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Everything posted by streetstream

  1. I'm just going to reply one last time and than i'm going to drop this because it is too stupid to waste any more time on it. You seem to be thinking that the US protects all the world and therefor we should be gratefull. The fact is, you created a world of chaos and are now trying to fight that chaos and act like a hero. So don't even think i owe you any respect for that. I do however respect all the soldiers who fought in WW2. This includes the US, but also all other nations especially those who fought it from the start. So would i have respect for your father who fought in WW2. Yes. Shou
  2. You actually believe i should show respect to all americans because some americans came over here and fought a battle. The drugdealer around the corner? Show him respect. A guy who beats his wife, but is an American? Show him respect. You are out of your mind. The same about what family members of you did. You didn't do that so you can't begin to act like i owe your family. And as for your facts checking, what year did the US enter the war? People fought that war before your involvement too. Also the germans lost about 3,8 million soldiers. More than 2,1 million are at the eastern front. Check
  3. Actually, the fact that you even think that the US keeps the world safe is sad to hear. Also, in ww2, the sovjets and British did way more than the US did. If the sovjets hadn't kicked #ss on the eastern front, D-Day would have been a failure. As for showing respect, i will always have respect for people who fought in the war. Some how i don't think you did that, so i don't owe you anything. And claiming that i'm anti-american becuase i don't believe one story an american said is just dumb. So don't start with the whole saving your butt again, because it is people like you why americans get
  4. Like a mentioned before, i'm not arguing that the F-22 can't stalk a F4. Heck, if a purpose built 90's plane can't do that to a 50's relic it would be pretty sad. I'm stating that adding the conversation that supposedly took place sounds over the top. Admit that most people emmidiately pictured Top Gun in mind. And if you don't think that movie is way over the top, god help you. Again, flying beneath a enemy plane is plausible, yet stupid. Having that conversation: less plausible.
  5. You seem to ignore my request to explain the story about Jessica lynch. There too was an amazing story about a dairing rescue and amazing bravery. What happend there? That's Always the mistake made in PR. Adding too much sauce. If they just told the truth right away, people still would be amazed at the amount of effort done to rescue her. But that wasn't enough now, was it?
  6. What do you think about the lack of facts?
  7. Why would you lie about an event that makes you look badass? Why did the pentagon lie abou Jessica Lynch? But hey, keep believing everything you are told. That's the way they like it.
  8. Funny to see how you keep claiming that these are facts because the 'Chief of fracking Staff of the AF' said it. Wow, and we all know that a person it that possition can't ever lie. Like a i said many times before, all you have is stories. Just so this doesn't string along, you can believe your story, and i will believe mine.
  9. It's real easy to claim things and than not release HUD footage out of clossification limitations. I also never said planes can't fly close and underneat each other. Otherwise aireal refuelling would never work. I said it isn't smart to do it underneath a plane that doesn't know you are there. About the pictures, how do you even know what i would claim? You build your case on a story. You think you can't convince people if the story came with HUD footage and recordings of the pilots communicating? We have different opinions on this. BTW, i never claimed it couldn't be done, i think a f-2
  10. First of all, i did not say it is BS, i said that it sounds like BS. Now let me make a few arguments here. The story made it to the press, so somehow they wanted it to make it to the press. Than i ask myself, why won't they show a nice video to go along with it? Or a tape recording of the conversation. You're only basing it on stories and the fact that F-22's are in the area. I'm not saying that an F-22 couldn't do it, i'm saying i have my doubts that it happend like desciped. Another thing, why risk flying beneath a F4? If it descended into you, you would have a collision and an internation
  11. Not to be an overly pedantic A""hole, but how do you know that? And please don't say it's because it was released to the press and the pilot gave an interview.
  12. Sorry, but this whole story smells like BS. It has propaganda written all over it.
  13. Yes, i should have put that in my Original post.
  14. Today i got my A350-900 and 2 A330-300's. First findings: No matter how many times i tried convincing myself that the A350 is a big plane, i was still surprised to see how big it is compared to the A330. And a second thing that surprised me is how huge the engines are compared too the A330.
  15. Why is this topic called "about the MIG 31 Firefox"?
  16. Indeed, and we can all make us feel better by saying that they got killed doing what they loved, but that is little comfort to those who just lost a husband, son, father, ...
  17. I just started to read this sentence and thought i made a huge blunder.
  18. Here is a link to the article. http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss_news/Military_fighter_jet_crashes_in_central_Switzerland.html?cid=37177294 The pilot and a passenger :S are still missing.
  19. I noticed this too, but seeing what they are trying to do for the late Fred Shammas, i didn't know if it would be appropriat ton make a joke. And i'm not saying this to shoot you down, i actually don't know if it could be seen as disrespectful.
  20. The spacing of the blades of the tailrotor seem wrong.
  21. Actually they won the Nobel prize in Physics, not the Nobel Peace Prize in Physics. And furthermore, François Englert is Belgian, not Swiss.
  22. OK, it's not just me. Really annoying when ik can't find the link to the forums.
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