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fool on the hill

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About fool on the hill

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  1. I once wished to see builds of an F111 prototype in the gray white scheme. (so much more elegant than SEA camouflage) The response was quick. So build one! OK, so I've switched to 1/72 for modern jets and can now afford a passable F111. I read once the F111A prototypes were painted in gull gray, not Air Force (ADC?) gray. Might just as well paint it the right color. I've looked online, seen some bluish gray, some that Navy beige gray. The color difference might just be Kodachrome or Ektachrome film. Anybody out there really KNOW which color they were???
  2. I need to print up some codes for a Spit XVIe. I know the USAF font is 'Amarillo' and I've downloaded and used it but does anybody know what font is used for WWII Brit fuselage codes and serial numbers?
  3. Revell 1/48 F 14 - comes packed in gold nuggets? Revell 1:48 F-14D Super Tomcat Brand New $300.00 Buy It Now Free Shipping
  4. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-48-Spitfire-Mk-XVIe-Aircraft-NIB/390334701508?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  5. It happens to me often. My current solution is to put the thing away and come back to it later. Sometimes disasters later are just things to be fixed that don't seem near as catastrophic. My Achilles heel is using super glue that sticks to everything in a nanosecond - except the thing I'm trying to attach. ESPECIALLY GEAR DOORS !!! with their poor locating points.
  6. I cruise the model listings on the bay regularly. I find neat stuff sometimes. BUT I often find ridiculous pricing too. I just saw a Monogram 1/48 Helldiver listed at $58.00! Are these people just really ill informed or do they do this deliberately to influence average pricing? ( I once had a boss who said he wanted to be the man selling $50 hot dogs. He said you won't sell many - but at $50 how many you gotta sell?)
  7. http://www.tcpglobal.com/ABD-TC-18.html#.WYdiZrpFzIV I've been shopping recently myself. I'm looking into this unit. From what I've seen, some of the 'quiet' units are super expensive.
  8. If you binge on 956's and 962's as I did for a while these might come in handy. Windshields, bodies, wheels & tires. seats, floor pans... all kinds of stuff.
  9. The only place they're available is the Fujimi Carrera 2 or 928. I'll do wheels or a scrapped kit for parts. Need them to build my 1989 944 turbo S from the Hasegawa kit.
  10. Thank you. I'm not having trouble finding the stuff, I'm recommending it. It is, however, an automotive specialty item. It's really 'hot' . I attached a plastic lab pipette to the nozzle with vinyl tape and after a couple days it melted the tape! P.S. Handsome woof!
  11. Everybody's familiar with zinc chromate green but there's also (I think) a zinc chromate yellow. Where was it used?
  12. Now that I'm retired I'm on a modeling binge. I've decided to build a Mosquito in an all black night fighter scheme and it's my first all black build. I need some tips on shading and weathering a black airframe. By the way, I've found a satin black paint that is exceptional. It's called 'BLACK SATIN' by Mar Hyde. It's an automotive coating for black auto trim. It's thin, so thin that any surface flaw shows through. It dries quickly. Only available in spray cans, but decanting is not that big a deal. It's available on the Bay or at many automotive outlets.
  13. I incorrectly listed it as Hobby Boss and the site won't let me correct it. It's an auction, starting at a realistic price, but my listing mistake is keeping it from showing up in some searches. All parts bagged and still sealed, instructions and original decals for many nations. search 1/72 Caribou.
  14. I'm a firm believer in using the mildest wash finish that works. The idea of ruining a finish by damaging it with an oil or solvent doesn't sit well with me. It still needs a thin gloss coat. Not fond of Future so I use Testors glosscoat. It's not needed to protect the paint, it's needed to even out the rough finish of dull paints so that they will not wick up the wash. My wash is made of a bit of lamp black water color from a tube, dissolved in tapwater, with a tiny drop of detergent. The detergent breaks the surface tension of the water so it disburses instead of collecting in droplets. Fina
  15. Sounds to me like they're discontinuing the whole line, just one type at a time so they can sell off the back stock, then discontinue that line. I expect that eventually there will be a big clearance sale of the odd straggler stock - passion purple mango metal flake and dog poo sepia.
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