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Posts posted by streetstream
Just received the new Zvezda kit from Russia. All I can say is "wow"!! This is hands-down, easily the best 1/144 airliner kit ever made, period. I'm currently working on a detailed review which I'll post at some point. The kit isn't perfect (no kit is), but it's pretty darn close! "Jewel-like" is the phrase that springs to mind. It's a joy to behold. Can't wait to start putting some glue to plastic! If you have even the slightest interest in Sovietski airliners (and who doesn't?), get this kit!
I know what i'm getting for Christmas.
I'm in.
Also i'd like to donate a kit for the raffle.
Since it is my first time and i haven't had any experience with mailing packages across the globe, i'll start slow this first year and donate a Revell 1/32 Messerschmitt Bf109 G-6 Late & early version (boxnumber: 04665).
Forgot to write that is new in unopened box.
i saw it last Friday and i must agree, it is a great movie. Nice action, cool tanks.
On the downside, it isn't all that realistic at times and there are a lot of clichés.
But overall, a very entertaining and cool movie.
Come on guys, i already bought my kit.
If i promise to make two kits, can i vote twice?
I'm in. I hope this GB gets enough votes because it will be my first and i can't wait to go out and buy a Arado ar 240c-2 for this build.
Nice build. Makes me want to start my 1/72 mustang B. I've always liked the b and c more than the d version.
Never mind than. I'll stick to the 1/144 one.
I noticed in the revell newsletter that they released a 1/72 concorde. Where is this coming from. I can't seem to find anything about it. Is it a rebox?
I bought a Samsung tablet last week after my laptop crapped out and i have the same problem. I'm using my girlfriends laptop now.
Update: Wierdly i tried it just a second ago and did the same i Always did, and now it works. Strange.
I'm glad to see that some of you share a similar experience as me.
I really wonder why no one is challenging the general statement in the opening post! I´d say that there are (at least) the same number of talented and excellent builders in NA than there are in Europe. Until no one shows me the numbers, I´ll stick to that claim! ;)/>
I actually agree with you. I just think it is a perception problem.
Did it ever happen to some of you that you never interrested in a certain plane, yet something triggers you to suddenly like it alot more?
For instance, i never really thought of the F 14 as a beautiful plane. It was nice to see it in Top Gun, but i never really loved it. Untill a friend gave me a 1/72 F 14D kit as he was quiting the hobby. I started building it (it is not finished yet btw) and suddenly was really impressed by the shape and the size of it. It totally let me see the F 14 in a different light. A strange, but lovely experience.
I had a similar yet less intence epiphany with the F 117. It seemed a bit boring to build seeing as it would be a all black plane, but after seeing some of the builds on this and other fora, it really has a lot of potential as a beautiful show piece. Again, i can't stress this enough, i'm only talking about eastatics as everybody knows that the F 117 is an impressive piece of machinery.
So, anything like this ever happen to one of you?
Maybe it's because they have more time to dedicate to the hobby due to their 35 hour work week. :whistle:/>/>
35? Try 44 without overtime.
Where Have you ever really read any of the comments they have in there. Way way out there.
Ever watched fox news? :D
To me the crash at Uberlingen comes to mind.
There are alot of small things that went wrong and if even one didn't happen, the collision could have been avoided.
1) The controller was working 2 stations instead of one.
2) He had no working phones available to alert a nearby airport that a plane was making a late landing this occupied alot of his time).
3) Due to the phones not working a controller at another location couldn't Phone in a warning.
4) The cultural differences in handeling orders (Russian crews are taught to listen to controllers and use TCAS as a aid. Western crews are taught to give priority to TCAS)
These were some of the factors to led to the collision.
Thanks to all you guys for the tips.
We plan on visiting late august, so the imperial war museum is an option.
The Underground is probably the fastest (a Londoner will be able to tell you the cheapest way.)
From Piccadilly Circus travel one stop (or walk) to Leicester Square, then get the northbound Northern Line (signposted to Edgware) to Colindale (even though the museum is called Hendon, don't be tempted to get off at Hendon Central, because it's a long walk.)
