself and started it right away so i can get a feel for how trumpeter kits are made. Non-modelrelated gifts were a new toolbox (needed that big time), a new shaving machine, a special workers headlight and a book by Ian Kershaw (whose books i like since i got his book about the battle of the bulge.) As a couple, me and my girlfrie
  3. Indeed it does. I had a azmodels Tu 134 that after hours of sanding finally had no center fuselage gap anymore and than i dropped it. Of course ait split open a bit and all those hours spend sanding and polishing just flew out the window. I got it fixed, but still, it's hard not to get upset when it happens. But the good news is, tommorow i get to go christmas shopping at my LHS and i can pick a new model.
  4. No. Say it aint so. Sorry to see that. Stay calm. I hope you can fix her.
  5. Thanks, those look great and don't seem to make the model that expensive knowing that the kit itself is 40 euros (+-32.5 pounds). I will have to look into it, but first, i have to wait untill saterday and see if i can find the kit as i only saw it advertised in a e-mail send to me. I hope by than it isn't sold out. (could also be that i am tempted by something else i find there. Christmas shopping is the only time a year where my girlfriend doesn't mind if i spend 2 hours looking at kits. God bless her)
  6. No apology necessary. It is practically the same question. I would have done the same.
  7. Well, my LHS only has the ECR and IDS kit and i wanted to build a desert camo RAF tornado as seen in opeartion desert storm, but i think i'll have to settle for a german bird (wich are also nice, but they didn't feature in desert storm). But i'll go sown to my LHS on saterday and maybe be surprised to find a GR1 kit. It's not the first time i get surprised to find a nice kit i wasn't expecting. Anyway thanks for the input you guys. I will remember that the basic aircraft is the same except for the stores and a few pods/sensors.
  8. OK, so first of all, sorry for all the questions, but saterday i may choose my christmas gift and i want to get the right one. Now, in my LHS there are to revell 1/32 tornado kits available. One is the ECR tiger meet one and the other is the german IDS. Now i actually wanted a English one, so i looked it up on (god forgive me) wikipedia. It states there that the British GR1's - GR4's are IDS aircraft. So, can you build one (without expensive aftermarkets) from the german IDS kit, or is that a no go? I will try and look up some more stuff, but any help is welcome. I understand that weapon
  9. OK, thanks for the input guys. The conversion set is a bit to expensive for my taste. I'm not yet a great moddeler, so i don't want to spend to much money on a kit as long as my skills don't meet up to it. So i think i will be going for a 1/32 panavia tornado.
  10. Well, i can choose a kit for Christmas and this kit just got back in stock at my LHS. I can't seem to find any reviews so the question is, is it any good? I'm not looking for great accuracy, but i don't like mayor blunders. So, does this kit have any. Are the panels scribed?
  11. Sadly, i don't live in the US, but i'm gonna guess anyway. 24
  12. Thank everybody for the input. I know enough now. Still find the top one weird looking, but now i know it is just my eyes messing with me.
  13. Thanks for pointing it out, but i used MS paint to draw an extra window in front of it and still it looks very different. The windshield of the top one seems to be in line with the nose cone (sharper angle). The bottom oe seems to have a shorter nose with a larger angle. I hope someone understands what i mean.
  14. Is there a difference in nosecone shape and size on the 747-200? they look different. Look at where the windows stop at the front. Is it just me or those the first one look strange?
  15. A Boeing 737 or an Airbus A320 (318,319,321).
  16. Looking nice. I hope to one day be able to make my own decals.
  17. Oh, there it is. I didn't see the third step as shown in your picture. Thanks
  18. Just a question, maybe a stupid one. How do you board the plane? The first (lowest) step is onde for the left foot. Than the second step is for your right foot. But than the third is a right one again. Do you hop to this one or do you take a very big step to the 4th step and than balance on the lower third step. I hope someone understands what i'm trying to say. But besides that, what a great model. It is really impresive. I hope that someday i have the skills and patience to make something like that.
  19. If someone would be offended by kids wearing similar berrets as a number of US military men, they really need to re-evaluate their live. I personally think you are over thinking this. I would say, go for it.
  20. Trust me, if they didn't hit it, it is because they didn't want to and were either giving warning shots, or that the event never happend. I'm betting on the 2nd.
  21. Doesn't that list state 52 737-900 orders, 7 737-900BBJ orders and 545 737-900ER orders for a total of 604 jets? I don't see where the number 929 is coming from. Not arguing, just asking.
  22. I'm sorry, but to me it seems like some people here lost common sence. There is only a stopsign badly painted on the road. Even if he saw it, what does he have too stop and look out for? the plane is descending rapidly at the end, so if you put yourself in the SUV drivers place, you would have to look up, not just to the left. If there is no sign to warn for low flying aircraft, how would you know what to look out for. At a rail crossing, it is clearly marked as a railcrossing. You can see the tracks. If you are driving on a road and there is a badly painted sign on the road that just states '
  23. Actually, it is called "Kelly Drive". So no hints there.
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