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About HERC164

  • Rank
    Canopy Polisher
  • Birthday May 22

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  • Location
    Buckeye State

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  1. Nice looking mill work, cant wait to see the final product. Ty
  2. I should have remembered that, went back an read Steve's build, Great job on all the details on this Herc, hopefully we'll see more Herc from you! I am amazed how fast you are able to get outstanding done so quickly! Best Regards- Ty
  3. This is fabulous, love the German Herc! Outstanding work!
  4. Great seeing another C-130 build. Allow me to share information on the windows, cargo doors etc. All A models have the 4 windows forward of the gear sponsons. These windows were deleted on the B model and all subsequent C-130 models. The Forward Cargo Door was on all A and B models, and the first 16 E models, yes, all the 1961 models (tail numbers 61-2358 through 61-2373). 62-1784 was the first without the Forward Cargo Door. The permeant sealing of the Forward Cargo Door took place in the first half of 1964, after a B model aircraft lost the Forward Cargo Door, and crew member inflight in ear
  5. Steve, Glad to hear you got some good weather to work on the display base. Look forward to seeing it finished, of course if your weather is like the weather here it may take until July to get enough good days. Great seeing your work. Ty
  6. Awesome, I have the German J models on my list to do. Very excited when Germany selected the C-130's Watching this with great interest, your amazing work on the -135 series is impressive and now doing my favorite aircraft, could not ask for more. I am working on a Zvezda H model, so we will see how that goes, since I haven't done a model in 30+ years. Just a question on the Chaff/Flare air deflector horseshoes, those are included in all the Zvezda C-130 kits, part numbers H66 and H67, you didn't use the ones from the kit? Again great work so far and look forward to more. Best regards
  7. Steve, Fantastic work on the spinning props, I can almost smell the JP-8. Looking forward to your finished props, as you are quite the stickler for the details. Very impressive work! Ty
  8. Beautiful work here Steve! A master class in modeling, painting and decals. Your ability to identify and to correct the missing details and kit shortfalls is amazing. I really hate to see this build end, although I do look forward to seeing the completed gunship. I have learned a great deal from following your Ghostrider, and need to get started on my C-130's, rather than just collecting. Thank you for sharing your adventure!
  9. Steve, Masterful work here! I am impressed with your skills, and hope that my kits turn out half as nice as yours. Of course 1 of the 5 kits in the stash have the flat windscreen ( the last one I ordered from Poland). Will have to check all of the other H, J, J-30's kits in the stash. You are correct on the black paint on the wing, just a visual aid icing indicator. You are really hitting all the details, and cant wait to see more of your work on your Ghostrider! Getting close now. Any ideas for the walkways? I know the kit decals are too dark, I will check the stash of d
  10. Steve, Great work on the Ghostrider! She is really looking great! massive amounts of work accomplished since I last checked in, you're almost to finished already! Again Outstanding job!! Cant wait to see more.
  11. Outstanding work on the antenna details! She's really is looking like the Ghostrider now! Can't wait to see more. Keep up the outstanding work!
  12. Ugly, never! The most Beautiful aircraft to ever fly! Steve- Great work on the reinforcement areas, and other external details, really looking good now!
  13. Steve- Great catch on the details, the firing HUD, the right side blister and the beaver tail. Looking really great so far! Looking forward to more.
  14. Beautiful job on this one! Great modification into the Combat Sent!
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