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Posts posted by streetstream

  1. My dad first bought me a couple of kits, but i was to young to build them properly. Bought a few as an early teen, but quit around the age of 14. Picked it up again at the age of 24 after finding a nice model (Hawker Hunter) in a store. Kept building them ever since. Have recently asked santa for a Hawker Hunter again (and got it) just to see if i progressed in these years. Will be building this one this year.

  2. Get yourself a PS3. I don't play a lot of games anymore (read almost none), but you can't beat a game console for Blu-Ray player and NetFlix streaming.

    Can't agree more. My PS3 is first generation (bought it 3 monthts after the first release) and it still works fine and plays bluray without problems all the time.

  3. I have never discounted it as a cleaning area, but I know what our hot brake area looked like in CFB Cold Lake and it was very similar to this.

    Please let it be know that i never wanted to state that you discounted it. I wanted to point out that the area seems like a dual purpose spot (cleaning and hot brake spot).

  4. That's a (definite) wash pan. Imagine all that carbon from the brakes and general muck around the center section.

    It is a cleaning area for sure, but why is only that spot so dirty when in the picture i posted earlier, you can see that there are several cleaning areas next to one another?

    There isn't a hot brake area either. You get the thing sorted soonest not tow the kite to a special area, if needed the taxiway. Fire crews don't want a fire towing around the airport. If they're smoking for brakes we use DRY POWDER, the light (ish) blue ones.

    Isn't it so that planes are advised to keep rolling untill fire crews get there. I assumed the most dangerous thing to do is stop when no fire engines are present. Wouldn't it be better to keep rolling to a designated area and have the fire crew meet you there at the time you arrive?

  5. Just had another thought, in the Airforce we had a designated hot brake area. That is likely what we are looking at here.

    Brakes would be extinguished/ cooled in those areas. This is away from the terminals and is a likely location. The pattern looks like both the mains and nose wheels have been worked on.

    With Heathrow being one of the busiest airports in the world they would have a high number of hot brakes. Brakes are made of magnesium so this is an area of great concern in airfield operations. We used a special extinguisher (METLEX) for these fires due to the high temperatures involved (H2O & CO2 would explode, due to their molecules being torn apart).

    The skid marks from the nose are what I would expect a problem with nose- wheel steering or a blown tire. So the area could also be used for all gear emergencies.

    It is a straight in angled spot too,which would give the firefighters better access to the aircraft.

    Another valid theory there. Does make more sense than a cleaning area because it is just the one spot that has the dirt and there are more than one spaces where they clean airplanes.

  6. Thanks for thta input Pete. I does change everything. The theory that it is a washing area could be valid.

    Some more searching suggests that it could indeed be a plane washing area. But i still wonder why that spot is really dirty, and the rest isn't.


  7. Here you go.


    Definitely looks weird. Maybe where they clean the planes? Or a chemical spill? Been there a while though look at all the marks of moving planes in n out of that spot.

    It seems to me (and again it is just a theory) that a plane caught fire there, was removed and that later planes parked there and on hot days, spread the black stains.

  8. Could it be the firefighters training area?? Would help if we had a link to the map.....

    It is not a fire fighter training area, because they have a mock plane to do that. It is located 750 meters to the southwest of the point i'm refuring to. It looks like a green twin-engined 747.

    Here is a picture of what i mean:


  9. I have a question. When looking at Heathrow airport on Google maps, on the top right of the field, there is a Concorde parked in what seems to be a engine testing structure. Right beside it, there seems to be a burn pattern on the tarmac. I tried searching the web as to what could have caused it, but i only receive info about the Ethiopean 787 fire. Does anybody know what happend there?

    Location 54.475015,-0.421939 (+54° 28'30.05",-0°25'18,98")

  10. I choose my models on desire. I pick kits of planes i want. If more than 1 manufacturer is available, i give preference to brands i know. I also, most of the times, look up if the kit has major defects.

    But one thing that dominates my choice most is price. For some reason i can't bear to spend more than 100 euros on a model (including paint, decals,...).

    Also a point i keep in mind is my skill level. I really like to buy a nice expensive kit, but i feel that my skills don't do the kits justice. That's also a reason why i have a "large" stash. I really wish to build the model, but not right now because i'm not good enough yet.

  11. I got the Revell british legends collection kit with a 1/72 spitfire, a 1/72 hawker hurricane and a 1/72 Lancaster. I also got a Revell 1/72 Hawker Hunter which i really wanted since it was the first model i build when starting moddeling and i wanted to see if my skills improved over the 4 (or so) years since i started.

    Sadly, i have to work today, but i hope to do some building tomorrow.

    BTW, those are the model related gifts i recieved. I also go other great gifts from my girlfriend and the "in-laws".

  12. Actually a lot of people took a lot of time to explain it to you. They even tried to use things like pictures to help, and not all of them were americans. Several of them are pilots and many more actually served in the military.

    And you happend to miss the people who agreed with me?

    I would ignore that, and you should have too. PROTIP: When someone accuses you of jealously there is pretty much nothing you can say that doesn't reinforce the accusation.

    So when you write some based on nothing people should just ignore it, yet you can't same to do that yourself. You really make it easy for yourself don't you.

