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About Hertem

  • Rank
    Glue Required

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  • Location
    Tampa, Fl

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  1. Looks like some of the verbiage on the F-104 site has the name listed as "Slosher" and "Slosher No II" after the repair.
  2. I'm in on the idea of a "then and now" sheet. It would be nice to have the markings it was wearing around the time of the shoot down.
  3. Han's Hobby Shop at Westshore Mail in Tampa. Got my first of many Squadron/Signal books there - F-5 in Action. Always enjoyed looking at all of the completed models hanging from the ceiling.
  4. I have not check this myself but based on these pics on the ResKit Facebook page they seem to fit fairly well:
  5. Head the warnings and stay away! Case opened with PayPal. I contact PayPal via IM shortly after the order was placed and the authorization was still pending to point out some discrepancies and my concerns but they didn't seem to concerned about it. I would have thought they would have been a little more proactive on their side but it was more of a if things don't work out contact us. Well they have been contacted
  6. Hi Glynn, Took a chance and rolled the dice. Placed an order and paid with PayPal. I will let you know how it goes. Michael
  7. Not sure how long it will last. Still 20 in stock. Tamiya 1/72 F-16 CJ Fighting Falcon Kit $10.97 http://www.amazon.com/Tamiya-F-16-Fighting-Falcon-Kit/dp/B00TDN0WJO
  8. Based on the photos that I have seen I'm pretty sure the tank colors are F.S.34102 Medium green. F.S.34092 has a much greener appearance to it and the tanks are more the olive toned medium green. The pics on Habu2's site show some good examples of this.
  9. Aren't the CFT intakes already included with current release? I don't believe they are mentioned in the instructions. Link to sprue image
  10. They are yours. Paypal is fine. ICEMAN63755@GMAIL.COM. Sorry, forgot how to use private messaging. Another senior moment. Thanks, Mike

  11. Hertem


    I was planing on doing 76033 from the Twobobs sheet, but if you have pictures that include crew names and tail numbers that would certainly open the possiblity of doing a differnt aircraft. Thanks in advance.
  12. Hertem


    Those top shots would be very helpful if you could find them. The link you provided is very helpful. I noticed that the picture of 75072 in the hanger has the ECM antenna on the tail boom. Do you know if this is an exception or did any other 125th aircraft receive this upgrade?
  13. Hertem


    Thanks for the info. I am building a Florida ANG bird form the Hasegawa kit and the TwoBobs decals and was not sure if I needed to modify this area or not. Pictures of this part of the aircraft seem to be difficult to come by. This one, although not totally clear, seems to back up your information since it still has the original fairing. I have Jake's book and it is excellent, but it doesn't really address this area. Thanks again to everyone who assisted with this.
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