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About prush

  • Rank
    Canopy Polisher
  • Birthday 07/07/1949

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Bass Fish
    RC car Racing
    Viet Nam era helicopter modeling
  1. Says it is not available until Feb 28 and they have ALREADY taken all the orders they can fill It May be July before the regular Joe can get one Sure looks nice tho! Phil
  2. Thanks Steve and OLD BLIND DOG!! It appears there really ARE dumb questions!!! You guys are absolutely correct!! I misunderstood the instructions...1st, I was thinking prop spinners, but I really was looking at the nose cone. 2nd I thought they meant to mix paint "40% this and 60% that, when they were acually telling me that 40 % of the cone was painted one color and 60% was painted another color. I really feel stupid about this, thanks for fixing me up. Phil
  3. Thanks....great info. Everything that i have READ" suggestes the colors were shades of green. To me....those pictures look like shades of brown / tan. Is that my color blindness??..or is brown and tan shades correct? phil
  4. I have googled for info on color, and looked at as many pictures as possible, but keeping in mind that the pictures of WW2 uniforms are 65+ years old, and the fact that I am color blind makes determining colors very difficult for me. What I am looking for is the proper color for US Army Air Force in WW-2 I want to add figures to a Dio with 2 - P-38s in a maintenance enviroment. I will have an Officer or 2 as well as enlisted maintenance guys. I understand that Army uiforms were green, but I see pictures of what appears to be dark tan uniforms also. Please understand that dark green, dark
  5. prush

    PSP planking

    Get some burnt umber, or black paint and load onto a small brush. "Flick the brush to "drop" the paint onto the PSP plating to simulate oil drops and smears. Flick the brush like you would flick a cigerette to knock off the ashes. If it were me, I would would apply some brown, or rust color.....randomly and lightly. When I do mine, I apply DULLCOTE as the final finish and am quite happy with it. phil
  6. GOT IT ! After doing what I should have done in the 1st place...GOOGLE....I see that the plane had yellowish spinners, so I am assuming that the intention is to mix 40% silver with gloss yellow to get the desired yellowish color. Phil
  7. If anyone has built, or is familiar with the Academy P-38 (European Theater), I have a question. As you know, they reference paint colors by numbers inside a black triangle on the instructions, then you must locate the index to find out the color. Example .. # 1 (in a black triangle) might be silver #2 ( in a black triangle might be interior green. Well, in this kit they reference the color of the prop nose as a combination (40% #1 and 60% #15) In this case, #1 is silver, but they only have 14 colors listed!!! There is no #15, or at maybe they just hid it from me My
  8. I sure am glad you asked this question. I have the exact same issues, and use the exact same technique that you do. (spotting the glue instead of running a bead) The video this is posted in the response just ahead of mine is exellant and made me feel like a fool. I KNEW how to do the stuff when I was a kid, and now am learning it all over. What I do is glue the seam, like you do, then when it isnt perfect (never is) I run a small bead of CA (with toothpick and immediately apply CA accelerator (with toothpick). Then, I sand the seam immediately to close it up. its a lot of work and not t
  9. Thanks guys. I am not looking for anythiing specific, just a "real" P-38 in a OD scheme. I have a set of Super Scale decals for the Pacific Theater (I built a "Pacific Prowler"),,, but I have in mind doing a couple European aircraft. I may do 1 in BMF, but definately want to do one in OD, possibly with the "Invasion Stripes" If one of you guys can help me out, I DO have PayPal, and am in the United States (Virginia) thanks Phil
  10. I seem to be coming up empty,, finding what I am looking for, so I am hoping you guys can help me. I need decals (other than what comes in the kit),, for (2)Academy P-38s, 1/72 scale. European Theater. I am builing 2 birds I need decals that work for the OD paint scheme. Actually, I found some reviews for some that I like....(TALLY HO 172-049), but evidently the Tally Ho decals are not available anymore. Thannks for any help Phil
  11. prush

    P-38 paint question

    Well, I guess Im finished. As I mentoned, I had already shot Acrylic Aluminum and was not happy with it, as it left a "tecture" that I didnt like. I covered that with MM non-buffing aluminum and it still didnt do what i wanted. When I shot the non-buff alim on bare plastic, it was perfect, but not when I covered the acrylic paint. I made a LOT of mistakes on this build, so am doing another to correct the sloppy work I did on this one. Thanks to everyone for their comments.
  12. Im building a 1/72 Academy P-38 and am WAAAAAY out of my comfort zone, both, with the scale (1/72) and tthe subject. (Im a helicopter guy normally) I want to start doing some war birds, hopefully in 1/72, and this is my 1st attemt. I am attempting to build the "Pacific Prowler" with bare metal finish. My question is...what paint color (in my stash) most resembles the natural metal finish? I sprayed it with Model Master Aluminum Acrylic, but it just doesnt look right to me. The color is ok, but the paint has a "glitter" finish to it that doesnt seem right. Am I ok with this color, or shou
  13. Evergreen has some, but it is also about $17 per sheet. I bet Plastruct has it a lot cheaper. http://www.plastruct.com/
  14. Thanks I shelved this thing about 2 weeks ago, realizing what a monster I created. After visiting a local contest, I was struck by how much I was impressed with the "small" dioramas. My intent now, is to dismantle this monster and use the pad only. The foilage can be used in other ways. thanks for the comment.
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