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Posts posted by streetstream

  1. Anyone know the name of the French special ops troops? Do they have one? Prayers going out to France!

    The GIGN is the anti-terrorist force of the national police. They succesfully ended the hijack of an Air France A300 in 1994.

    There are talks of 40 people killed.

  2. I'm in. I hope the raffle isn't on the 12th because i have to go the a birthday party that evening/night.

    Also, i'm trying to keep my mornings clear. Last year i had to go shopping the following morning and the raffle was still going on at 3am local time. Thank god most of us had a few great beers to keep us awake (or what ever excuse we can use to keep drinking).

    Anyway, i also like to donate a kit. To keep in the trend of 1/32 WW2 fighterplanes i bought the following kit:

    Revell 03986 1/32 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IIa

    It is new in a sealed box.

    Also, a special thanks to Corsairman and Pete for organizing this raffle. You guys are doing a great job.

  3. To those who have seen it in theaters: is it worth seeing in 3D?

    I can't see how 3D would add much to this story but I could be wrong...

    I saw it in 3D yesterday (picked 3D because the schedule allowed my fiancée and i to grab something to eat) and i must say, 3D doesn't ad much to the movie. There are very little scenes that seem to have been made to fully benefit 3D.

    Anyway, here's my opinion on the movie:

    First of, great movie. Nice pace, good acting, and not the usual, we got to safe him without any outside help hollywood crap.

    Would have love to see the Russians help, but if it isn't in the book, i can see how they didn't write it in the script. I just hope in real live the good relationship in spacetravel between the US, EU and Russia (see ISS) would see any nation to ask a partner for help.

    The only thing that is a bit annoying with these types of movies is that you can see the ending coming from a mile away.

    But, to be honost, you know that going in.

    Conclusion: If you want to see a (very) good movie that isn't an over the top disastermovie, go see this one. I would definitely recommend it.

  4. Ok, to give the question some context, first a little personal history.

    Three years ago my fiancé and i bought a old house. We moved in and started renovating.

    On the ground level we have 2 rooms that aren't renovated yet and that we use as storage. We don't come here often (once a week to pick up some stuff) so that will explain some things further along.

    Anyway, one of the things i store there are models that i put aside for awhile when i run into a problem that needs thinking over or when i lost the mojo on it. I currently have six models pending. One of these models is a Revell 1/144 Airbus A320. I was going to finish it in Aer Lingus colors but was still looking for the right colors and had a problem painting the white (which i found a sollution for). Because the model was a good way along and i wanted to protect it from damage, i put it in an opentop cardboard box with soft padding on the bottom. I left the top open so that when carrying it i could see the model and know if my movement weren't hurting it (a lot of overkill here).

    So today i was walking into the 'storage rooms' and it smelled really bad. I knew right then and there that my cat had decided to scip the litterbox and do his job there.

    As you can already guess, after 2 minutes i discovered he had been using the carboard box as a litterbox more than once.

    So now i have a cardboard box sitting outside with a A320 in it, it's horizontal stabilizers, tail and one engine covered in feces.

    Now the question: save it by cleaning it, or dump it.

    Before you answer, know that i scratch build a cockpit for it and redisigned the cockpitwindow because that one is horrible in the kit.

    Let the voting begin.

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