    Can you tell the difference between someone having the capacity to lie (which we all possess) and actually lying? That USAF people can lie is not the issue, its whether they are lying about this

    You say he has the capability to lie, yet jump write up to claim he is credible (and again, i didn't even say he lied, he exaggerated in my opinion).

    So the religeon and politics were just added context? what am I missing?

    When someone states that Europe made crimes on the world since AD, i feel i have to explain that most of those crimes were made in the name of God. That is just a historic fact. if you want to label that as a 'religious rant', be my guest.

    But you can accuse me of whatever you like if that makes you feel better. You told me I could quote you, I did, and then you got upset again. Make up your mind. One second you didn't do any of that and then the next it was "well I did, but..." How about instead of continually trying to justify bringing a bunch of nationalism, conspiracy, politics, and religion into it, you just apologize and stop digging yourself deeper?

    Just because you take simple explainations about the reasons of wrongdoings in the past and immidiatly claim they are religious rants, and take terms like 'propaganda', which is still being practised on a daily base in many nation, to be nationalist i should follow you in that.

    And it's funny how you than claim that i accuse you of 'whatever' when you do nothing but accuse me.

  13. Wow that all sure sounds like:

    "political/conspiratorial/nationalist/religious rant"?

    The point is, you took a simple thread and completely demolished it and took it off the rails by ignoring the very basic rules of General Discussion. And you don't seem to get that. So whether you are right wrong or indifferent, it doesn't belong here. You filled the entire thread with noise and disputed claims by credible people with zero evidence or experience of your own, other than your own paranoia. This is ARC. Not the StreetStream Forum.

    I took it off the rails? Why? Because i have a hard time believing that story and voiced my opinion? And that other people emmidiatly jumped on me because my opinion doesn't fit their story? And what is your comment that anyone who states something bad about the F22 is ofcourse jealous? And than you go and emmidiatly claim that US air force personel are credible. So in your opinion thay can't lie or even embellish a story? Because that's all i stated, that the F-22 can stalk a F4, but in my opinion some details may have been added to make the story sound cooler. Something i mentioned multiple times. And yes i dair ask questions about an unverifiable story, no matter how many times you say that air force personel are credible. That sure makes me paranoia.

    Also, one question. Who's comment derailed this topic? Little hint, it's yours.

  14. Is Paul Walker even dead? Or do you believe whatever people claim? Where is your stringent burden of proof for this story? Where is the Video!

    Waaw look at how much conspiracy i suspected there. Jus because i claim that when they make a press release they wanted to make that press release and it didn't happen by accident. And look at all the religious BS i spew there because i pointed out the source of many mistakes Europe made in the past (crusades) which are cause by religion. How dare i claim the US air force personel can lie. Man that has conspiracy written all over it.

    Funny that you don't make statements like that about quotes like this

    I was never implying that Americans are better or morally superior. What I am saying is that you need to differentiate the difference between a people and their government. The American people have been an undeniable blessing to the world. Period. Why? I'm not sure. I would guess that it has to do with America's Judeo/Christian foundation. But clearly that foundation has been compromised and something terrible is happening in the US as we are all witnessing now.

    Could it be because this one is pro-america where i had the nerve to question a story told by a US air force official?

  15. How could you take a simple USAF press release about the F-22 and turn it into a political/conspiratorial/nationalist/religious rant?

    Are you actually starting with this again?

    You really want to take my view of an embellished story and make it sound like i was on a "political/conspiratorial/nationalist/religious rant"? You seriously are trying to make that claim?

  16. So you hate both Europeans and Americans. What does that mean? That it justifies your hatred for Ameticans since you hate Europeans as well. That you're just too cool for any of them?

    Yes, that's litteraly what i wrote. Please quote me where i said i hate both americans and Europeans.

    What i stated is that every influential nation in the world makes mistakes. Yet you don't see me saying things like

    The people of the US have been a beacon of hope, freedom, industry, charity, ingenuity, faith, and many other things for 200+ years

    And i don't verbaly attack someone when they claim that a citizin of my country boasted a story.

    I also don't demand respect because of valiant actions performed by older generations who happend to share my nationality.

    I only voiced on personal opion, which as a citizin of a country that prides itself on freedom of speech you should appreciate. You don't have to agree with me, but as far as i know, disbelieving a story doesn't constitute insulting an whole nation which some of you claim i did, now does it?

    So yes, if confronted by such people i will rise to confrontation.

  17. Ahh yes, there it is. The disdain for Americans you were so speciously trying to mask behind a veil of disbelief earlier. Doesn't it feel good to just let all out?

    Ah, maybe you missed this quote

    The people of the US have been a beacon of hope, freedom, industry, charity, ingenuity, faith, and many other things for 200+ years.

    That's the other side of it. It is statements like that that create the disdain you accuse me of showing. But hey, it's just

    coïncidence that you missed that quote and saw mine, isn't it?

    And let's not forget you missed this one by yours truly.

    Trust me, i'm not making that mistake. You are absolutly right that Europe is f"cking things up just as much as the US is

  18. Make no mistake about it friend...the Europeans have been creating a world of chaos for the last 2500 years. Your governments were screwing up the world long before the US even existed.

    Trust me, i'm not making that mistake. You are absolutly right that Europe is f"cking things up just as much as the US is. Personnaly, i blame religion (or better the misuse of it).

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