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  1. I'm more focused on the orbiter from the movie, not the actors. As many space buffs said, the film was too dumbed down for the average simpleton to get or not get. I prefer the real deal, technical stuff. I can nitpick the movie apart very easily on what is real and is Hollywood BS. I kind of liked the movie, but felt like the others that it was too dumbed down. I'm more with the real NASA guys and Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson on making it scientifically accurate instead of for "Joe Average". If they don't get the more accurate stuff well too bad. Besides this model will end up being part of
  2. What type of tubing did you use for the RCS thrusters?
  3. After seeing the movie I decided to build this fictional orbiter. This was a guide showing the concept design of the vehicle. http://payload205.cargocollective.com/1/2/79464/6404772/explorer-wire_905.jpg http://payload205.cargocollective.com/1/2/79464/6404772/01_1.jpg http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/006/961/17/N000/000/004/138754399586760081225.jpg http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/006/961/17/N000/000/004/138754394574508170225.jpg The only thing I didn't add is the hole in the cabin. I also need to open the aft fuselage as much of the right side is torn off. Any advice for thi
  4. This model is a great help for my new project of making shuttle Explorer from the movie Gravity. :) http://payload205.cargocollective.com/1/2/79464/6404772/explorer-wire_905.jpg
  5. The stringer detail isn't right and also the aft cone of the third stage isn't at all accurate.
  6. I'd like that kit to be the same price as the Revell/Monogram shuttle stack kits. Then I'd consider getting Energia/Buran.
  7. You could just make conversion parts to do that as the pads all look identical save for the vehicle access arms towers that went to the top of the rocket. The photos on your site showing the different pads show this. Will the circular pad rotate? Here is a cool vid about the launch pads. At 9:38 you see the entire complex rotating. I've thought of scratchbuilding one,but I am stuck on how to glue the round rods together to make the main hold down arms.
  8. It's ok dude. :) I am already carving the tiles myself. Thanks for the offer though. :) DutyCat will you be making any other upgrade resin parts for the Revell/monogram shuttle? Realistic landing gear tires would be nice. The model kit version doesn't match the real thing.
  9. Awesome. :) I hope there will be a 1/72 scale version for the Mach 2 kit. (They don't have a Soyuz launcher version yet,but eventually plan to make one) I do have a Mach 2 Luna R7 kit I've converted into Soyuz, but with no launch complex.
  10. Please post photos of the details of this kit. The pre built kit has some nay errors, mainly I see the stringer patterns look identical. Does the new model kit have them look close to the real thing or not?
  11. This makes me want to make a diorama of this. :) I have a spare orbiter left over from years ago. I've been stuck on to make it Enterprise or an on orbit orbiter of the main fleet.
  12. I stumbled on this. Scroll down to the bottom and you will see besides all the anime stuff the Saturn V depicting Apollo 13. http://www.scifijapan.com/articles/2013/04/11/bluefin-bandai-tamashii-nations-releases-for-august-2013/
  13. Awesome. :) I've had trouble with casting resin. It won't go into the thin places. I am trying to make a resin mold of an SRB nozzle and the resin will not fill up the space in the rubber mold without setting too fast and leaving bubbles in places.
  14. Are there any photos of the old discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour as they looked in the 80s and 90s? Up close photos of the AFRSI?
  15. I ask as the OMS engine nozzles on the model kit isn't accurate.
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