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About mark31

  • Rank
    Rivet Counter
  • Birthday 03/27/1976

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  1. Hello im doing some resaerch about the czech hips. Now i found the fly with the Mi-171S but in two versions. The feul tanks are the bigger than the normal mi-8? I will start from the hobbyboss kit. Thanks Mark
  2. Now only to find me a AH-6J and the are not easy to find. Everywhere sold out Mark
  3. Great work so far nice to see all the parts are comming toghether. Mark
  4. Hé Floyd recievd my set yesterday and i must say woooooooow. Great job on this set. Today i will take a closer look at the parts at the moment i have only one small part broken but notting that i can fix. Mark
  5. So far I know there is no conversion set out to make this version. A good book is out from wwp publications. I'm looking forward to your build have also one in stash. Mark
  6. I dondt whant to hijack the tread. Are there many difrences between the E and the G version? I have found a nice walk around but its the G version. Many Thanks Mark
  7. I have sanded the feuselage and removed the vapor cycle cooling system so i can add some detail to it. Next i dryfit the tailplanes Im still thinking to remove the wing joints from the feusalage and move them back by 1 cm. With the drawings ihave the are in the wrong place. Mark
  8. Many thanks. Small updat the fuse halfs togheter and filled with foam. Next up filling sanding cutting and scribbing. Mark
  9. Great work on your F-16. I love the colours on the Greek planes u can make them real dirty. Looking forward to see more.. Mark
  10. Thanks finaly abit of progress life and work gota lot in the way. net job sanding,painting and adding rivets. Mark
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