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Posts posted by streetstream
Me and a couple of friends visited Normandie in the beginning of August and for the second time we visited the Overlord museum in Colleville-sur-mer.
Also for the second time i saw the equipment below and i have no idea what it is.
Any of you know what it is?
None of the signs nearby gave any hints.
Thanks in advance guys.
I'm not sure if the South Vietnamese government was pro-West or pro-US, but it was certainly pro-corruption...
Name me one government that isn't.
Like i stated in the 'other' topic, i have a dogtag of the F16 solo demoteam of the Belgian Air Force.
I just have mental images of the thing ricocheting around during a catastrophic impact or tumble.
How often do you think i crash my car? :D
"Some minor inaccuracies are evident in the molding but nothing that should challenge an experienced modeler."
Are you saying that isn't a gullwing airplane?
metal airplane. Not a kit, but won't melt. Small die cast airplane
That is indeed an option i can try. Just need to find a small enough plane that is to my liking.
One additional problem with a metal plane. If i brake really hard, the plane might hit the windscreen. Metal versus glas, i think i know the winner.
A model airplane hanging from your rear-view mirror? That'll impress the chicks! :D/>
I'm engaged already, so no need for that anymore. But i know, it's a chickmagnet :D
It's possible I missed this during my scan of the thread, but is it a problem to roll the windows down far enough to vent the heat, yet prevent passersby from reaching in to unlock the doors or cause other mischief?
(We're having a local heat wave of 115 F/46.1 C, today, and I've got the windows rolled down and the reflective windshield sun shade up.)
That is also a possibilitty that i can test. I'll try and find a trashed kit and use it for testing.
I'm assuming this is a Falcon 9 v1.1 and not the R version?
Still goes to show that space isn't just a routine trip.
A model suspended from a string hanging from the mirror isn't going to "fly" the way a real airplane flies. It's dangling, not flying. Driving in 2 dimensions, you're always under 1g, but you get lateral accelerations (that's what makes it "swing"). In flying in 3 dimensions, the apparent force of gravity varies as you maneuver the airplane.
Actually, that is what i was going for. I would have suspended it from 2 points so it doesn't rotate, and than have it move from left to right while cornering creating a banking effect as if the plane was turning. I'm not looking for a full on simulation of flight, just the banking.
Also,i know that the rotationpoint is way to high, so it would look more like a dutchroll, but still...
Anyway, thanks for your input and for eveybodies for that matter.
Man, that is a cool car. I remeber fondly the postoffice and local telecomcompany using this type of car. If been in the market for an oldtimer and i totaly forgot about this one. Might have to check these out.
Also, i had a similar sunroof on my vw polo 6n (my first car) and man, you are gonna love it. It is great when cruising in town. I really miss that on my current 'car'(and i use quotes because i drive an 2011 Opel Astra and i spend more time worrying about it, than driveing it).
Well, I one of my co-workers will be happy about the heat wave, he's been complaining that the sun hasn't been out and he can't get his garden to grow.
i'm no expert on the matter, but if you want your garden to grow, the last thing you need is a heatwave.
Okay, so second summary:
- Some people have had luck with it, but don't mount it on the dash.
- Roads in Belgium are crappy (what else is new?) so again, don't mount it on the dash.
- Looking at the pictures of the last post, DON'T DO IT
Thanks again all you guys for the input, i think i will save the model for my display cabinet and maybe go with diecast.
Exactly what does a guy from Holland consider as a heatwave, 26C?
We are not exactly having a heatwave here in Florida, but this past week its been in the upper 30's with a heat index of 41C! :wacko:/>
I'm not really sure i've you are adressing me (sorry), but i'll answer it anyway.
A heatwave over here is 5 days of more than 30C. Next week, they give temps up to 36C.
Also, and this is why i questioned if you were adressing me, i'm from Belgium. It's close to Holland, but still a different country.
+ all those "hollanders" that jam our roads with those horrid caravans..... :coolio:/> :taunt:/>
If i could like a comment, it would be this one.
Also consider whether that model hanging from the mirror would be judged by the police as an impediment to safe operation of the vehicle.
I don't think it is an issue here. If you look at the law, it is forbidden, but i never had any comments made by cops so far. Also, if they would make a comment about it, nobody would be allowed to use a GPS-device. I think it's all a matter of common sense. If you go overboard, like hanging a 1/144 747 of the mirror, you would have to remove it.
So a first summary would be that it is unlikely that the model would survive for plenty of years. I was thinking about abandoning the idea all together, but now i'm thinking of making the model and only placing it in the car in winter. Maybe something to think about.
I think the condition of the Belgian roads is a bigger concern for your mirror decoration :monkeydance:/> :P/>
That's why i would suspend it under the mirror, so it would have some shockabsorption.
So in my circle of friends we like to hang items on our rearviewmirrors of our cars.
Some have small teddybears, some have keychains,....
At the moment i have a dogtag of the BAF F 16 demoteam hanging off my rearviewmirror.
One day i was watching it and it gave me an idea.
Can i build a small 1/144 modelkit and hang it off my rearviewmirror in such a way that the model would act like a real plane while cornering?
I chose a Revell 1/144 MiG 25 Foxbat and started buildibg yesterday.
But this morning, while readibg about a heatwave that will strike hear starting tommorow, i was wondering, can a model beat the heat?
Will the model survive, or will i end up with bend wings, or worse, a bunch of molten plastic on my dash.
Any ideas?
To give you an idea about the scale of the proplem, in summer, on hot days' it usually gets up to 35○C (95○F) over here.
Thanks in advance for any answers.
I think the 787-800 looks a bit on the fat side. The 787-900 looks nice, but what makes me like the A350 more is the wingbox. I know, it sounds strange, but it makes the bellyline look awesome. That combined with the big @ss engines makes it look cool.
Tell me this doesn't look great.
And look at this.
Dammit jennings, now i'm stuck browsing the web looking at pics of the A350 and the 787. This is going to last for hours.
I beg to differ. I prefer the A350.
I know some don't like being told bad news, but here it goes:
News is going around that a Airbus A400M has crashed near Seville.
Some claims are made that it fell on a Coca Cola factory, but the first pictures going around suggest that is fell is an open field near the airport.
Some sources speak of 6 or 7 dead.
No need to apologize. I just wanted to point out this small mistake. And again, let it not distract from the beauty of your model. It inspires me to keep this in mind as my next purchase.
It looks great, congradulations. Just one thing. Shouldn't this post be under 'The display case' instead of 'In-progress pics'?
Identify this WW2 equipment
in General Discussion
Any idea what the little seat does and what the 2 big spools are for?