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Everything posted by streetstream

  1. OK, i'm testing if photobucket works better. Here we go.
  2. Very nice, i really like the weathering on the door. Very realistics.
  3. Maybe, yesterday they suddenly worked. Now today again nothing. I'll try to post them on Photobucket tonight in stead of Tumblr.
  4. Do you still require more pictures, because a lot of guys beat me to it?
  5. I hope i can do that early tommorow because i'm not home at the moment. In the mean time our friends at britmoddeler have some sprue shots. The pictures aren't the best quality, but you can get a first look. http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=234912100
  6. You are right. If you want to do moddeling, do the work. I am thinking that maybe, with some good drawing, one could scratchbuild the engines. P.S.: anyone know why my images aren't showing anyumore?
  7. Well maybe they tried to keep costs down, because let's fac it, it's a lot of plane for just 17€. Just looking at the fuselagehalves gives me goosebumps. THIS IS A 747. Now the challenge will be to either find JT9D engines or make them.
  8. Well, it isn't the start i hoped for, but i like it anyway. Tried a few new ways of working on a moddel and they turned ouy great. I just made one mistake on on wing that isn't easy to fix, but i will look at it after i primed it to see how bad it is. I think it will be oke, but if it isn't no worries because it is located at the bottom of the wing. Anyway, i learned one lesson on the previous build that i am now trying to do on this one, and that is to take my time and don't be satisfied to fast. Hope to be able to work on it this weekend.
  9. It has 2 halves. As for shape, is a nice kit, but it is old.
  10. It is Max decals. They don't make them anymore, but i found someone (Dndieje) who gave me the decals for free. Didn't even have to pay the postage no matter how many times i offered.
  11. Here they are. I hope these will do. Otherwise, just let me know and i will snap some more pictures tommorow.
  12. I've got these at my LHS. They were the only copies he got. Looking to score 2 more. One of these will be build into a EL-AL 747 Cargo (the one involved in de Bijlmer disaster). It will be a tribute, but that won't be for a couple of years. One will be build as a old livery Sabena. I hope to find 2 more to be build into a Pan Am clipper and another into a KLM (don't know yet what livery). BTW i paid 35,6€ for the 2, so that is just great. I opend one, aand it is exactly like the old kit, including the stand and nice decals.
  13. So, i've been hanging around ARC forum a while, so it is time to introduce myself. I'm a 27 year old Belgian and i've been moddeling a bit when i was a teen (wich was actually sticking kits together in a couple of days) and than a 2 years ago i started again after trying a Revell 1/72 Hawker Hunter. Now i started airliners again and after a couple of tries i'm now ready for some seroius building and trying to sharpen my skills. I started a 1/144 Revell A320 (edelweiss) wich if turning out good will be build as a Aer Lingus one (thanks to 'Dndieje' for offering the decals for that plane free
  14. Actually one has. But he wasn't killed. and some more footage
  15. Just to make sure you know, i'm just trying to help and not break you down. My skills are nowhere near yours, so i'm not trying to be a jerk. Anyway, i just love your build. I'm currently sick so i'm not doing any moddeling, but i hope to start my first WIP here in a few day (1/144 A320 aer lingus). I also am concidering to show my latest build (AZ models 1/144 tu 134). I guess it's not all bad, so maybe i'll take some pictures later. But, back on topic, great build. I want to do a 747 build of klm also, but i'll stick to 1/144 and a 747-200. Will be visiting my LHS tomorrow in hopes of fi
  16. Very nice, but i do believe you sprayed the sand color a bit to far on this picture. I could be wrong.
  17. OMG, vince14 is Homer Simpson.
  18. And their arms? Will the pilots have arms? Just kidding. Very nice build so far.
  19. I think he's refering to the blending of the engine pylon to the wing at the leading edge. I find it weird to because it differs from engine number 2, but looking at pictures of a real 747 it is spot on. I do wonder about the color. Is that right?
  20. Very nice model. Almost makes me want to buy a 1/144 MD 80 series plane (always wanted one to make a SAS or Alitalia MD), but i have to stop buying and get on with building.
  21. I was half way through your comment when i was thinking, why make it that hard. And indeed the solution (apart from ordering a new part) is to use the front windscreen of the open canopy and cut up the closed canopy and use the rear part of it to make a substitute open canopy.
  22. Wow, and i thought mine was bad because it had a bend static discharger on the vertical stabilizer. The box is indeed far to small, but i think i can be fixed with some hot water and some TLC.
  23. Very, very nice. I just love the paintjob. Will you be weathering it later on?
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