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Posts posted by jester292

  1. Wow, I’m surprised. I have to say that the original Eduard A kits have been a joy to build. Detail is excellent and pieces fit like a glove. Only filler was on trailing edge of wing to fuse for (by the flaps because the gap was too large).  The tail is too think where it meets the spine but other than that they are gorgeous kits. And for the price the detail is unbeatable.  Alignment can be tricky but you know how the saying goes: if you take your time it’s a real gem. 


    I know nothing about the Dragon/Trimaster kit but detail looks decent. 


    I highly recommend the Eduard A kits (and all the other Fw 190s they make). 

  2. Educate me on the P-40. What’s the best 1:48 kit out there?  I know of Monogram B, Academy C, Hasegawa E and N, and Mauve M/N (which Eduard reboxed). 

  3. Thanks guys for the replies. I thought it over and decided to purchase the Eduard limited edition “Goodbye Tornado” F.3 ADV.  Its the Revell kit with some extra goodies and a very nice decal sheet. 


    Thanks again for your opinions and information. 

  4. How are the Tornado kits from Revell? Detail? Fit? Engineering? Decals? Shape? 


    I know nothing about the Tornado but looking at the F.3 ADV. Cool looking, would like to buy one!  Not considering Hobby Boss; Revell only. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, dangerdan87 said:


    What I meant by how it could break down over time


    Normal wear and tear, but in my experience tougher than paint (won’t chip or peel), and it’s designed to be walked on (for floor application).  It may not be designed for model making or airbrushing but if you can pin down the variables (pressure, thin coats, etc) it sure works rather nicely. The hard part can be getting consistent results. But it works and sprays beautifully. Seeing as most military aircraft don’t have a high gloss finish, it’s unlikely that Future is your final coat of paint anyway. 


    Edit: Not to mention that Future is “self leveling.”  That’s due to the electronegativity of the ammonia I believe. 

  6. 1 hour ago, dangerdan87 said:

    I don't trust Future/Pledge/et al as a top coat.


    I'll use it to make a gloss surface for decals and weathering, but not as a final finish. My issue is longevity. How will it oxidize over time? Will it stay or will it open up?

    I feel more comfortable using a gloss coat created for models by a reputable brand if I were to use a gloss coat for a final finish.


    Curious to know, chemically, how Future would oxidize. Can you explain? I’m going way back here to my college days, but I don’t think anything in Future would react to exchange electrons (either giving away exothermically or accepting from another element) and go through any oxidization or redox reaction. 

  7. On 4/24/2019 at 2:34 PM, Asann16 said:

    Bill Skinner was my grandfather. Do either of you know where I can access the photographs and narratives he posted? I am looking to aggregate as many of them as possible. Thanks for your help


    PM sent. 

  8. 9 hours ago, Brian P: Fightertown Decals said:

    Kinetic decals are printed by Cartograf and artwork is done by reputable decal companies 👍🏻


    Brilliant. Seems that decals included in kits are getting higher and higher quality. 


    Still think your Fightertown sheet is the best!

  9. 4 hours ago, jelliott523 said:

    I've just recently completed the Kinetic F/A-18C kit, not sure if it was one with the corrected tails or not. Parts of the build werent bad, other issues, such as the nose and the fit of the front windscreen left a lot to be desired. I've just picked up a Hasegawa EA-18G kit, hoping the kit is better.


    Other than the nose, how was it? Generally easy? Decals usable? 

    Hasegawa’s 1:48 Hornets are excellent. Haven’t built the G, but built the C (backdated to an A), E, and have an F in the near future lineup. 

  10. Received my Galaxy F/A-18F decals. Quality appears to be pretty good. Quite glossy but thin and sharp looking.


    Biggest disappointment is that they don’t include stencils. Only markings and national insignia. In addition this particular VF-103 sheet comes with precut masks for the tattered flag outline on the tail which is very nice. 

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