At Colindale turn left, and it's about a half-mile walk to the (signposted) museum, and Hannant's shop is about 200 yards further, on the same side of the road, tucked into a far corner of a small trading square.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I never thought the underground goes so far. I thought it stuck to the city center.
I love using the subway in London. It is so easy and fast.
Ok, now i have to convince my girlfriend to let me go (and tag along).
I just also located Hannants and will make a visit there too.
Once again thank you.
BTW, i anybody knows of any more good modelshops or museums (i'm alowed to pick one, but in my world that means two) let me know.
My girlfriend and i plan on viisting London this summer and i would like to know a few things.
First of all, where are there any good modelshops in the city center (what is the one seen on the episode of "james may toy stories?)? We are staying near piccadilly circus.
Also what is the fastest and easiest way (and also cheapest) way to get to the RAF museum? Is it true that Hannants is located near it?
If someone who knows the region could answer my questions, i really appreciate it.
I went there last summer with my girlfriend and a couple of friends. One thing i can say, plan your trip carefully because there is much to see. If i were you, i would pass on a visit to "La memorial de Caen". It is a large museum but frankly it is boring. The "overlord" museum on the other hand is small but has alot of vehicles and is a feast for the eyes. "Pointe du hoc" is also very nice to see. You can't believe the power of bombs until you stand in one of the craters.
In "la batterie de merville" you have a nice C 47 parked and in the gift shop you can buy a 1/72 italeri C 47 and when checking out the saleslady suggested the small SNAFU decals which alow you to build the bird as it is parked there (which i of course did).
Also don't miss out on visiting Pegasus bridge and its museum. They have some very nice dioramas and cool vehicles. And in the "Utah beach museum" they have a B26 on display and sell the most beautiful posters.
Finally, if you want to change your view on life, don't pass on visiting the American and German graves. Seeing numbers is one thing, but knowing that behind every stone with a name goes a real person, most of them barely grown up, really puts you in your place.
One more tip, sometimes to keep the peace, you have to look the other way. We came across a guy who found it neccesary to pose topless for muscle shots inside the American cemetery. Talk about having no respect. Also, at the overlord museum parents kept letting their kids climb on the tanks even when there are multiples signs instructing people not to do so.
Not bad. Not bad at all.
I really like the scene in 'Catch me if you can' when Leonardo Di Caprio is in the jumpseat of what i believe is a 707 and it is taking off.
The rest of the movie has some great 707 scenes and it really shows the true beauty of the type.
I read the dutch vesion of Taylor Downing's book 'Churchill's war lab'.
It isn't the best book i've read, but i does show some great insights. It even gives anakdotes about Roosevelt which make me respect him more.
I was a bit dissapointed by the attitude of Churchill (as portrayed by this writter), but in retrospect, given his age, i still have to have deep respect for him to do what he did. The way he stept up and kept on going, dispite his advanced age, is inspiring.
I also read his book 'Spies in the sky' (also the dutch version) which is a book i can recommend to anyone because it shows not only the importance of arial observations, but the vastness of this type of data gathering. I never knew what an importent part of the war this was.
I also shows the bave actions of pilots who went behind enemy lines without weapons and in the early ages with infiriour planes.
And the last book i read was the dutch version of 'the one who almost made it back' by Peter Celis. It tells the story of a Canadian pilot flying Pathfinder who's Lancaster was shot down in a town 5Km from the town i grew up in. He was even hidden in a house just 2 Km from where i used to live. This was a great book and a very gripping tale. As the title suggests, he didn't make it back, and to think that it was only one stupid mistake that prevented him from getting back home, it still saddens me to think about it. The book also tells the story of the massacre at a nearby town. I hope to visit the graves of all the villagers who died at the hands of the nazi's and visit the grave of the brave pilot.
And to think that i came out of school only having read one book for a book report and i hated reading. So you see, it is just a matter of finding a subject that is interresting.
Just saw the Revell Facebook-page and it shows the 1/144 747-8F in Cargolux colors.
This is really exciting.
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