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Everything posted by streetstream

  1. Yeah, go belgium go. Great looking model. But i did like their 2010 paint scheme more.
  2. Man, we've got some real artists on this forum.
  3. Waaw that looks really great. Must remember that one. Just to have a general idea. Say i want one of those on a standart sized A3 paper. What would that cost. you can even PM it if you prefer.
  4. Or we could continue speaking dutch and try to take over the site. Just kidding. Thanks for the explanation. I want a transparent cockpit window, so it wil be more sanding and polishing :( I'm gonna practice on a piece of sprue first because i never did that before.
  5. Can you send me that e-mail too? You should still have my adress.
  6. I didn't even notice it. But yes, it looks beter without the tape :)
  7. Wel ik weet niet zeker wat er mis is met het transparant cockpit raampje, maar kan je niet gewoon met wat vuller het raampje en de romp in elkaar laten overgaan of moeten de frames van het cockpitraampje weggehaald worden? Ik heb welk al eens gemerkt dar de raampjes klein lijken. Is dat het probleem? Sorry to all English speaking members, but we couldn't communicate it in english for both of us to understand the situation. Will return to english as soon as possible.
  8. Can't you just fairy the windowfram into the plastic of the fusalage? btw, noticed the panellines on my A320 and one is already puttied. Hope to find time on friday to start my first WIP on arcair.
  9. That is what is was worried about. So we can scrap the word 'perfect' from the title.
  10. Waaw, a 1/44 supperguppy. That must be huge. But all kidding aside, i'd build it. My hobby is building kits, not trading them.
  11. NIce, very nice. Have that one in my stash too. Will not be build this year, but hope in 2013.
  12. I just started the 1/144 A320 from revell. I looks good, but has some flash on the major parts. Does your kit require to cut flap fairings of the wing too?
  13. Very nice. Although, if i may point out one thing. It seems your model has a fault on the top of the wing near engine one. It seems to have a bubble there. Other than that, very nice model and a cool subject.
  14. Could you include some picture? I would like to see the 'kit-supplied tool' you are talking about.
  15. Don't think it is because we don't appreciate your work. It is very good and i think i will use the tire idea for my current build.
  16. Sorry. Scrolled right passed that piece of text.
  17. You have leftover fuselage piece only if you use 2 kits. If you use one kit (for financial reasons) and you make it longer, you are left with a gap and no fuselage pieces to fill it. I would however us some evergreen plastic to fill most of it before applying filler.
  18. Man, that must be some weird cup.
  19. Would love to see it. Have one in my stash. I will build mine in colour of the old sovjet airforce.
  20. Very nice plane. I just love the weathering from the trustreversers. The Panavia Tornado is in my top 5 of alltime favorite British planes, preceded by the Avro Vulcan on number one and the Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde on number two and followed by the Hawker Hunter on number 4 and the SEPECAT Jaguar on number 5.
  21. Would be even beter if she payed for it too.
  22. Yes, it seem some still don't get the fact that the first priority is to fly the plane. Will we, in the near future, see fully automated planes with less chance off errors? Somehow, that scenario does scare me.
  23. Well this reminds me of the crash of AA flight 965 that crashed after a wrong input in the auto navigation. In this incident it is clearly a pilot-error.
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