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Ryan Hothersall

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About Ryan Hothersall

  • Rank
    Full Blown Model Geek
  • Birthday 06/07/1982

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  • Interests
    Aviation (real and model aeroplanes), weather watching, computers and photography.

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  1. Built as a Cuban aircraft using Aztec Decals sheet No 72-049. Simple build no problems with the Italeri kit. Topside colours are SMS PL78 green and SMS PL101 blue with SMS PL104 grey white on the underside. No issues with the Aztec decals. Build progress video
  2. The old KP MiG-15UTI built in Czechoslovak markings. It's an old kit, so fit isn't the best in places, especially the canopy. It needs a lot of weight in the nose, I didn't put in enough. Overall SMS PMT09 Aluminium for final coat. Since this kit is quite old, the decals didn't look that good, so used decals from the spares file. They mostly worked, but one of the serial numbers broke up. Build Progress video
  3. This is the latest boxing of this kit with special Polish and Russian markings. Not an overly complex kit this one, so build is quite straightforward. I found some photos of Polish MiG-29s armed with a mixed load of AA-8 and AA-11 missiles, so hade to go digging in the spared box for the AA-11s and associated pylons. Used SMS PL121 grey and SMS PL80 grey on upper side and SMS PL54 grey on underside. Insignia decals went on without issue, but the big badge decal wasn't so easy as it is in three parts and while cutting it out, I cut the corner off one bit.
  4. Built in current day Iraqi markings using the kit decals. Not a bad build, but like all KP kits, no locating pins etc and needs a bit of filler in places. Mk 82 bombs are out of the spares box. Colours used were SMS PL108 grey and SMS PL121 grey on upper side and SMS PL27 grey on the underside. No issues with the kit decals. Build Progress Video
  5. Getting around to a 21st century Phoenix replacement?.
  6. Since it’s a what if, how about a what if missile?. get a KH-31 or something and cut the middle out and stick the ends back together to make something that fits.
  7. Nicely built. Good to see these older kits.
  8. I don't feel too bad now knowing someone else has had similar issues with decals from that manufacturer.
  9. The 1:72 Trumpeter kit of the Su-24M built in the later Ukrainian markings. This is a fairly modern kit with lots of parts. Build wise it's pretty good, but the forward fuselage and rear fuselage can be a bit tricky to line up. Canopy is not a good fit in the closed position. Base colour on upper side is SMS PL104 Grey White and underside colour is SMS PL93 Blue Grey. Since I wanted the current day digital camo, I decided to try Authentic Decals Digital Fencers sheet. This is where my real big problems began... First decal fell apart as soon as it went in
  10. The new KP MiG-19 built in Iraqi markings. Not a bad kit, but the cannon barrels aren't the best fit. Generally went together ok. Overall SMS PMT 09 aluminium. Decals are from Linden Hill Iraqi Fighters sheet No LHD72019. Build progress video.
  11. No I am not tripping out on some weird planet... Vars are not my usual subject. I built is as part of the yearly Secret Santa build we hold every year at the South Australian Plastic Modellers Association club. Members bring an unwanted kit, wrapped up and everyone takes a number and picks the kit with that number on it and what they get is to be built for the next meeting in the new year. Usually the February meeting. Whoever had the kit before me didn't have the proper instructions, just some poorly photocopied ones. Since I have never built a car before... Plu
  12. Same here. I build 1:72 jets so I agree with you on keeping everything to a constant scale.
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