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Diamondback Six

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About Diamondback Six

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    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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  1. Serve 'em right if after all the crap the Maple Leaf's dumped on it Boeing said "No Toys For You," and then after seeing the nuisance of dealing with Ottawa Saab did the same thing, leaving only the choice of "F-35 or Off The Team Like Turkey." Trudeau crapped his bed, now he can sleep in it...
  2. Don't you mean "a helluva sting"? :p
  3. Frankly, re F-15 if it was me I'd just take 'em all apart and swap Mudhen longerons into the whole fleet--the E and derivatives have to absorb much more stress anyway, so using overstrength parts for the C's mission set would allow a better safety-margin for pushing the envelope in combat, especially with the addition of -229 or -232 engines to offset the slight added weight--if a clean E with 229s can move, a lighter and cleaner C with 3K# thrust MORE per engine should be even better.
  4. Did you guys hear we're not gonna have the Hot Dog Vendor "SME" to kick around much longer? Seems Gawker, FA/Jalopnik's parent company, got hit with bankrupting punitives on the Hulk Hogan lawsuit. On the one hand, liquidation may teach them a thing or two... on the other hand I'm having nightmares about the Hulkster trying to take over FA and talk mil/tech toys without seeming even more of an idiot. Oh BTW, on design flaws, how bout the known under-strength (I mean, corner-cut and not even made to contracted design spec) F-15 longerons that McDickless Douchebags was paid megabucks to fix ba
  5. Perhaps an easier approach would be to post the sprue-maps of the existing kit, and see if we can leave any sprues un-changed.
  6. I know Wings of War gamers who would kill to go up against that beast... Thorsten and I have exchanged correspondence about converting his P into a Q. Beautiful model! Trivial note: the Q gains a full gas-cell (10m) just ahead of the tail-taper, and a 5m half-cell somewhere in the front, relative to the P. Before the Airship Modeler site died, Zeppelin expert Andreas Horn and I exchanged a few notes and he sent me some of his notes from his own research in the Zeppelin archives.
  7. I'm gonna ditto almost everything the guys above have said, since my personal wish (Tomcat 21 concept) is Snowball in Hell.
  8. Stupid question--been away a while and not sure if this is the best place to stick it, so apologies if I've goofed and I'd appreciate a redirect. :) Two questions... 1. Anything new in F-15 conversion parts, like for the SA or SG with those trapezoid sensor housings next to the rear cockpit? 2. Anyone have any data about those 1/9 and 2 Main/8 Main dual-rails that SA is carrying? My gut would say to just use the off-the-shelf rig used on Hornets if it works, but this being Defense Procurement we know how they love to reinvent the wheel for that extra bit of profit.
  9. Have I not said before, speaking from professsional experience *as* a Recovering Journo, that "Journalistic Ethics" is an oxymoron, and anyone who still believes the charade of them is half of one?
  10. Is that like that sniper meme about "Smile... Wait For Flash"? :) lol
  11. DC, both civil and military, is like a toilet bowl: the biggest and fattiest turds float to the top, and it's overdue for a flush.
  12. ROFLMAO! Especially with how LEGO Fanboiz can rival the most rabid Hornet Mafia Cultists in the Bitchy Little Girl department... seriously, apparently there's an unposted First Commandment on some sites about "Thou Shalt Never Criticize the Holy LEGO in Even The Slightest Most Trivial Way."
  13. Even LEGO's hopping onto the F-35 bandwagon... Though it's been modified into a two-seater, and the colors are a near-ripoff of 1984 Transformers Thundercracker... LOL
  14. Not a 5G guru, but I'd venture that existing AWACS/JSTARS will still have a niche... the F-35s can't be everywhere and bird-dog everything for everybody even when deployed in quantity, so the big old buses will still have a place feeding data to the older fighters until they're fully replaced. Think "Local" vs. "Regional" coverage--and I'd also expect the older birds to pick up a new role as relays and data-processors to help assemble and distribute the Big Picture. Just an Armchair Analyst's two cents though--I would say Guarded Optimism is the order of the day. Also, Cuda and other next
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