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Whisky Papa

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About Whisky Papa

  • Rank
    Glue Required
  • Birthday 05/16/1955

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Geesthacht, Germany
  • Interests
    scale modeling, Music (playing piano or guitar), handball

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  1. I knew it looked familiar: I must have come across c/n 683D-7205 when I served at Eggebek... 😂 "... Same goes for stencils on fuselage, they were not provided by Revell... ": Which set did you use? The 04344-sets in my stash (2005-boxing) contain decal sheets with 120-odd decals/stencils. Nice built, by the way 👍WP
  2. Maybe this helps you with the window count (Revell):
  3. Ah well, according to wiki no Kormorans with the Dutch Air Force. Only Marineflieger and Marina Militare got them.
  4. Report of a bail out: "A very dense flock of geese brought the engine of "my" 104 to an end with banging and puffing. A few seconds later, the speed was so low that the only motto I could think of was: Let's get out now. Thought - done. A loud bang, a sharp draft, a few turns around, I don't know which axis, stabilization, slow, steady descent. Ah - it works. This realization is heart-warming in the truest sense. Above me the parachute bulging and round, breathing mask off, activate life jacket, down there burns black and red "my" plane, feet together, knees bend, look at the horizon and
  5. Nope. Video (Luftwaffe, but still...). ... and don't forget the pin! 😁
  6. AS.34 Kormoran: First flight tests took place in 1969 with the F-104G and series production started in 1973. So very likely Kormoran went with Martin-Baker.
  7. @serendip: I've got some Open Office tables containing the planes employed by MFG 2. Lots of dead links, because they're internal to our forum, but the external ones should work. They lead to pics of "our" starfighters on the net (at least to those I found). You can contact me via PM or check flugzeugforum.de. Since one of the mods' nik there is TF-104G, you could place your question regarding Kormorans on TFs there as well (https://www.flugzeugforum.de/forums/vom-original-zum-modell.208/). We're even able to decipher messages encoded by google translate. On the other hand: those who served wi
  8. The pic of 26+67 by Joop de Groot (1992) was taken well after the plane had been decommissioned in 1989 (explains the sorry state), the one by Mark an der Fliet even later. For its history look here. For training purposes the pilots went out on two-ship missions: element Alpha carrying the Kormoran, making a bee line after deployment, element Bravo guiding the missile towards the target until it homed in, then taking to its heels. I was allowed to try out element Bravos's task myself in the squadron's AS.34 simulator. Not without success, I might add 😁. Jens
  9. RAL 9006 by Hataka or Weinert. No need to change the topic, MFG is short for Marinefliegergeschwader. In my days (mid-70s) there were MFG 1, MFG 2, MFG 3 and MFG 5. MFG 1 + 2 were equipped with Starfighters (Fighter/Bomber, RF and TF), MFG 3 chasing subs with Breguet Atlantic and MFG 5 had Seakings and Do 28-D2. Regarding the Kormoran issue you could ask some old codger in the MFG 2 facebook group: there should be someone there in the know. 🙂 Jens
  10. Since ve are Germans zere is a norm, of course: Top RAL 7012 Basaltgrau Belly RAL 9006 Weissaluminium Inlet RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz More info you'll find here, but according to the old Doncolor-files the colors mentioned above should be correct. RAL ~ "Reichsausschuss für Lieferbedingungen“ (founded 23.04.1925), today it's called "RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung e.V." Neither have I, but I only spent a year in 2./MFG2... Saw a Kormoran sitting on the runway once, though, appearently came loose just before take off. O
  11. "Bundesmarine" in those (my) days. For the history of German starfighters check 916-starfighter. Jens
  12. Unfortunately out of stock and not to be reprinted, as they've told me... EDIT: ... wrong scale. What about 1/72?
  13. There is the authentic airliners BAC1-11 (currently out of stock), which can be jazzed up with a set of wings with extended flaps (available).
  14. There are summer holidays till September 11th in Bavaria...
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